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Women's world cup 2015


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Good result for England but listening to Jonathan Pearce cream himself over the goals made me feel sick. Surely they can find a better commentator?

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The standard is shit. Horridly shit. If you were to switch on the BBC and see them showing a pre-season friendly between Billericay vs Enfield then you'd wonder what the **** was going on, but as it is women's football, and you're supposed to like it because Auntie says so, you don't question the brazen waste of licence fee spent on such shite.

Did you consider the possibility that perhaps you are not the target demographic for this particular event and that perhaps the demographic most interested in the women's world cup might be ... I don't know ... Women?

I am sure that whatever proportion of that 50% of the population that is interested in football, especially those who actually play the sport, would appreciate being able to watch other women competing at the top level of their chosen sport. But that's just me.

Our maybe they should be just told to watch men's sport and forget about any crazy 21st century notion that women can actually play and want to excel at sport.



I know the quality isn't brilliant, but it's actually nice to watch players who are passionate about playing and winning for their country. The apathy of the men's international team is the main reason why I don't really care about international football anymore and it's actually nice to watch players who are clearly proud to be representing their country at the highest level.

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Watching the ladies has been infinitely more enjoyable than watching the men in recent years. I've been surprised by the quality its better than I'd expected.

It it an interesting change to watch a game of football and think..."Number 8s got a nice arse."

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England were poor in the first half and by the break were reduced to knocking it long for Toni Duggan to chase.


There only looked to be one winner at that stage and once Norway had taken the lead, another early exit from an international tournament looked like a safe bet.


The turning point came when Houghton headed home the equaliser from a set-piece, which put England on the front-foot and manager Sampson responded by bringing on the lively Taylor for the knackered Duggan, who had run herself into the ground. 


It was Taylor's hold-up play which enabled England to get enough players forward, and it was Taylor's pass which Bronze belted into the top corner for the winner.


It was a very decent defensive performance for England but they struggled in the attacking third of the field.


Houghton was once again excellent and manager Sampson can take credit for the tactics which helped overcome a technically more gifted team.

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The standard is shit. Horridly shit. If you were to switch on the BBC and see them showing a pre-season friendly between Billericay vs Enfield then you'd wonder what the **** was going on, but as it is women's football, and you're supposed to like it because Auntie says so, you don't question the brazen waste of licence fee spent on such shite.

Did you consider the possibility that perhaps you are not the target demographic for this particular event and that perhaps the demographic most interested in the women's world cup might be ... I don't know ... Women?

I am sure that whatever proportion of that 50% of the population that is interested in football, especially those who actually play the sport, would appreciate being able to watch other women competing at the top level of their chosen sport. But that's just me.

Our maybe they should be just told to watch men's sport and forget about any crazy 21st century notion that women can actually play and want to excel at sport.


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The standard is shit. Horridly shit. If you were to switch on the BBC and see them showing a pre-season friendly between Billericay vs Enfield then you'd wonder what the **** was going on, but as it is women's football, and you're supposed to like it because Auntie says so, you don't question the brazen waste of licence fee spent on such shite.


I don't dispute that the standard is lower than other football which is deemed unworthy of the BBC's expense and that women's football is a minority sport (average attendance at Women's Super League games 728 last season).


But history does demonstrate that markets can be created for minority sports by showing them on TV - snooker and darts etc.


Although choosing to promote a sport entirely on the grounds of gender rather than excellence does seem a step in a new direction.

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I've no problem with the BBC showing the women's football. Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all.


What annoys me is the way they push it, specifically on their website. It gets way more attention than it deserves, especially when you consider how little coverage they give to European Football.


That being said, the world cup is a bit different. I can get on board with them pushing a bigger event such as that, especially when they're showing it on their channel.

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I've no problem with the BBC showing the women's football. Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all.


What annoys me is the way they push it, specifically on their website. It gets way more attention than it deserves, especially when you consider how little coverage they give to European Football.


That being said, the world cup is a bit different. I can get on board with them pushing a bigger event such as that, especially when they're showing it on their channel.


I wouldn't disagree with any of that and my main irritation is about the way their investment falls so far short of the hype.


When you go to their web page you are confronted with screaming hyperbole but then when you follow the links, the information which a viewer might need, just isn't there.


Even their video clip of last night's game only shows the winning goal and you have to hunt around to find the equaliser and the Norwegian goal isn't shown at all.


So with my feminist hat on, I would say it is typical of the patriarchy that they are heavy on the simpering flattery, which is cheap, and light on substance, which is expensive.  :)

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The quality is on;y crap to some people because they are comparing it to the mens game. Its same when you watch mens tennis and womens tennis. The most important thing to me is the ladies have got to the quarters. I've enjoyed watching them much more than the men in last summers world cup. They showed have showed the fight and passion which the overpaid English male players failed to show. The response to them going 1-0 last night was magnificent. It wasn't even covered on BBC live last nght which was a shame. 

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It was a decent game, Steph Houghton is a very good player, certainly the best England have got.


There's something about that Natasha Dowie doing the analysis aswell....I know she screams Lesbian but y'know.... :P

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yep, I watched it live on BBC 3


as a neutral  ;)  I thought the game was perfectly entertaining, it did look like only one winner from the england equaliser, it was that classic where you saw all the confidence just gush out of the opposition


screaming winning goal


as someone that watches my fair share of non-league, it was at least as skilful but far less physical, which is probably obvious

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Anybody else watching the Women’s World Cup final between France and Germany?



Top quality stuff from both teams and looking at how good the French have been, it shows how well England did against them.


A brilliant advert for the women's game.

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Anybody else watching the Women’s World Cup final between France and Germany?



Bit early for that isn't it, England haven't been knocked out yet!



Oh, take my word for it. This is the final.

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