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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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55 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

This Charlie Gard mess.

The whole situation is dire.

But **** me, the parents are intent on creating a media firestorm while their terminally ill son with zero chance of a normal life even with this experimental treatment. (that hasn't even been lab tested) 

They're also dragging GOSH's name through the mud while they continue this tirade.

The whole situation is cruel.

Horrible business, as you say and I don't know what I'd do in that situation but I did wonder the other day how much time they've spent on telly and in the courts that they could have spent with their dying child.

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1 hour ago, StefanAVFC said:

This Charlie Gard mess.

The whole situation is dire.

But **** me, the parents are intent on creating a media firestorm while their terminally ill son with zero chance of a normal life even with this experimental treatment. (that hasn't even been lab tested) 

They're also dragging GOSH's name through the mud while they continue this tirade.

The whole situation is cruel.

I do agree with what you say, and I'll also state I haven't read up much about this whole thing so I'm not very well informed, but in the case of the parents creating a media firestorm, do the ends not justify the means somewhat?

I'm not a parent, but I can imagine that any parent worth their salt would go to any lengths necessary in order to save their child's life. Is that not what they're doing?

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4 minutes ago, Ginko said:

I'm not a parent, but I can imagine that any parent worth their salt would go to any lengths necessary in order to save their child's life. Is that not what they're doing?

But while they're doing this, their child is suffering. Can't breathe on his own, can't see, can't hear and GOSH have said he's suffering.

All the while, the parents and relatives are slandering GOSH and saying they're lying. It's one of the best pediatric hospitals worldwide. They aren't making this up.

The treatment they want to try hasn't even been tested on animals and even if it works, it won't undo the horrendous brain damage the child has suffered already.

It's awful, but Charlie doesn't have the chance. And it's sickening how so many individuals are using this as capital.

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Hopefully I will never been in a situation like that, but it's not until you are that you can make any kind of judgement on what to do. I understand what Stefan is saying, but you need to realise the desire of the parents on not wanting to give up. Tragic situation.

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I noticed the Mirror and The Scum both using "our" on their front pages in an attempt to get Charlie Gard owned by the entire nation (or the entire nation that read their shitrags at least)

Typical word removedery from both

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Just now, Rugeley Villa said:

According to the parents this treatment in America has a 10% chance of working. Firstly I'd want to know what working means. Working as in some quality of life, or working as just keeping her alive. 

It may abate some symptoms.

However, when you account for exactly what the condition does, and the injuries the child already has, it doesn't mean a lot.

The condition affects the mitochondria of the child's cells. Mitochondria are parts of cells that effectively act like batteries. They allow the conversion of oxygen and nutrients into energy. If these do not work, your cells don't work, and therefore your body doesn't work. Helping to abate this is not going to fix it.

In this case, it means the child literally cannot live without machines. He cannot move in any way, his lungs do not work, he cannot make a noise, he cannot swallow. He has severe and irreparable brain damage, and is blind and deaf.

They're fighting to hopefully keep him alive. But even if the treatment works, and if it works to a degree completely unheard of and cures the problem (which it will not), he will have no quality of life due the extent of brain damage. More likely, if it works, the mitochondria might slightly recover, the cells may slightly recover, and he'll still rely on machines to live and still be severely brain damaged.

I can understand the parents wanting to fight for every chance of course. But I also understand the hospital making the decision. It's a horrible situation, but criticism of the hospital is wrong and the horrible self promotion of various vile bastards is disgraceful.

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14 minutes ago, Chindie said:

It may abate some symptoms.

However, when you account for exactly what the condition does, and the injuries the child already has, it doesn't mean a lot.

The condition affects the mitochondria of the child's cells. Mitochondria are parts of cells that effectively act like batteries. They allow the conversion of oxygen and nutrients into energy. If these do not work, your cells don't work, and therefore your body doesn't work. Helping to abate this is not going to fix it.

In this case, it means the child literally cannot live without machines. He cannot move in any way, his lungs do not work, he cannot make a noise, he cannot swallow. He has severe and irreparable brain damage, and is blind and deaf.

They're fighting to hopefully keep him alive. But even if the treatment works, and if it works to a degree completely unheard of and cures the problem (which it will not), he will have no quality of life due the extent of brain damage. More likely, if it works, the mitochondria might slightly recover, the cells may slightly recover, and he'll still rely on machines to live and still be severely brain damaged.

I can understand the parents wanting to fight for every chance of course. But I also understand the hospital making the decision. It's a horrible situation, but criticism of the hospital is wrong and the horrible self promotion of various vile bastards is disgraceful.

Well in this case I'd like to think I'd put an end to the pain and misery being suffered by the child. I doubt very much I could watch my child living like that. Either way it's bloody heartbreaking whatever happens.

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34 minutes ago, Chindie said:

I agree.

Living with no quality of life is no life at all. There's more dignity in being allowed to slip away than to be forced to live.

Different circumstances, but we had to make a decision on my gran. She was the backbone of the family and a real trooper. To cut a long story short we all agreed to turn the life support off, and tbf it was a relief in a weird way. We all found comfort in knowing that she was not in pain anymore. She would of wanted it that way too.

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20 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

People who share Netflix accounts, and then moan about it.


I have a mate who's using FB to organise the using of his Netflix account. his mom uses it in one household and his brother in law in another. They're posting stuff like "i'm done now, you can use it" "Kids are finished now, you can go back on"


JUST GET YOUR OWN ACCOUNT! It's like £6 a month. 

And if you do want to share you can add more devices by paying like £2 extra a month.

I'm more annoyed than I should be about this.

I hope you copy and pasted your comment onto their facebook timeline? :)

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So yesterday I got back from a few days in Poland to attend a friend's wedding. I was the driver of our group because one can't and the other two were too nervous. We got a rental car from the airport and off we went.

I was a bit nervous at first, first time driving abroad and in a country that drives on the right, plus the wedding was being held in the middle of nowhere in rural Poland. There's a general lack of road signs that tell you the speed limit over there, but I'd read up on the generally accepted national speed limits and was getting along fine enough.

We'd driven about three hours to my friend's little town and she'd arranged for her brother-in-law to meet us at the petrol station on the edge of town so we could follow him the rest of the way to the hotel as it was in the sticks and hard to find. So we meet him, nice, big, cheery German chap, very friendly and insanely impressive grasp of the English language. I notice he's driving a small truck with Team Honda Racing on the side just before he sets off with us in tow, four weary tourists.

My fear comes to pass; he's a petrolhead and despite knowing he was leading someone and we were foreigners who drive on the other side of the road, he drove about 30km/h over the speed limits, but then again it seems most Polish drivers do. They also have an interesting and widely accepted policy on overtaking that is frankly downright scary at times.

We near the hotel, just managing to keep up. I'm trying to slow him down by hanging back a bit so I don't get caught speeding. Well you know what happens next. Him and the other three or so cars in front of him are screaming round this road with a blind curve and a convenient little trail off to the right where two cops are waiting with a speed gun. They're all close together and I guess the cops don't have time to wave them down to nick them, but guess who comes round the corner next only to get caught doing 60km/h in a 40?

Thankfully one of the cops spoke English but I was tired and naturally worried about getting nicked in a foreign country. Apparently that road, which had no sign stating the limit and by my reading should have been at least a 70km/h limit, was a 40km/h. They fined me 100 zloti (about 20 quid which we split four ways so not too bad) and wrote me a ticket. I'm unsure on whether I'll hear anything from the DVLA regarding further punishment or points but the cops made no mention of it. Kept me delayed for half an hour and were unsympathetic to our plight though, the words removed.

Wedding and reception was bloody brill though! Didn't get caught on the way back either. Their Highway Code seems to be made up on the spot and Polish drivers are **** nuts.

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went last month, some of the roads were shocking and the speed limits seemed to go up and down like a whores draws, fortunately we had a sat nav which told you the speed, sometimes it changed 3 times in the space of 100 metres

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The car we rented told us the limits but only when there was a road sign. Must be a chip in it as it changed as soon as we passed them. But the roads with no signs? The car didn't display them. To say I felt hard done by is an understatement.

Youre right about the limits changing a lot too. On the way back to the airport there was one stretch of road where there was no sign for a mile or so, then a sign for 70km/h and literally maybe twenty feet behind that, one for 60. There was absolutely nothing in between the two signs. 

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just seen the charlie gard story on the news, looked to me like he was dragging her round, neither of them looked particularly healthy either, didnt look like a united front or a loving couple, she looked like a zombie and he looked angry as ****

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7 hours ago, villa4europe said:

just seen the charlie gard story on the news, looked to me like he was dragging her round, neither of them looked particularly healthy either, didnt look like a united front or a loving couple, she looked like a zombie and he looked angry as ****

To be fair I'm sure if you'd had the last 10 months they had those would be the two overriding emotions. I doubt they have time or emotional energy to be a loving couple. 

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I live in one of these new builds that seem to be popping up in London which have a co-op underneath. The concept is excellent for convenience, the area itself is nice and so is the flat. However, as with everywhere in London, doesn't matter how nice the area is, you're never too far away from a mad house. Down the road there is what I think is a halfway house and the same again in the other direction.

The first thing that pisses me off is that the people in the halfway house now sit outside the co-op all day, every day, asking for money. I've given them money but now they're taking the piss. I know they're most likely on benefits as well so this is just fueling their addictions.

Even more annoying though is that I live the floor above the Co-op, directly above the entrance. At least a couple of times a week a lady will rock up in her wheelchair, "threaten mans" who work in the Co-op, steal stuff, accuse them of assault and then threaten one of the other ladies that begs for money because shes "muscling in on her drug business".

The police are called, have a word and then leave. Rinse and repeat. It's annoying on so many levels.

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