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9 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

On keto you should have more energy to be honest if doing it 100% with no breaks.

Not technically true. You can feel more alert and like you have more energy, but physically you don't. You might not get the sluggish feeling you get from a carb heavy meal but you have drastically reduced your calorific intake and carbs are the traditional 'energy' macro. As such you won't actually have more energy for physical activity than before.

I've done long intensive workouts both in and out of ketosis. There's a reason my caffeine intake shoots up when I'm cutting.

Edited by Rds1983
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3 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

Not technically true. You can feel more alert and like you have more energy, but physically you don't. You might not get the sluggish feeling you get from a carb heavy meal but you have drastically reduced your calorific intake and carbs are the traditional 'energy' macro. As such you won't actually have more energy for physical activity than before.

I've done long intensive workouts both in and out of ketosis. There's a reason my caffeine intake shoots up when I'm cutting.

I cant disagree with this more.

From my own personal experience, when im on keto hardcore i sleep better, wake and feel energised. I can go gym just have my electrolyte powder (no food) and work out excessively then carry on my day and i feel great. 

When im off this i feel sluggish tired and get brain fog.

Im also reading abit about cold plunging.  Its suppose to be absolutely brilliant for you. The thought of it esp now sounds like absolute torture but i really want to give it a go

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Aside from all of the technical self stuff. The mental will power. The sideways glance at a twix. The longing look at a piece of bread.

When your mate says "Jesus Christ mate, you lost a bit? You're looking good"

That's the motivation.

Jizz in a bin.

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24 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

I cant disagree with this more.

From my own personal experience, when im on keto hardcore i sleep better, wake and feel energised. I can go gym just have my electrolyte powder (no food) and work out excessively then carry on my day and i feel great. 

When im off this i feel sluggish tired and get brain fog.

Im also reading abit about cold plunging.  Its suppose to be absolutely brilliant for you. The thought of it esp now sounds like absolute torture but i really want to give it a go

Disagree all you want but can you offer scientific evidence to justify your position or are you using personal anecdotal evidence instead of basic scientific fact?

At a base level, calories are energy and keto massively reduces calories, which is why you lose weight. 

If you eat less energy then you have less energy to use. Entering ketosis will burn some fat but this will not give you more actual energy then eating more would.

As I said, you feel sharper mentally, physically you will have less energy. This is a trick of the brain and linked to blood sugar levels. Try going for a long run or doing a full body heavy weight exercise without eating sufficient amounts in the last 24 hours.

Too many people dont actually push themselves properly at the gym. 

Cold water therapy can be helpful for rehab and getting the blood pumping (which bring nutrients to fatigued muscles) but it's just the latest fashion.

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On 01/12/2023 at 22:00, Rds1983 said:

Disagree all you want but can you offer scientific evidence to justify your position or are you using personal anecdotal evidence instead of basic scientific fact?

At a base level, calories are energy and keto massively reduces calories, which is why you lose weight. 

If you eat less energy then you have less energy to use. Entering ketosis will burn some fat but this will not give you more actual energy then eating more would.

As I said, you feel sharper mentally, physically you will have less energy. This is a trick of the brain and linked to blood sugar levels. Try going for a long run or doing a full body heavy weight exercise without eating sufficient amounts in the last 24 hours.

Too many people dont actually push themselves properly at the gym. 

Cold water therapy can be helpful for rehab and getting the blood pumping (which bring nutrients to fatigued muscles) but it's just the latest fashion.

You yourself have not provided any scientific facts or studies either thats its not true either? Can you show me some studies where keto does not do the things i have said it does? With what kind of things they were eating? I think you know as well as i do everyone's body is different. If you look it up there has been various studies to show on mice that were put on keto diets they had more energy. Im speaking from so many success stories of people who say the same as im saying

Ask most people on keto how they feel after a month of doing it if they feel more energised. Your body can only run on either glucose or ketones. Thats FACT.

Keto doesn't starve you of food, you just eating cleaner and without the crap. If you have minimise your carbs, your body runs on the ketones. Ketones will give you much more energy than eating grains or shit like that. You can have electrolyte powders that give you that energy boost while you are intermittent fasting if need be. If you are going to sit there tell me that having a sandwich (for example) is going to improve your energy levels then i politely advise you to do some research as that is factually incorrect. Bread is terrible for us. All that gluten is **** awful for us

Have you tried cold plunging? Its not the latest craze. Have a look at steve harvey, stephen a, dana white. All these guys have been doing cold plunges and swear by it that its helped them with weight loss and health issues. Have you even tried it?



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On 01/12/2023 at 21:49, AVFC_Hitz said:

Aside from all of the technical self stuff. The mental will power. The sideways glance at a twix. The longing look at a piece of bread.

When your mate says "Jesus Christ mate, you lost a bit? You're looking good"

That's the motivation.

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"

Kate Moss

I'd disagree.  A chicken vindaloo does!

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I have no factual evidence of Keto, but I will tell you a little proof first hand from being on the Keto diet for 6 weeks, including going through the dreaded Keto flu.

Yes I can feel I have more energy, but not more stamina. I have lost a stone in the 6 weeks, which is a little too much for me really, (I wasn't over weight) an even though I do feel more energised and awake up in the morning , I have noticed reduced muscle mass and strength, which is why I am dropping it and just going to eat healthier, with less carbs.

I'm not sure if it is personal to me, but there is no way I could live in ketosis, I've noticed as I cycle (spin bike in the winter). I have the energy to do a 20 mile spin, but I notice I haven't the strength or power to get near my PB, an have to drink alot more fluids.

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1 hour ago, GarethRDR said:

I'm seeing work colleagues in person this week for the first time in a long while and, to be honest, I'm inwardly hoping that's the reaction I get.  Wife wanted to join Slimming World 3 months ago, I told her if she did then I would do it with her.  I've since lost 2.5 stone, but it never feels like I can see it myself.  I'm currently at the point where traditionally, whenever I've gone on some health kick (few years back it was trampolining every day, some years before that it was swimming), this is the weight I start to plateau and lost interest.  Difference being I've always had a terrible diet, and this is the first time I've actively tried to address that.  It has been telling/encouraging that I haven't yet really bumped up my activity levels above normal (footy once a week, Taekwondo once a week, that's really it though) but still had that weight come off, I'm really hoping to get one of those comments, really push myself to get through Xmas and kick on.

2 and a half stone in 3 months? That’s pretty impressive. Good on you mate. 

Are you near your goal weight ? 

I’m hoping to lose a similar amount in the new year to get to my idea weight but I’ve given myself 6 months. Going to count calories, nutrients, hit the gym etc. Need to get a plan together.

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41 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

Are you near your goal weight ? 

I hit 10% of my body weight off a few weeks back, I'm now under 16 stone for the first time since COVID. My dream the impossible dream goal is 12.6 stone, for my height that'd actually move me firmly out of the "obese" BMI range for the first time since... late 20's maybe?

Edited by GarethRDR
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2 minutes ago, GarethRDR said:

I hit 10% of my body weight off a few weeks back, I'm now under 16 stone for the first time since COVID. My dream the impossible dream goal is 12.6 stone, for my height that'd actually move me firmly out of the "obese" BMI range for the first time since... late 20's maybe?

Keep it up mate! You know how to do it now with the 2 and a half stone you’ve lost:. Just have to keep going.

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4 hours ago, GarethRDR said:

I'm seeing work colleagues in person this week for the first time in a long while and, to be honest, I'm inwardly hoping that's the reaction I get.  Wife wanted to join Slimming World 3 months ago, I told her if she did then I would do it with her.  I've since lost 2.5 stone, but it never feels like I can see it myself.  I'm currently at the point where traditionally, whenever I've gone on some health kick (few years back it was trampolining every day, some years before that it was swimming), this is the weight I start to plateau and lost interest.  Difference being I've always had a terrible diet, and this is the first time I've actively tried to address that.  It has been telling/encouraging that I haven't yet really bumped up my activity levels above normal (footy once a week, Taekwondo once a week, that's really it though) but still had that weight come off, I'm really hoping to get one of those comments, really push myself to get through Xmas and kick on.

Fantastic achievement in such a short time , well done sir 👏

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18 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

I have no factual evidence of Keto, but I will tell you a little proof first hand from being on the Keto diet for 6 weeks, including going through the dreaded Keto flu.

Yes I can feel I have more energy, but not more stamina. I have lost a stone in the 6 weeks, which is a little too much for me really, (I wasn't over weight) an even though I do feel more energised and awake up in the morning , I have noticed reduced muscle mass and strength, which is why I am dropping it and just going to eat healthier, with less carbs.

I'm not sure if it is personal to me, but there is no way I could live in ketosis, I've noticed as I cycle (spin bike in the winter). I have the energy to do a 20 mile spin, but I notice I haven't the strength or power to get near my PB, an have to drink alot more fluids.

When you did keto can i ask what was your daily plan/routine diet and exercise?

Keto seems to be a controversial diet as alot of these health experts are advising to do opposite of keto (eat fruit and you can have grains) which is not allowed on keto.

With keto flu it tends to happen to people as your body is transitioning from running on sugar to fat so it could be your lacking in sodium B vitamins, potassium for example. Best way to transition is give up the grains and sugar but keep some fruit to begin with. My best advice is berries.

Its wierd as i did a spin class last night at 7.15pm and i never felt like i have had so much energy. Before keto no chance i would have been able to do it! Thats sort of what i was implying in my other post that everyones body is different. What works for me might not work for someone else


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2 hours ago, Chine said:

Bosh !! Fantastic work ! I bet you feel a million dollars 👏

I do feel a helluva lot better, still got a ways to go though.

The main thing that I've noticed is how my relationship with food and eating has changed,before it was 3 meals a day with some snacks in between, now it is a case of eating when I feel like I need to, most days now I only have 2 meals a day with no snacks and some days I just don't eat at all, not because I am fasting or anything like that, I just don't feel hungry.

I also don't spend too much time on my food, I don't cook any elaborate meals or anything like that, I just cook what I need to.

I was having 3 or 4 takeaways a week before but I've completely stopped them now, the one thing that is bothering me though is that I really miss my Indian's, a Friday night curry has been tradition for many years, and I'm desperate to have one but the guilt stops me, I really don't like that feeling and I suppose it is a case of finding a balance, I initially said that at 30lbs I would treat myself but now I'm there I don't wanna set myself back even if it is only by a few days.

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51 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

I was having 3 or 4 takeaways a week before but I've completely stopped them now, the one thing that is bothering me though is that I really miss my Indian's, a Friday night curry has been tradition for many years, and I'm desperate to have one but the guilt stops me, I really don't like that feeling and I suppose it is a case of finding a balance, I initially said that at 30lbs I would treat myself but now I'm there I don't wanna set myself back even if it is only by a few days.

For what it’s worth I think one indulgence a week is ok. These little things make life a bit more enjoyable.

The trouble I have with just one indulgence, is that it can easily become a bit of a lost 24 hours or so where the floodgates have opened and I become a bit gluttonous. Although that typically happens when alcohol is involved. 

If you’re having days where you find you don’t eat much, maybe try and have one of those before the curry day. I sometimes find having a big meal one night will inevitably lead to me not eating much the next day. 

So ideally you’d have two lean days either side of the more relaxed day. Should balance out.

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On 06/12/2023 at 09:57, leemond2008 said:

I do feel a helluva lot better, still got a ways to go though.

The main thing that I've noticed is how my relationship with food and eating has changed,before it was 3 meals a day with some snacks in between, now it is a case of eating when I feel like I need to, most days now I only have 2 meals a day with no snacks and some days I just don't eat at all, not because I am fasting or anything like that, I just don't feel hungry.

I also don't spend too much time on my food, I don't cook any elaborate meals or anything like that, I just cook what I need to.

I was having 3 or 4 takeaways a week before but I've completely stopped them now, the one thing that is bothering me though is that I really miss my Indian's, a Friday night curry has been tradition for many years, and I'm desperate to have one but the guilt stops me, I really don't like that feeling and I suppose it is a case of finding a balance, I initially said that at 30lbs I would treat myself but now I'm there I don't wanna set myself back even if it is only by a few days.

Treat yourself mate. You deserve it.

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