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Paul Lambert


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I asked earlier if Lambert had lost the dressing room, it was a bit of a loaded question as I have been told that the players are miserable and haven't a clue what they are supposed to be doing.

Now I am not naming names and you there will still be some who will call it as bull and that's fine. I think the performances of those players speak volumes.


Yeah, the players were tripe too.

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I really thought and hoped that tonight would be the beginning of a trademark Lambert good run for for 4-5 games. Instead we got the other trademark - possession with no purpose.
We are also seeing bad luck going against aswell. 
A combination of poor management and bad luck will only take us one place.
He's lost me too now. With a heavy heart, I have to say - Lambert Out.
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Hes gotta go. If he stays and isn't sacked he's just taking the p**s out of us fans. Litterally....he may as well just take a shit on my grans grave!

Go! You scottish clearing in the woods!......you've already doomed us!.....you can do no more.....

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I've been one of his supporters, and I still can't see much changing long term but that's the final straw for me now. He simply has to go. I still think he could do a job at Prem level somewhere but we desperately need a new lease of life because the players look dead and defeated out there before the game even started.

1 Lambert supporter lost today, I still see the reasoning behind keeping him, but it's the first time I genuinely feel we will go down if we don't do something, we are stuck in a rut and need something to get us out of it

All Lambert supporters lost today I think. I'm like you, and I've seen most others who were still giving him the tiniest benefit of the doubt say there's no returning from this. I expect some sort of 'mutual agreement' tomorrow, I don't see how Lambert can stay on and I don't think he will want to either. Whether he will actually give up the money and just resign, I'd be surprised but wouldn't rule it out. No way Lerner will pay up 4 years of his contract to get rid of him.

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The German model for running football clubs is so much better than this. Always have to be fan owned which means their opinions actually matter. 


Plenty of people would want an oil baron.


In essence, it really doesn't matter as long as the results on the pitch happen.  Football fans on the whole don't really care how/why.

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The best argument is that it can't get any worse. It's just not possible.


I actually think he'll resign tonight.


It could get worse if he stays our manager and invariably gets us relegated.



I meant if we replace him. It can absolutely get worse with him in charge.

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The best argument is that it can't get any worse. It's just not possible.


I actually think he'll resign tonight.


It could get worse if he stays our manager and invariably gets us relegated.



But the performances themselves cannot get any worse. At least I cannot fathom a way that this set of players could play any worse. 


Surely his position is untenable? Even Lerner will be getting a twitchy bum now. He will want to protect his investment.


I would take Sherwood... I mean for **** sake Paul, look what you have done to me!

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The German model for running football clubs is so much better than this. Always have to be fan owned which means their opinions actually matter. 


Plenty of people would want an oil baron.


In essence, it really doesn't matter as long as the results on the pitch happen.  Football fans on the whole don't really care how/why.



They seem to care now, our opinions are not being listened to but they would be if the club was fan owned.

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Should have gone when the Culver house and Karsa fiasco took place. To have to get approval from Faulkner to suspend them totally undermined his position as manager. I remember when he was appointed a Norwich fan coming on here saying saying that he had a similar set up at Norwich as Dither had here. Karsa did the player spotting, Culver house the coaching and tactics and Lambert the motivational aspect. Theory were a team. Those two gone has destroyed that and as head of that team, the bullying showed his lack of power as "top dog." Simply put, he lost his power. His respect gone with the players. My guess is a lot felt, and the hint was that he will be gone last summer, get us through and keep us up and all good. A sale could be on and new manager in. They did that. The sale fell through, he kept his job, the undermined weak leader. His only chance of keeping us up is to either resign now, or promise he will in the summer if we stay up. He now seen as weak manager getting one last surge from his disillusioned, untrusting troops on return he falls on his sword once safe. In my opinion.

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Yep. Tonight's the night I think we need to roll that dice. If Lambert can't get them scoring then maybe someone else can. It still all comes back to Lerner, but if we're to stay up at this point then I think we need to try something new :-(

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Lets be fair, he's not gonna walk where there are millions to be had if he gets sacked. No one here would do it either.

Its all down to Lerner from here. Does he want to cough up the money to sack him. I'm hoping so, but my gut says he will be here for our next game.

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