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9 hours ago, fightoffyour said:

All the Ubers in Poland have been driving with their windows open, the cheap idiots.

They’ll use more fuel due to the aerodynamic drag with the windows down. 

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1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

Woke up and the suns already melted one of my missus tyres

Are you sure? Tyres melt at about 1000 degrees, it was warm last night without question but not that warm. 

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Just now, Seat68 said:

Are you sure? Tyres melt at about 1000 degrees, it was warm last night without question but not that warm. 

It could be just a normal flat who knows. But yesterday where i was was about 33c it was ridiculously hot. Im dreading what today and tomorrow is going to be like.

As a Cypriot i am use to the heat as cyprus gets this kind heat july until September  time. But we have AC everywhere there and pools and beaches. Its gonna be unbearable if it hits that temperature 

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Gonna be hotter in Solihull this afternoon and tomorrow than it will in Cairo.

I've currently closed all the doors and wondows and closed the curtains.  it's 23.7 in the house currently.  Hopefully it won't get too much hotter than that.  I know it was 24 outside when I close all the doors etc.  It's probably 25-30 outside now.

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Just now, Chindie said:

I've gone on the Northern Line in the middle of winter and come out sweating, so anyone mad enough to use the Tube this week has my sympathies.

I was on it last Tuesday and it was crazy hot.

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17 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Gonna be hotter in Solihull this afternoon and tomorrow than it will in Cairo.

I've currently closed all the doors and wondows and closed the curtains.  it's 23.7 in the house currently.  Hopefully it won't get too much hotter than that.  I know it was 24 outside when I close all the doors etc.  It's probably 25-30 outside now.

Yeah ive done the same. It really does do the trick. Opening the windows and having your curtains open really isnt a good idea

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19 hours ago, bickster said:

My recollection of 1976 is that it was hotter than this

It wasn't.

It may have been longer and drier. But it wasn't hotter

Edited by Stevo985
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On a side note, my parents managed a hotel in Moseley during that summer of '76. They had a bar/nightclub as part of the hotel.

They said the night the first rain in weeks came everyone was so happy they all went out into the car park and danced in the rain instead.

Could be absolute bollocks, but it's nice picture

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3 minutes ago, Risso said:

All these comparisons to 1976 and statements about how we just got in with it all sound a bit (and I hate using the phrase) 'gammony' to me.

A quick scroll down Twitter confirms that '1976' has displaced 'woke leftie snowflakes' at the top of the Gammon charts this week.

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I am very amused to read the number of people who (like me) remember the summer of 1976 and claim we are overreacting. 

In 1976 I was sucking lead paint of asbestos ceiling tiles whilst smoking 40 Park Drive a day.  It never did me any harm.............cough. 


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1976, the year I first had a bit of nookie.

I remember it more for the American Bi-Centennial Football tournament that was on. Naturally it was a bit on the warm side too.

So was the weather ;)


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