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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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26 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

I think I should have stopped dead backed in to him, allowed the barrier to shut and then tap. But I really didn't think, as I was in a rush to get my train from Euston. The underground really **** me off, it's full of unspeakable words removed.

When I was a kid, I loved going on the tube when I went to London. Loved the map, loved the long tunnels, loved the weird winds, loved the idea of having an underground in the Midlands.

Then I went to London to live last year. Took one journey, thought '**** this' and walked everywhere afterwards. Still try to avoid it where possible. 

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16 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

When I was a kid, I loved going on the tube when I went to London. Loved the map, loved the long tunnels, loved the weird winds, loved the idea of having an underground in the Midlands.

Then I went to London to live last year. Took one journey, thought '**** this' and walked everywhere afterwards. Still try to avoid it where possible. 

undergrounds are the same the world over .. apart the South Korean one that plays something akin to the William Tel overture when the train comes in :)   ... in the rush hour they are victims of their own success , outside of that they are a quick and convenient way to get around

Edited by tonyh29
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1 hour ago, tonyh29 said:

undergrounds are the same the world over .. apart the South Korean one that plays something akin to the William Tel overture when the train comes in :)   ... in the rush hour they are victims of their own success , outside of that they are a quick and convenient way to get around

Ha, I remember that music! 

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19 hours ago, choffer said:

On the Oyster, you have to in and out or it doesn't know how far you've travelled (and thus how much to charge you). If you only do one or the other, you get charged full whack fare rather than the fare for the trip you did.

When I was in London ( 2012 ) I went to the gridiron show at Piccidilly circus and because there was a very large crowd at Victoria underground, it came over the PA to just get on and dont bother to tag on and they just opened the gates.When I got to Picidilly and tagged off ( I had an oyster card ) I got charged double.Presumebly for not tagging on.WTF..

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When I lived in London, TfL were actually really good at giving refunds for unfair charges. Even if, say, you'd been unable to tap in/out because you'd been caught in a crowd. Really prompt, too. Obviously it shouldn't have to come to that in the first place but it's better than nothing.

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I get really really wound up by amateur professional cyclists. It's a growing trend. You see them blocking up the roads often riding arrogantly two abreast in their aerodynamic lycra,  riding their £2,000 bikes boasting how they are so light made from micro carbon balsa so light they can pick the bike up with their erection 

1) unless you are actually going for an Olympic record there is no need for the lycra especially with your Flabby arse on show in the back of it

2) they are actually cheating. If they really want to test themselves and prove their manhood they should tackle those hills on a Raleigh chopper wearing flappy shorts. If they want to use the latest tech to shorten their times get a fcuking motor fitted to the bike

The latest wind up if the cameras fitted to their helmets to ensure they can edit out the footage of them manically performing some suicidal manouver whilst riding 4 abreast with their finance director and stockbroker mates accross both lanes of the A5 so they can sue the 80 yr old driver who smashed into them on the blind bend 

Fr!ggin hate them.  Tw@ts

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I get really really wound up by amateur professional football players. It's a growing trend. You see them blocking up the parks often playing arrogantly 11 a side in their replica kits,  wearing their £100 football boots boasting how they are so good made from micro carbon balsa so they can curve the ball further and faster. 

1) unless you are actually playing in the Premier League there is no need for the kit especially with your Flabby arse on show in the back of it

2) they are actually cheating. If they really want to test themselves and prove their skills they should play those games in jeans, jumpers and shoes. If they want to use the latest tech to play football sign up for a real team and play in a fcuking stadium

The latest wind up is the organised leagues where they arrange to play matches against other teams made up of their finance director and stockbroker mates and think it makes them as good as professional players they see on the TV just because they have the cheek to use the same balls, same clothes and play the same sport.

Fr!ggin hate them.  Tw@ts

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32 minutes ago, sidcow said:

I get really really wound up by amateur professional cyclists. It's a growing trend. You see them blocking up the roads often riding arrogantly two abreast in their aerodynamic lycra,  riding their £2,000 bikes boasting how they are so light made from micro carbon balsa so light they can pick the bike up with their erection 

1) unless you are actually going for an Olympic record there is no need for the lycra especially with your Flabby arse on show in the back of it

2) they are actually cheating. If they really want to test themselves and prove their manhood they should tackle those hills on a Raleigh chopper wearing flappy shorts. If they want to use the latest tech to shorten their times get a fcuking motor fitted to the bike

The latest wind up if the cameras fitted to their helmets to ensure they can edit out the footage of them manically performing some suicidal manouver whilst riding 4 abreast with their finance director and stockbroker mates accross both lanes of the A5 so they can sue the 80 yr old driver who smashed into them on the blind bend 

Fr!ggin hate them.  Tw@ts

I can only assume this is satirical. Well done.

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1 hour ago, sidcow said:

I get really really wound up by amateur professional cyclists. It's a growing trend. You see them blocking up the roads often riding arrogantly two abreast in their aerodynamic lycra,  riding their £2,000 bikes boasting how they are so light made from micro carbon balsa so light they can pick the bike up with their erection 

1) unless you are actually going for an Olympic record there is no need for the lycra especially with your Flabby arse on show in the back of it

2) they are actually cheating. If they really want to test themselves and prove their manhood they should tackle those hills on a Raleigh chopper wearing flappy shorts. If they want to use the latest tech to shorten their times get a fcuking motor fitted to the bike

The latest wind up if the cameras fitted to their helmets to ensure they can edit out the footage of them manically performing some suicidal manouver whilst riding 4 abreast with their finance director and stockbroker mates accross both lanes of the A5 so they can sue the 80 yr old driver who smashed into them on the blind bend 

Fr!ggin hate them.  Tw@ts


That's off the deep end. 

How unreasonable of people, to wear helmet cameras so you can't simply murder without them consequence. What a time to be alive etc. 

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Sorry guys perhaps I have mis interpreted the title of the thread. I didn't realise this was a thread for discussing things that you had a really rational reason for getting annoyed about 

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36 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:


That's off the deep end. 

How unreasonable of people, to wear helmet cameras so you can't simply murder without them consequence. What a time to be alive etc. 

Jesus pinch of salt mate 

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undergrounds are the same the world over .. apart the South Korean one that plays something akin to the William Tel overture when the train comes in [emoji4]   ... in the rush hour they are victims of their own success , outside of that they are a quick and convenient way to get around

Ah, memories

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Got myself good and annoyed, talking to some Newcastle supporting friends, and started bragging about how we were going to relegate them again. Made some stupid remarks, and even made an ill advised wager. I have no faith in Villa helping me out here, but my McGrath I hope we don't get beat by them. 

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9 hours ago, sidcow said:

I can only assume you are a cyclist 

Have to admit in being a cyclist only fair weather mind. Although I agree with you on the lycra (Would never wear it myself), having a £2000 bike is much more than flashing it to your mates. Quicker, much easier to ride and rarely fails when your 50 miles away.

Though have to admit wouldn't be seen dead on a 'Apollo racer' on the London to Brighton.

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36 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

Have to admit in being a cyclist only fair weather mind. Although I agree with you on the lycra (Would never wear it myself), having a £2000 bike is much more than flashing it to your mates. Quicker, much easier to ride and rarely fails when your 50 miles away.

Though have to admit wouldn't be seen dead on a 'Apollo racer' on the London to Brighton.

I actually am a fair weather cyclist as well of the floppy shorts variety. And my bike is a trusty old Raleigh which weighs a ton though not a chopper. 

These types of cyclists genuinely do produce a completely irrational annoyance in me though I admit I was aiming for an overdramatic (and I was pretty drunk) rant. I think a few people have had a sense of humor meltdown possibly because it hit a nerve.  It's a good job I didn't go off on another rant I had boiling about golfers because there are even more of them and they definitely have a sense of humour bypass 


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2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

So with all that set out, here's what happened on Friday:

I rolled up to a red light at a junction, stopping at the point cars are indicated to stop. A cyclist (middle aged man, all the gear, big helmet, camera), cycled up in front of me, positioned himself square in front of me in the middle of the lane. Clearly, unless this guy has a hidden rocket booster or runs the red, he is going to slow me down across this junction. He then proceeds to do this jiggle thing where he's giving it half a pace forward and backward to keep the bike upright without putting a foot down. Light goes green, he tries to propel forward. But instead he does a sort of drunk baby giraffe sprawl all over the road. A sort of wobbly tripod of bike and lycra. He didn't completely hit the tarmac. But he spazzed out stumbling around for the entire duration of our green light. 

I didn't roll forward, I didn't toot. I may have smiled.

He totally lost his shit! Scowling at me, pointing at the front of the car. waving his arms around. A bit more scowling. Then decided to take his chances just cycling across the junction on a red anyway. I actually wondered if he thought I'd nudged him. I doubt he'll be sticking that one on youtube or twitter. 

Stop following me in your stupid car.

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Like drivers, there are good and bad cyclists. I'm a pretty relaxed driver but some cyclists do some annoying things like going over lights on red and riding 2 or 3 abreast on a main road. It also pisses me off that some have no regard for their own safety - they'll be on their bike with no protective gear on, no lights and dark clothing, sometimes at night! That is crazy!

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