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Premier League 2020-21 thread


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26 minutes ago, mikeyjavfc said:

Hmm The other 14 clubs have enough votes to pass a resolution without the big six. Couldn’t the other 14 clubs just proposed the same EFL rescue package only without the loss of voting rights?

Good point.  It's probably what will happen, a counter offer without so much of the shit. 

But I feel United and Liverpool want much more, the offer is just a sham covering up something else. 

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20 minutes ago, nepal_villan said:

Just make voting rights a simple majority  10 out of 18, then it's a fairly good deal for everyone,  presuming things like the ridiculous rebate for the Spurs stadium are omitted.

It is still promoting a closed shop Without parachute payments and also getting a majority vote decide if new owners can take over a club would also be very detrimental.

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3 hours ago, Rino8 said:

I think this is a legitimate thing.

Clubs with the right infrastructure and a good owner can theoretically be right amongst the top within 3-5 years and the money withing the prem is now so ludicrous that its becoming a sort of super league by its self. Its partly why Man U and Arsenal now struggle so much. The league is too competitive for clubs that are run poorly to be successful.


If Villa, Leeds, Everton all keep trending upwards youd have 10 teams all capable of challenging for the top 4 in the future, if youre already an established club that's not what you want to see.

It’s legitimate for protecting the big clubs from being disrupted.

There’s nothing else legitimate about it, it’s a horrific suggestion by people with no respect for the sport or its history and culture in this country, unsurprisingly by Americans, the great destroyers of culture because all they know is capitalism.

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I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the first board meeting and see the faces of the Southampton, West Ham and Everton:

Agenda for voting:

Item 1 - Us 6 main members cannot be relegated, but you 3 can. 

Item 2 - We're cutting out the TV companies and moving to our own streaming service with the subscription income split per viewer paying for each club.  So us Liverpool will have 1bn global subscribers and you Everton will have 2m.

Item 3 - We've decided to take away your special status. 

Every item carried 6 votes to 3.

Of course the second board meeting gets even more interesting when the remaining 6 decide who is next to get chucked out of the club.


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Another proposal that has been mostly missed is the adoption of Uefa’s tougher FFP measures, reducing allowed losses over 3 years from £105m to £35m. This would directly affect villa or any other teams who are currently heavily investing to catch up with the top six. Surprise surprise this further entrenches the current top six.

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17 minutes ago, mikeyjavfc said:

Another proposal that has been mostly missed is the adoption of Uefa’s tougher FFP measures, reducing allowed losses over 3 years from £105m to £35m. This would directly affect villa or any other teams who are currently heavily investing to catch up with the top six. Surprise surprise this further entrenches the current top six.

If they do that we may as well turn the lights out, close the door behind us.

Are they trying to destroy the game or what? 

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8 hours ago, sidcow said:

Something more is at play here. 

They MUST know that the other teams not in their proposed club will vote against this. Its doomed to failure because its set up to fail as proposed.

So what's the real agenda? 

Use this as justification to leave for a European Super League? Or just to blame everyone else for not saving The EFL? 

Or come back with a new proposal that's not such a shit sandwich but nevertheless contains a fair amount of shit still. 

I've a feeling they might open up the exclusive club to teams like us and Newcastle who have had the most years in the PL until they get a big enough cartel for the vote to get through.   But there will still be something that enables Liverpool and Man U to achieve complete domination ultimately. 

I hope we and other clubs never vote for anything like this. One club one vote is the only fair way. 

Exactly how it works, go in to a negotiation with the biggest shit sandwich you can find, watch the screams, then come back the following week with a half shit sandwich and half spam sandwich, and they gobble it down like good little clubs......

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37 minutes ago, sidcow said:

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the first board meeting and see the faces of the Southampton, West Ham and Everton:

Agenda for voting:

Item 1 - Us 6 main members cannot be relegated, but you 3 can. 

Item 2 - We're cutting out the TV companies and moving to our own streaming service with the subscription income split per viewer paying for each club.  So us Liverpool will have 1bn global subscribers and you Everton will have 2m.

Item 3 - We've decided to take away your special status. 

Every item carried 6 votes to 3.

Of course the second board meeting gets even more interesting when the remaining 6 decide who is next to get chucked out of the club.


It ends with the top clubs playing their league matches on Tuesdays and the champions league becoming the main weekend competition. They have been trying different version of this proposal for almost a decade now. The pandemic has finally given them a golden opportunity to get their way. 

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interesting the European teams will have 11 games in the next month with Europe games, I am not saying it will happen but it could open up for a team like Everton to make a push for the top 4 or even them to do a Leicester

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35 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

The criteria for ‘doing a Leicester’ includes surviving in the face of certain relegation the prior year.  Think only one team meets that this season 🤔

I dont want to jinx that team 😉

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I'm absolutely staggered this isn't being howled down everywhere it's reported. Disgusting proposal that would ruin football in England. 

The Premier League has just gotten really good in the last few years with more teams challenging. The "Special Voting Rights" proposal is absolutely horrendous. **** off to your European super league if you want a closed system. Disgusting. 


Edit: It's bigger than football. It's American billionaires trying to  destroy an enormous part of English culture for profit. 

Edited by ThunderPower_14
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This is just outrageous. I really wish we had a publicly accountant FA with teeth who would end this money grabbing bullshit, regulate the behaviour of the PL, force the support of grassroots football, redistribute wealth and give power back to the fans. Football has entirely lost its identity and this shite needs to end. I do not care if that drives away owners, cash, the big agents and top players. We will be a lot happier and it’s all relative anyway. I was as excited for us to sign Kodjia in the championship as I would be for us to sign Mbappe if we were at the top. I’d rather the PL was a budget European league but of genuine fans, genuine players and genuine football rather than just a cash cow for agents and Instagram happy child millionaires. 

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8 hours ago, MaVilla said:

Exactly how it works, go in to a negotiation with the biggest shit sandwich you can find, watch the screams, then come back the following week with a half shit sandwich and half spam sandwich, and they gobble it down like good little clubs......

That's EXACTLY how relestate and land developers work here, except they do it inverse. I'm involved in this business myself, so it's something to bothers me.

Basically they establish a general plan of the area (not sure what they call this in English) in cooperation with all developers, architects, municipality etc. They pitch a great thing with parks, take into account the legally required area for green lungs, pathways, distancing between this and that, light conditions etc. 

When this gets approved, which is always does, they start building. After a few projects is completed they contact the municipality (which is hugely understaffed and generally have low competence) and pitch an alternative with support from paid architects, where they cut down on everything previously promisted and required. It normally gets approved cause fighting regulation and development plans at this stage is very difficult and not something the government wants.

They build more, make an asphalt and concrete jungle where everything is maxed for profit. They see they can tweak the area more, come back to the municipality and the cycle repeat itself. 

They just offer a bigger and bigger shit sandwich everytime. 

Anyway digression/rant over. 

Edited by KenjiOgiwara
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17 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

I'd like to see the countermeasures from the Premier League to be deliberately slanted towards collectivism - to the point where it's punitive to the top six.

I actually think that would be good for the game - to bring the top six closer to the rest of the teams rather than further away, but also, right now, I'd just like to see the arseholes suffer.

The plan as it stands essentially gives a lot more money to the upper class (the top six), and slightly more money to the working class (everyone from the Championship down) and removes entirely the middle class (the rest of the Premier league teams and anyone with ambition from the Championship). It's a protectionist land grab - if moves the chasm that exists between the Championship and the Premier league to the gap between sixth and seventh place in the Premier league under the pretence of helping "everyone".


The fact that everyone agrees with you, and that even the longer-term fans of Liverpool and Man Utd would agree with you, and that this is being discussed anyway, basically tells you all you need to know about how modern football works and what modern football is actually about.  

The idea of any countermeasures from the PL or any other body is sadly laughable because the interests of the decision makers are entirely aligned with the Glazers of this world and are completely unaccountable. 

And although we care about the damage this does to the game, do we really believe the fans who aren’t from their club’s city and who are more interested in fifa ratings and footballers doing fortnight dance moves (I.e. the ones with cash, the ones who advertisers can sell to and, therefore, the ones who actually matter) care at all?

It seems like such an old fart thing to say, but the game is indeed ‘gone’. It’s just an entirely different beast and the top leagues of this world just aren’t meant for people like us anymore. We aren’t the target audience. 

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I work for a UK company with American owners, and despite all they say about "quality" and "associates are the most important asset" etc etc....American owners of anything are only interested in money....and how to obtain more of it. They treat their "competition" as the enemy and effectively at "war" with them to remove them from the market and thus gain autonomy.

This is exactly what the owners of liverpool and man utd (lower case letters!) are doing here.

As commented above they have introduced a shit sandwich of a plan to see the reaction, yet all the while have several other plans that have less shit in them but these plans can still be called a shit sandwich...

If this were to go ahead it will mean the end of football as we all know it

As for the suggestion of bigger clubs helping the lower league clubs, someone from liverpool fc said they do not want to be subsidising their rivals.....and the reply was how are Stockport County and Tranmere rivals to liverpool?
Its a bloody disgrace
Regards to all (apart from the sky top 6 - and they can all piss off)
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I hope villa are taking this seriously. The EFL is heading for financial ruin this year without fans and this means that some form of change WILL be coming this year as the government have said that any bailout should come from the PL. Any bailout is going to come with conditions. 

The other 14 need to get on top of this, start planning and propose a counter proposal before the top 6 are able to hold the EFL to ransom for this rescue package.  The narrative will become that the other 14 are standing in the way of financial rescue for the EFL and FA by not accepting this shit sandwich. If the other 14 get their counter proposal to the table quickly, which provides the same rescue measures but without the massive transfer of rights and powers to the top 6, then they can flip the narrative and crucially they can also secure the 14 votes needed.

It’s clear the top 6 will act in bad faith and throw the other 14 under the bus by the make up of their deal and the fact this has been negotiated in secret for 3 years. American owners in particular care only for profit and self interest, over fairness and sportsmanship.

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