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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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So it's nearly the end of week three at the new job. Everything hurts and my legs are bruised so much they look like ripe bananas. I'm on shit money and don't feel like doing anything on my days off except eat and sleep. Weeknights I'm in bed by 9pm and the other night I dreamt about running wheelbarrows through a muddy field in the rain. Then I woke up and did it all day for real. I get stick off the lads my age because they've all been working on sites the last ten years and the only thing I've put any dedication into has been taking copious amounts of drugs.

None of that bothers me.

What really pisses me off is the unending stream of UKIP related bullshit and the unashamed racism that passes for, and I'm quoting, "deep conversation." Just a sample, and I swear I'm not making this up:

"I'm not a racist or anything, but Africa is too far behind the rest of the world, we should just kill the lot and move in"

The worst part is, if I try and counter some of the less ridiculous points being made, it gets dismissed because I don't know as much about construction as them. Which of course is true, I wouldn't know the first thing about how to install a steel beam or dig out a footing. That doesn't mean I have to sit there nodding away like one of Jesus' disciples whilst "the brains of the operation" explains to a hushed audience how New Labour's immigration policy caused the global banking crisis. Or my favourite, about how I'm naive for believing everything the government tells me (I was quoting the ONS), but The Sun is a perfectly legitimate source for backing up your argument.

Should't let it wind me up so much really, or even engage with them. I just don't see why I have to eat my lunch to the sound of a bunch of f****** shitehawks pretending to understand something they clearly don't.

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So it's nearly the end of week three at the new job. Everything hurts and my legs are bruised so much they look like ripe bananas. I'm on shit money and don't feel like doing anything on my days off except eat and sleep. Weeknights I'm in bed by 9pm and the other night I dreamt about running wheelbarrows through a muddy field in the rain. Then I woke up and did it all day for real. I get stick off the lads my age because they've all been working on sites the last ten years and the only thing I've put any dedication into has been taking copious amounts of drugs.

None of that bothers me.

What really pisses me off is the unending stream of UKIP related bullshit and the unashamed racism that passes for, and I'm quoting, "deep conversation." Just a sample, and I swear I'm not making this up:

"I'm not a racist or anything, but Africa is too far behind the rest of the world, we should just kill the lot and move in"

The worst part is, if I try and counter some of the less ridiculous points being made, it gets dismissed because I don't know as much about construction as them. Which of course is true, I wouldn't know the first thing about how to install a steel beam or dig out a footing. That doesn't mean I have to sit there nodding away like one of Jesus' disciples whilst "the brains of the operation" explains to a hushed audience how New Labour's immigration policy caused the global banking crisis. Or my favourite, about how I'm naive for believing everything the government tells me (I was quoting the ONS), but The Sun is a perfectly legitimate source for backing up your argument.

Should't let it wind me up so much really, or even engage with them. I just don't see why I have to eat my lunch to the sound of a bunch of f****** shitehawks pretending to understand something they clearly don't.



now you know how i feel on VT.


lol jk u guys r ok

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It's hard to believe how much of a schooling some builders get from the sun

Who are you labouring for, brickies? It's a hard life!

Yeah brickies. It's worse because they're actually quite nice and pretty supportive considering I'm effectively useless. Just any conversation involving football (small heath, as if it needed saying) or politics means I have to grit my teeth and put up with it.

I'll give it a few more weeks and if it doesn't get any better I'll just have to politely explain that they're too far behind and kill them.

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I bet he has been going through a tough time, his girlfriend had left him, his friends had all drifted away, he was overworked, underpaid and underappreciated.He trudged to work that morning, the same way he did every morning, the grey backdrop matched that of his spirit.

He spent his weekends alone in his flat, with nobody to speak to, nobody to reach out to and nobody to tell him everything is going to be alright. 

 Then this he gets a phonecall from an old pal, a solitary phonecall in a sea of loneliness, it was his old pal, he offered him a day out. Maybe it wasn't all bad, maybe everything was going to be okay. He rushed home to his cat "Hey Mittins, Daddy made a friend today"  He reached for his pen, got out his diary, a black book of bleakness and misery, and with teardrops sprinkling the page wrote one sentence "It's all going to be okay."


Meanwhile, his phone,sat at work in his desk.The blue light of a messge received, awaiting.

Flashing in the dark, but this is no beacon of hope, it is a beacon of despair, each glow like the rhythm of a beating heart, counting down the hours until it can take no more.


Simon :(

This is really good, do you do any writing? (Serious question)

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the guy on Radio 4 at about 5:30pm this evening


he was on as 'a serving police officer' to pass anonymous comment on this guy being released from prison after a 48 year sentence for murdering 2 police officers


the guy was a semi literate oaf that struggled to put together whole thoughts, was permanently on the edge of aggression and felt police should have enhanced rights over others


either he was a hoaxer that blagged a 10 minute spot on the radio, or he was a very scary reflection of the quality of retard that can be in the police

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