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FIFA Corruption


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I honestly wonder about the mechanics of holding a tournament in Qatar, as there's so much more than just the football.

In Dubai, we're quite used to holding events such as the Rugby 7's, which involve a lot of booze, scantility clad women and general tomfoolery. Then there's the beach parties and such like which are accepted as there is a mix of different lifestyles thrown together. We have churches and temples here, if that's your bag. Probably pushing it if you're looking for a synagog though...

Anyway after 5 trips to Doha, I can't see any hijinx going down well at all in Qatar.

I can't imagine the likes of Heineken, Amstel and Budweiser will be too chuffed as no way will they be allowed to advertise openly.

I went to the 2006 WC in Germany and it was fantastic. A huge part of that was the street party atmosphere and world cup village which, in Frankfurt, ws a line of bars from around themed for different nations lined up by the canals.

Brazil will be mental this year too, albeit slightly terrifying.

Qatar will be an absolute mess.

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What are the other countries saying about it all?


Are we the only ones kicking up a fuss about it?

What fuss? A year ago the FA said that they thought it should be moved to winter. They're hardly manning the barricades. 


Unless you're wondering whether a few dozen people on this message board are the only ones 'kicking up a fuss'. In which case, probably not.

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What would happen if all the players from every country just decided to protest and not play? Could they still hold the World Cup? Hypothetically of course, because a player will never turn down to play for their country, despite the conditions. Just an interesting thought.

Edited by AVFCforever1991
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Unfortunately, I believe the power to influence FIFA over the Qatar mess lies in the corporate sponsors.


Were Mastercard, Pepsi, Ford et al to pull out then FIFA would pay attention, but this won't happen. Even if the European nation fans decide not to attend, there are buckloads in the MENA region that can't wait to go.


As I mentioned earlier, the UAE shows that the region can understand what is required to hold an international event, with the concerts, the rugby and such, but that's not the case with the other GCC nations. Just compare the Bahrain GP to the Abu Dhabi one for an example of differences in mentality. having said that, the UAE wouldn't cope with the carnival atmosphere generated by hosting a world cup.


Unfortunately, due to the wealth in the region, and the consumption of premium brands, the Qatar WC is still an sponsors wet dream and as thus the money men will make sure this tournament takes place.

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It needs the top federations to boycott it. If Germany, Spain, Italy, France, England pulled out then it might cause some action to be taken

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So England and its press kick up a fuss about obvious corruption, the sort the entire football world knew had taken place.


And the end result? Nothing, Qatar will still have the World Cup, those guilty of corruption will have got away with it and the only thing that will have changed is the level with which FIFA and UEFA dislike us. 


Not that we are wrong to point out the corruption, you just wonder what is the point when all it does is put us in a worse position.

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Just saw this on the BBC


Qatar World Cup 2022: Fifa vice-president 'would support' re-vote


Fifa vice-president Jim Boyce says he would support a re-vote to find a new host for the Qatar World Cup in 2022 if corruption allegations can be proven.
Continue reading the main story
If Garcia reports that wrongdoing happened for the 2022 vote then it has to be looked at very seriously



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Wrong place, wrong time, wrong reasons.


FIFA won't move it, TV won't do a thing and the clubs and players won't do anything.


Best you can do is very publicly boycott the lead sponsors (FIFA Partners) and hope it makes a difference.

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They might move it, it's a mess and a reason, such as corruption, might be a get out from that mess. Though obviously they'll not be keen to clean up the corruption, as it goes all the way to the top. Devil and the deep blue sea...

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