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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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The EU has rejected the UK’s demand to rip up the Northern Ireland Protocol, within three hours of the audacious demand being made in Parliament.

“We will not agree to a renegotiation of the Protocol,” said Maros Sefcovic, the European Commission’s vice president, in an official statement.

What a surprise. I thought they’d have been up for a few thousand hours of being dicked about by the UK. 

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What would be the point of renegotiating with the same people that don’t understand or care what they are doing?

It would literally be a waste of everyone’s time. 

Perhaps, with a significantly different group of people in charge, it could be worth re opening talks. But right now, what would make them think we’d take a second go more seriously or honour what we ask for?

If I was the EU, I’d wait for the adults to enter the room.

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32 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

The next steps are really predictable though aren't they?

“Boris Johnson to personally take control of talks with the EU” - Laura K exclusive.

”Boris Johnson flies to Brussels to discuss renegotiating the deal”

”Boris Johnson says talks were constructive”

”A spokesman for the EU said nothing has changed and they have no intentions of renegotiating with the UK”.

”A source at the EU said Boris Johnson turned up late, had wet his pants and was wearing odd shoes. He was described as being completely deluded and clearly didn’t understand what he had previously signed the UK up to. When they tried to explain it at the time he just flapped his arms and squawked like a bird”


Edited by Genie
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4 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

? Is this the right thread for this? The story only mentions covid, and doesn't mention Brexit. 

Were this specifically a Covid thing at least one, and I would argue both of the following, would need to be true.

(a) other countries, when they were recording similar levels of infection were also reporting supply-chain problems.

A quick Google of the European press from circa three months ago suggests this not to be the case.

(b) the UK, when we were last recording similar levels of infection was reporting supply-chain problems. 

We weren't. A bit of panic-buying in the early weeks, but nothing supply-chain related. 

I'm quite happy to hear logic as to why there are supply-chain issues now that are exclusively Covid-related but which weren't applicable in the two scenarios above, but until then I'm pretty comfortable with my choice of posting location.

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57 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

I'm quite happy to hear logic as to why there are supply-chain issues now that are exclusively Covid-related but which weren't applicable in the two scenarios above

Whilst I do agree with the general sentiment expressed, there is one supply chain issue that is covid related. It was reported at the start of the week that 10% of the staff currently employed in the meat packing plants are currently self isolating due to being told to by the T&T App. Given the proximity of the workforce to each other in these factories, it was almost inevitably going to happen given the current levels of infection

That said, it does not account for whole scenario and the other issues are mainly Brexit related

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Earlier in the year when someone tested positive in my daughters class only 1 person isolated and the rest carried on as (new) normal.

Now, the entire year group is told to isolate.

I got pinged 2 days ago, really at a loss to try and figure out where and why. The App must have had the sensitivity turned up to 11.

I’ll be deleting it shortly.

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35 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

It’s the U.K’s COVID app going crazy and telling everyone to isolate that is causing supply problems. Supermarkets can’t even get people to stack shelves. 

I get this and there's no doubt that this is part of the issue here but I'm not convinced that an app telling people to isolate is solely responsible for these issues. If it were then I'd imagine the rules around isolation would change pretty quickly and that this would resolve the issue pretty quickly.

I'd imagine that the shortage of HGV drivers as a result of the exodus of EU drivers post Brexit plays as big if not a bigger part in the shortages and is a far more difficult issue to resolve for those in charge.

It may be me being cynical but having a 'pingdemic' (one of the worst words I've ever seen coined incidentally) to blame these shortages on seems a pretty convenient way of averting the public's eyes from another consequence of Brexit.

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13 minutes ago, Genie said:


I’ll be deleting it shortly.

I don't blame you, but I also suspect this is exactly what they're hoping for. Not our fault lads, you ignored the isolation warnings. Time for another lockdown, if only you'd done what you were told...

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13 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I don't blame you, but I also suspect this is exactly what they're hoping for. Not our fault lads, you ignored the isolation warnings. Time for another lockdown, if only you'd done what you were told...

I may add it again after my holiday. I just can’t run the risk of some completely perplexing notification telling me I’m not allowed a break even though I’m living like a hermit, double jabbed and virus free.

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39 minutes ago, Genie said:

Earlier in the year when someone tested positive in my daughters class only 1 person isolated and the rest carried on as (new) normal.

Now, the entire year group is told to isolate.

I got pinged 2 days ago, really at a loss to try and figure out where and why. The App must have had the sensitivity turned up to 11.

I’ll be deleting it shortly.

I got pinged coming back from London on Euro-final Sunday. Only place I could’ve been pinged for was on train as apparently you need to be within 2 metres of someone for at least 15 minutes.

Some of the pings seem to be far more “sensitive” than that, though.

(I took a PCR test 4 days later and was negative FWIW)

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32 minutes ago, bobzy said:

I got pinged coming back from London on Euro-final Sunday. Only place I could’ve been pinged for was on train as apparently you need to be within 2 metres of someone for at least 15 minutes.

Some of the pings seem to be far more “sensitive” than that, though.

(I took a PCR test 4 days later and was negative FWIW)

I watched the final in a pub and one of the 6 of us that were there got "pinged" but the rest of us didn't.

We don't really understand how he did but nobody else did as we were all in the same place.

He even shared a cab with one of the other guys so even if it was his taxi driver then surely that guy would have been "pinged"

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12 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I watched the final in a pub and one of the 6 of us that were there got "pinged" but the rest of us didn't.

We don't really understand how he did but nobody else did as we were all in the same place.

He even shared a cab with one of the other guys so even if it was his taxi driver then surely that guy would have been "pinged"

Maybe he spent 10 minutes in the toilet with someone else...? Smoke break outside? Long queue at the bar?maybe he just has a newer phone with better Bluetooth range? 

Anyway Brexit eh, who could have known that the NI protocol wasn't going to work? Certainly not the people negotiating it. 

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12 minutes ago, Straggler said:

Maybe he spent 10 minutes in the toilet with someone else...? Smoke break outside? Long queue at the bar?maybe he just has a newer phone with better Bluetooth range? 

Non smoker, table service. 

But yeah who knows. Just shows the variables at play.


Apologies I didn't even realise I was in the Brexit thead. massively OT. Soz mods!

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2 hours ago, LondonLax said:

It’s the U.K’s COVID app going crazy and telling everyone to isolate that is causing supply problems. Supermarkets can’t even get people to stack shelves. 

It is a factor, 1% of the population being told to isolate only last week

But it isn't the only factor.

There's definitely industrial action with one of the large transport Cos over wages and that is definitely Brexit related as is the lack of drivers too

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1 hour ago, tom_avfc said:

I get this and there's no doubt that this is part of the issue here but I'm not convinced that an app telling people to isolate is solely responsible for these issues. If it were then I'd imagine the rules around isolation would change pretty quickly and that this would resolve the issue pretty quickly.

I'd imagine that the shortage of HGV drivers as a result of the exodus of EU drivers post Brexit plays as big if not a bigger part in the shortages and is a far more difficult issue to resolve for those in charge.

It may be me being cynical but having a 'pingdemic' (one of the worst words I've ever seen coined incidentally) to blame these shortages on seems a pretty convenient way of averting the public's eyes from another consequence of Brexit.

Got a friend who is high up in a UK food producer who said exactly this. It’s not the app it’s the lack of drivers, pickers ect due to Brexit.

Another mate in Procurement who said the same thing. The supply chain is essentially buggered due to people who worked in it no longer being here.

To give it a fair argument I think in some cases people went “home” during Covid to be with their families and maybe just havnt returned yet. And maybe the supply chains are a little bloated and could do with some innovation.

I just wish for once they would admit the cause, it’s the first step to approaching it in a considered way to fix things.

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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

He even shared a cab with one of the other guys so even if it was his taxi driver then surely that guy would have been "pinged"

I seriously doubt many taxi drivers have the App. No-one's paying them to self-isolate

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