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Everything posted by choffer

  1. choffer

    Christmas 2015

    It's true, you can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Some of the girls in my office have clearly gone to a lot of trouble to make themselves look good for our Christmas party this year. I think I'm going to enjoy getting slowly drunk in the corner while I do my best impression of a dirty old man, leering at them
  2. There was talk then but from what I understand, this is more recent interest.
  3. Unsubstantiated rumours in West London, that we're sniffing around Brentford's keeper (who is very good, btw).
  4. Looks vaguely familiar so might be a bindunne:
  5. Oh crap. I've just has a quick listen and I quite like it. I'm going to have to eat humble pie with little bro now
  6. My brother (whose music taste is normally truly dreadful) has been trying to persuade me that they are worth a listen for ages. I've resisted on the basis that any recommendation from him will be utter pants.
  7. choffer


    i bet John Carver is already tidying up his CV.
  8. Not the best evening to take a short-cut through Leicester Square tonight. Absolute bedlam round there.
  9. Bloke who sits next to me, regularly brings in photos of his rabbits who he is teaching to show jump. To be fair, those photos are preferable to the diesel locomotive pictures he often shares.
  10. I'm not really into Star Wars but I thought this was interesting. Guardian posted their original review of the first film, 38 years ago:
  11. I'm guessing you'd know more about that than I but when they told us of great promises followed by a loss of interest after a few years, I'm not sure many of us took it seriously. Let's hope we don't follow their model and continue to be rubbish even after he's left.
  12. And to think, some of us (me included) didn't really listen to those Browns fans. They had it pegged from day 1.
  13. Anyone who doesn't list The Hudsucker Proxy in their top ten Coen films is to be viewed with suspicion.
  14. Knowing my luck, it'll be the other way around. Either way - could be fun
  15. Schoolboy error on my part. Friend at work decides her friend and I are ideal for each other. I said I'm vaguely open to meeting her because she was described in very favourable terms. Meeting arranged but now I've done a bit of Facebook stalking, I realise she is totally not my type. I've been doing this more than long enough to know I should establish the facts before jumping in.
  16. I too watched this last night and I have to say, I think your review is unnecessarily kind.
  17. Bingo! Of course it was the pressing return bit. I will return to the corner to stand and contemplate my poor observation skills
  18. Depends on at which point you edited my post i copied the url from the address bar, didn't work. Then I tried the link in the share option, didn't work. Finally tried the embed option as outlined above and it came out all messed up again. I was going through the process again when I saw you'd bailed me out. What's odd though is that in one of the earlier attempts, the video did seem to be embedded in the editor but when I hit submit, it posted it as just the link. And I used to be really good at posting and embedding on the old site too. I might have another stab at it in the testing forum tomorrow.
  19. An anagram of Donald Trump is Damp old Runt. That is all.
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