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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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So the anti-discrimination body is openly advocating discrimination?  Do they not see the hypocrisy?  Idiots.

You beat me to it.  Monty Python would be proud of a sketch like that.

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'Positive discrimination' is complex but I would argue in some instances it is needed, initially, to break down barriers e.g. more women are needed in government.


Objection to it usually comes from the right place (that people should be hired on merit and merit alone) but that doesn't take into account any institutional sexism or racism that currently exists and is a barrier for certain people.


Alternatively you could just wait it out and representation of minorities will increase each generation.

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Had a strange dream last night where I was supporting Dundee United , hat scarf at the game the lot

Really weird


Does that piss you off?


Do you really support Dundee?


well of the 2 any sane man would pick Dundee for their dreams surely ?

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wasnt the Kick it Out the same guys that were saying that 1 minority candidate should be interviewed for a job at top clubs. Citing United should have interviewed 1 before replacing Fergie. its just bollocks really. 


I believe that if your good enough you will get the job

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Isn't that just the Quota system which turned so many South African sportsman from their national teams? I understand that diversity is a good thing and you shouldn't not get a job/signed due to your race, but surely the achievement of said diversity is lessened if you are only chosen due to being in a minority. Racism has no place in sport but so does having someone compete just because they're in a minority, if your not good enough your not good enough, end of.

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It's just stupid really.  Racism and discrimination should work across the board.  Like these stupid equality and diversity forms that you have to fill in when you apply for a job, as if it has some bearing on whether you get invited for an interview.

It defeats the object of trying to do away with prejudice and discrimination by drawing further attention to ethnicity.  Colour and race should be totally and 100% ignored, that is the true road to equality.

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The use of stats of how many women are in senior management as a way to say women still aren't treated as equal.

I nearly burst a vein with the number of miss use of stats and fundamental misunderstanding there. Only a moron could use that as a way to prove their point.

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It is easy to say colour or race should be ignored when you're white and have nothing to worry about.


I'd say the same no matter what colour I were.  Surely the objective is for everyone to be viewed as one human species, some of which have slightly different skin pigmentation based on the climate their ancestors lived in.


Comparing two CV's of the same quality and picking one based on the ethnicity of the applicant is disgraceful no matter which way it's chosen.

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Did she help with the car boot at all?



nope, she had been saying she would help out for a few months beforehand but then had to work on Sunday. Turns out she didnt go to work at all, she didnt realise I was staying home to look after my daughter.


The woman is a nightmare, she owes her mom and dad close to £10k (she rents a house off them) she is always late with the rent, doesnt pay it in full or doesnt pay it at all...

yet has always got plenty of money for new clothes and shoes, has just booked an all inclusive holiday for her, her fella and her kid.


The worst part is that she boasts about all the material stuff she gets to her Mom and Dad.

They have got to the point where they are going to sell the house she rents but feel terrible becuase they will be kicking their grandaughter out.. My sister in law uses this to her advantage.

I despise the woman.



Wow. i feel great now. :D

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