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  1. So is Felix actually any good? Didn’t really pay much attention to his time at Chelsea
  2. Would be great to have an update on his condition from Ty or the club. Fingers crossed he isn’t far away.
  3. Sky saying we signed him for £52m and sold him for £50m, I do not see how this is a good deal. Proved himself a premier league player with goals and assists in him. Shame, feel like we’ve lost a good one here. I will fee the same with Duran and I felt the same for Dougie. Strange transfer window this one.
  4. Im sure a young lad on the money he is on could and probably would have multiple permanent properties he has or will buy.
  5. Tommo_b

    Jhon Durán

    Not a fan of losing Jhon, one of those talents that can either excel on the biggest stage or fade away into obscurity. Guess West Ham will find out.
  6. No wonder he hasn’t taken another job yet!
  7. Time for me to put the coffee down and step away from VT.
  8. I see what you did there, time to edit my post
  9. I keep reading how it’s a big fee… but it’s not is it! It’s barely much more then what we paid for him. We just signed an Everton player for £50m, and selling one of our key goals and assist performers for the same price. There is no way a City, Newcastle or Chelsea would be selling Diaby for a paltry £50m, I’d expect £70m for a player who’s proven to produce at the highest level in todays market value.
  10. Ha Tennis balls…. Maybe we should do the same.
  11. To get the stats he got in the premier league takes some doing, yeah he had a spell where he was off the boil, but he certainly contributed a huge amount to make us a top 4 team. I’ll be disappointed if we leave for what I think isn’t that much of a profit in grand scheme of things.
  12. Yeah true, can’t really disagree with that. Not sure the point I was thinking of, made sense in my head.
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