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Steve Bruce


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I don't think the tactic llast night was to go long to Kodja,  but Brentford pressed us so high up the pitch we didn't know what else to do.  

We need to get a bit cuter on the ball and work on our movement,  if we could have passed our way out there would have been huge spaces,  but we don't know how and resorted to lumping it.  That needs to change.  


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3 minutes ago, Dave J said:

Well no he won't be revered by me TRO to be truthful with you for the reasons I mentioned in so much as I don't believe him to be the long term solution - as for Eddie Howe I'm sure most Bournemouth fans will be happy to wobble all the way to 40 points and prem survival - which would again be a massive over achievement - would you not want an identity and feel good factor pulsing through the club - rather than this dour clinging on to coat tails scenario that we have at this moment in time. ? 

Look, Dave I can't make you like him.

I happen to think he is a decent Fella, who when I hear him speak seems to appraise the game I have just watched the same as me.

He has just brought in half a team, so I will give him the breathing space to formulate a team.

3 players haven't even played yet.

I don't think last nights game was a true reflection of Steve Bruce( his responsibility yes) he didn't expect that any more than we did....just my take.

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2 minutes ago, TRO said:

Look, Dave I can't make you like him.

I happen to think he is a decent Fella, who when I hear him speak seems to appraise the game I have just watched the same as me.

He has just brought in half a team, so I will give him the breathing space to formulate a team.

3 players haven't even played yet.

I don't think last nights game was a true reflection of Steve Bruce( his responsibility yes) he didn't expect that any more than we did....just my take.

TRO - you must remember this - I am advocating for change- I too think he's a decent fella and desperately want him to do well. I repeat for what it's worth in my view he is not the long term solution. If we're not on the same page - we are at least in the same paragraph :-)

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8 minutes ago, TRO said:

Look, Dave I can't make you like him.

I happen to think he is a decent Fella, who when I hear him speak seems to appraise the game I have just watched the same as me.

He has just brought in half a team, so I will give him the breathing space to formulate a team.

3 players haven't even played yet.

I don't think last nights game was a true reflection of Steve Bruce( his responsibility yes) he didn't expect that any more than we did....just my take.

I don't think many here don't think he is a "decent fella" but I don't think he was the right choice for us. Many point to his 4 promotions and maybe he can work some magic with us but things change very quickly in football and Bruce's ideas and approach could very quickly look old hat.

I thought we should have gone for a younger up-and-coming manager. Some have pointed to Lambert, Garde, Sherwood and RDM as young up-and-coming but my opinion on that is that Lambert and Garde were dealt a bad hand, one trying to survive on a shoestring and one not even allowed that. Lambert's time here is starting to look better and better in hindsight and it won't surprise me if Wolves come past us and make a decent run at the play-offs. Sherwood and RDM were bad appointments which myself and many others said at the time

Bruce now must prove himself with his players - he has to show improvement between now and the end of the season - he's not off to a good start. On his appointment I predicted 10th - IMO he needs to be better than that to get a shot next term

Absolute garbage last night and it really doesnt bode well - I'm fed up with his "I'm as annoyed as you" interviews too.

Decent fella but he has lots to prove

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I'm not sure getting us promoted would or should make Bruce 'revered ', and it sort of suggests  people criticising are blinkered.

Ill be pleased if he gets us playing well, astonished if we got promoted this year ( we won't) and pleased if he gets us up next year, but I won't revere him for it, we have a good enough squad to expect to be there or thereabouts.

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For now just some evidence he can get us playing football would be nice, without all the excuses of not his own players, new players ( is that now considered a disadvantage ?!!), 'right' players not available, players characters, etc etc etc.

Its becoming quite a litany and the more I read the more it sounds like excuses.

If he is a good manager he must strait showing it with what we have not what we would like to be.

Fwiw I think he will, but only because I think he is smart enough to see his current methods aren't working, in terms of resilience, spirit, organisation, tactics, performances, or results, and they haven't really worked once got past about his seventh game.

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2 hours ago, TRO said:

but haven't Leeds been down here for a while and had chance to bed a few players in prior to Gary Monk

Bed a few players in?

Not really. They've been a squad in constant flux under a mentalist owner for quite a while. 

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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28 minutes ago, TRO said:

Look, Dave I can't make you like him.

I happen to think he is a decent Fella, who when I hear him speak seems to appraise the game I have just watched the same as me.

He has just brought in half a team, so I will give him the breathing space to formulate a team.

3 players haven't even played yet.

I don't think last nights game was a true reflection of Steve Bruce( his responsibility yes) he didn't expect that any more than we did....just my take.

100% agree, every time I hear Bruce's post match comments he picks out exactly the same thoughts we all had. 

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1 hour ago, The Fun Factory said:

We are playing worse and are easier to beat than when RDM was the manager.

Looking at the stating XI versus Wednesday to yesterday team there are only 2 of the same players- Baker and Hutton.

Bruce has effectively got  a new side for 18 games, 10 points from 6th, and no pre season to go through. 

It is a right old mess. I think he just needs to see a gradual improvement and plan for next season. Because that is going to be massive for us for the future of the club. Shit or bust.

I'd say we are have been playing equally as shut as RDM but the brentford game was the 2nd worse performance behind Luton 

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1 hour ago, PieFacE said:

I don't think the tactic llast night was to go long to Kodja,  but Brentford pressed us so high up the pitch we didn't know what else to do.  

We need to get a bit cuter on the ball and work on our movement,  if we could have passed our way out there would have been huge spaces,  but we don't know how and resorted to lumping it.  That needs to change.  


When have you seen a Steve Bruce side play passing football , or just decent football ?

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28 minutes ago, Tommo_b said:

100% agree, every time I hear Bruce's post match comments he picks out exactly the same thoughts we all had. 

His post match comments don't mean diddly squat if he's not prepared to translate those insights into solutions .

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"I'm not really into tactics"

Oh dear he's not going to improve is he. Some of descriptions in article seem too familiar 



Shortly after taking charge at Sunderland Steve Bruce was asked if he had considered experimenting with a Christmas Tree formation. "I'm not really into tactics," he replied. At the time that response was easy to interpret as a deliberately flippant or, perhaps, a self-deprecating means of avoiding answering the question. As the seasons passed, though, the suspicion grew that the former Manchester United captain had simply been honest.


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53 minutes ago, Kiwivillan said:

"I'm not really into tactics"

Oh dear he's not going to improve is he. Some of descriptions in article seem too familiar 


Cripes! Also comment from a fan:

"Good analysis, Louise. He has looked out of his depth for a long time. With hindsight, it now looks telling that in his last season at Wigan they started well, but then went on a long losing run. Certainly at Sunderland his response to adversity has seemed almost random. We simply don't look like a team that knows how it wants to play, and certainly has no idea of how to change its approach when things aren't working.

I'm sorry for him, really, but he had to go. We've looked terrible for almost a full calendar year, too many good players seem to have been alienated, and others who have performed well elsewhere haven't thrived under the Bruce regime. His time was up."

Hoping he has improved over the past 6 years
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That article is worrying to say the least but he has brought some good players to the Villa this window. The question is does he really know how to get the best out of them? We shall see?

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He comes across very much like Martin O'Neil, more interested in buying the right players and getting them motivated rather than running formations/tactics. 

He will have until the end of the season and we will reassess where we are and where we are heading. 



Edited by LondonLax
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Gentlemen Gentlemen!

Listen to yourselves?

Take away a few irrelevant facts and look a little closer at what, you, we and I are saying.

Pretend for a moment that our current manager Steve Bruce is (for the purpose of example) not named Steve Bruce.

Imagine the same person is named John Smith & has no history of any success, cup wins, promotions or relegations.

Now that same guy came in after RDM and produced the results and performances we have achieved and witnessed.

Take away all the factors of Gaby's stats, Hutton's lack of everything to do with a ball, Westwoods sideways passes and chickening out.

Look carefully at what you, we and I see now! in black and white.


A concept?

Plan A?

Plan B?


Then ask yourselves after all your criticisms, reasoning why or why not.

Would you really want to trust our future in his hands?

The fact is our future lies in promotion back to the PL.

Staying here after this year, next year or any year thereafter will destroy the team, the fans and our owner.

AND ultimately AVFC for years.

Tony's Expenditure and his (present) will to do well, is our ticket back. Mess this up and NO new owner will ever be as resourcefull for years or decades.

Final question.

What do you, we or I want?

a continuation of the resent past and present?


A new start

Who? I'm not quite sure.

But not Bruce

We are all saying it ourselves but are at present delusional by giving reason to why we dont admit what has/is happening/evolving right before our very own eyes.

Bruce Out!

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To be fair that description from a Sunderland fan could have been from any of our last 5 managers clubs and we would all have similar pattern recognition and think "oh no, here we go again". He has had some bad games recently and is rightfully getting some fan criticism but he has also been promoted from this division four times.

He is not going to get much slack because we are all sick of losing.

Edited by ciggiesnbeer
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