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Aston Villa Kits 23/24


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So we're going to monitor "global reaction" to the new badge? Whose reaction are we monitoring? People are either Villa fans or they aren't and maybe if the internet gets filled with randomers from Upper Umbobo saying they don't like it they'll take their views over those of the fans living within 20 miles of the ground? Bonkers.

The fact that some clubs are popular in the vast Asian market is because they wear red. Nothing else. Absolutely nothing else. We don't wear red. Yet.

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The marketing roll out has been poor.

That video should have been the first piece of content on all Villa platforms..

That would have got us on side.

The statement and release of the photos should have come after..

The video itself is a masterpiece.. Yet i cannot find the video on any Villa platforms??

Edited by Reivax_Villa
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1 minute ago, moose said:

So we're going to monitor "global reaction" to the new badge? Whose reaction are we monitoring? People are either Villa fans or they aren't and maybe if the internet gets filled with randomers from Upper Umbobo saying they don't like it they'll take their views over those of the fans living within 20 miles of the ground? Bonkers.

The fact that some clubs are popular in the vast Asian market is because they wear red. Nothing else. Absolutely nothing else. We don't wear red. Yet.

Come on, everyone knows Villa fans don't live that close to the city centre. Impossible to find a ViLeR in a pub in town.




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Wasnt part of the reasoning for announcing the current badge as one of the final 2 contenders that they thought it (and the Gaslight one) would "respond well on digital media" or something? And now we're announcing that we, erm, aren't going to use it on digital media? Absolutely baffling. As mentioned previously, Heck has clearly seen the badge and vomited all over his laptop.

I wonder to what extent the players are briefed in design or choices? As fans we can choose not to buy it, but the players dont have a choice.

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Other than the shoulders and the sponsor logo it's not horrible, just meh. That said, if West Ham were releasing that kit I would've mocked it relentlessly tbh.

Let's hope it becomes super iconic not because of the design but because of the incredible season we're about to have.

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4 hours ago, The Moustache of Teale said:

I think we’ll need to tread carefully when considering our next sponsor 

I can't believe how bad the puncturation is in that post....

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Really is it all that bad?

it’s just another kit 

It looks like Burnley because they wear Claret and Blue just like us.

For me I just won’t buy them no matter what simply because of the price and the fact that( like all kits) they have a use by date.


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20 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

No it's a kit. Who cares if it looks shit. It lasts for less than 12 months and no one will ever think about it again. 

Lol yeah no one has ever talked about a past kit. Don’t think any old kit has been mentioned once on the board. But I get what you’re saying now. All the people who would love to spend their hard earned money on the current kit to support their team are all a bunch of idiots. That’s the spirit!

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Sweet baby Jesus, WTF is that abomination of a shirt!

It's like the unwanted love child of Sports Direct and Burnley FC.  Tired and unimaginative design, awful sponsor (both who they are and the logo) and Lions going in opposite directions front and back. 🤪

The debacle of the badge just tops it all off.

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3 minutes ago, MarkLillis said:

Really is it all that bad?

it’s just another kit 

It looks like Burnley because they wear Claret and Blue just like us.

For me I just won’t buy them no matter what simply because of the price and the fact that( like all kits) they have a use by date.


To be fair, like every kit it's growing on me. The only one I never came round to was the one with the weird twisty shoulders.

It looks OK—better on Ollie and Kamara, where it's a little looser, than on McGinn though.

I think the worst thing is the sponsor. It just doesn't fit the delicate lines of the rest of it—it's just a splodgy ugly bubbly bit of stupid pap.

Edited by Rolta
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