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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Guy at my work I sit across from has terrible breath and teeth. Sometimes when I catch a whiff it's like that smell they add to natural gas but worse somehow.

Brush your tongue and have a wee floss every few days. I reckon most of it is down to gross bits stuck in between the gnashers.

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13 hours ago, blandy said:

Not where you work, where I work.

Giving  presentation, with slides or video, about yourself is, even for the best and most interesting people, cringeworthy. We had one last week, where a bloke was asked in his video a number of questions, and one was "what would you tell a 20 year old you, if you could go back in time?" - the answer was genuinely kind of sad - this director looked full of regret about his life and career choice and basically was sort of saying "I wish I'd travelled and had fun instead of working hard". The bloke looked gutted, basically. The other stuff was the usual mix of supporting whatever crap team and wife and kids make him proud...blah blah.

Would have been much less clunky, more natural, more friendly just to say "Hi, I'm Ben, I'm the HR director and I hope to meet you all over the next few weeks..."

No one gives a damn about his hobbies or Wigan Warriors or how his kids going to Uni makes him proud. STanding him up in front of a camera for a Q&A is just numpty. Same with "here's a slideshow of my career and hobbies and family".

I've got better ways to spend my time and so has he.

I agree. It's like the workplace equivalent of putting songsheets on football club seats. 

If someone is going to fit in and people get to know know him it will happen naturally. The pub is indeed the best place for this,  or the kitchen chat whilst waiting for the twonk who is making 8 drinks slowly washing each cup ignoring the 3 people behind them who just want a quick rinse,  chuck a spoon of coffee in and go before you have picked up the second mug in the never ending line. 

I always make my own drink. . There is no me in team.  Or I for that matter. My tea is not in my team.  I don't know,  something like that. 

Edited by sidcow
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6 minutes ago, Phumfeinz said:

The underside of the toilet seat.

Weeeell.. OK,  as long as it makes my breath smell fresher. . It sounds counter intuitive but I trust you.  It had its annual clean just before Christmas so should be OK 

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Since I've started cleaning my tongue properly my breath is so much better, not that it was bad anyway, but sometimes I would get an horrible taste in my mouth. So yeah the tongue cleaning definitely works. On the subject of not cleaning teeth, my grandad has not cleaned his teeth for years and his breath rarely smells. My gran always used to say the plaque is the only thing holding his teeth in so he better not clean them.

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On 11/02/2017 at 19:19, Xela said:

That's another week I can't go into On Topic 


On 11/02/2017 at 19:28, HanoiVillan said:

We play again on Tuesday. Fingers crossed I can venture back in after that. 

Sorry @Xela, misplaced optimism. 

Probably won't go back in On Topic for weeks now :(

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15 hours ago, Xela said:

Woman at work: "It's a disgrace Trump might be coming to Birmingham. He should be banned for his views on women"

She's just comeback from a week in Dubai. "Oooh I love it there"

On a related note, I'm also sure that there are great swathes of British 52%ers on whom the irony of being disgusted at Trump's muslim ban is completely lost.

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2 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

Since I've started cleaning my tongue properly my breath is so much better, not that it was bad anyway, but sometimes I would get an horrible taste in my mouth. So yeah the tongue cleaning definitely works. On the subject of not cleaning teeth, my grandad has not cleaned his teeth for years and his breath rarely smells. My gran always used to say the plaque is the only thing holding his teeth in so he better not clean them.

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9 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:


Sorry @Xela, misplaced optimism. 

Probably won't go back in On Topic for weeks now :(

I might try in 2018. We might have stumbled on a winning formula by then. 

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Please constantly offended by adverts showing good bodies. There was that one last year about being 'beach body ready'. There is another one now with one of the Kardashian clan promoting a protein supplement. They say its 'body shaming' but if  a few heffalumps get in shape because of the adverts, its better for their health in the long run.

People should be told that being fat and unhealthy isn't good. 

Edited by Xela
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2 hours ago, Jimzk5 said:

That new ed shearen song castle on the hill. 


'When I was 6 years old I broke my leg, running from my brother and his friends'

Then he tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass that he rolled down???!!!....I'd say you were screaming in agony....ed.

Don't get me started on building a lego f*****g house!!

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3 hours ago, Xela said:

Please constantly offended by adverts showing good bodies. There was that one last year about being 'beach body ready'. There is another one now with one of the Kardashian clan promoting a protein supplement. They say its 'body shaming' but if  a few heffalumps get in shape because of the adverts, its better for their health in the long run.

People should be told that being fat and unhealthy isn't good. 

Someone said on Twitter something like: Before people start with their fake outrage, remember that Protein World can now afford a Kardashian because of your first protest :)

There are tube posters advertising Vegas trips or exotic holidays with Hayes and Jarvis. I'm suprised the sensitive souls (with nothing better to focus their lives on) haven't complained that those companies should stop 'poor shaming' some sections of society with photos of unobtainable holidays. 


Edited by Morley_crosses_to_Withe
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My Prostate Gland.

Pisses me off because it tells me I need a piss when I don't, then when I do get to the toilet I stand for a long time waiting for the flow to begin. It's not just waiting; there's all the false starts, the drips, the involuntary clenching. This is very embarrassing when in someone else's toilet because it takes so long, I think that they believe I am taking a dump, or doing something else, in their toilet. This adds to the anxiety whilst trying to piss, which just elongates the whole process, often resulting in no urine being passed at all.

It shouldn't piss me off because the little b*stard has given me so much pleasure over the years.

Someone once told me it's god's little joke on males.

I really should get it checked out, but I am a virgin and I am too old to lose it now.

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4 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

Don't even agree with that to be honest. 

If I'm honest, I agree, but I can also see the point of view that we shouldn't promote unhealthy lifestyles. Personally, my whole philosophy on life is live and let live, and I don't care if you're size XXS or XXL, as long as you're a decent person. I think I was trying to see it from Xela's point of view (which I can), and so was playing Devil's Advocate.

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