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WAHEY! It's a JOKE thread : Enter at your own risk.


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A longhaired kid is hitchhiking and gets picked up by a trucker.

After a few miles the hitchhiker asks "Well are you going ask if I'm a boy or a girl?"

The trucker says "It doesn't matter. I'm going to **** you anyway".


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Another great day! Went to the gym, then had a nice shower. I've just picked up a bottle of home brew from one of the neighbours for this afternoon. I've got a few joints rolled up for the Xbox tournament with the lads. After that I'll muck around online with some porn and gambling sites. Then, to finish off the perfect day, a nice blow job before I go to bed. ****, I love prison.

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Just driving by Wandsworth prison and saw a dwarf with a knotted sheet climb out of one of the windows. My mate said "Look at that midget". I said "That's a little condescending".

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British boxer Anthony Ogogo has guaranteed himself a medal at the Olympics.He has proven to be a much better fighter than his father, Hugo, who lost every one of his battles against Batfink.

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British boxer Anthony Ogogo has guaranteed himself a medal at the Olympics.He has proven to be a much better fighter than his father, Hugo, who lost every one of his battles against Batfink.

Rubbish. Nobody even knows who Batfink is numbnuts. :D

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Two OAP's are enjoying oral sex together when the old man says "I can't stay down there for too long, it stinks!"

The old lady replies "Sorry it's my arthritis".

The man replies "Arthritis in your fanny?".

"No" says the old lady "The arthritis is in my shoulder, I can't wipe my arse."

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