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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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26 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I'm amazed you guys know so much about the company I work for.

Everyone here seems to enjoy the introductions. in fact it was requested by the staff that they happen.

I'll let the directors know that we should stop them because some bloke on the internet thinks they're counterproductive :D 

Don't forget to tell them my view on suits in the work place whilst you are at it :)



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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

I'm amazed you guys know so much about the company I work for.

Everyone here seems to enjoy the introductions. in fact it was requested by the staff that they happen.

I'll let the directors know that we should stop them because some bloke on the internet thinks they're counterproductive :D 

Not where you work, where I work.

Giving  presentation, with slides or video, about yourself is, even for the best and most interesting people, cringeworthy. We had one last week, where a bloke was asked in his video a number of questions, and one was "what would you tell a 20 year old you, if you could go back in time?" - the answer was genuinely kind of sad - this director looked full of regret about his life and career choice and basically was sort of saying "I wish I'd travelled and had fun instead of working hard". The bloke looked gutted, basically. The other stuff was the usual mix of supporting whatever crap team and wife and kids make him proud...blah blah.

Would have been much less clunky, more natural, more friendly just to say "Hi, I'm Ben, I'm the HR director and I hope to meet you all over the next few weeks..."

No one gives a damn about his hobbies or Wigan Warriors or how his kids going to Uni makes him proud. STanding him up in front of a camera for a Q&A is just numpty. Same with "here's a slideshow of my career and hobbies and family".

I've got better ways to spend my time and so has he.

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

I'm amazed you guys know so much about the company I work for.

Everyone here seems to enjoy the introductions. in fact it was requested by the staff that they happen.

I'll let the directors know that we should stop them because some bloke on the internet thinks they're counterproductive :D 



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4 hours ago, blandy said:

Fixed. It is a dumb idea. It almost never works and is often counter productive.

unless they've been brought in to change things, a thirty second, spoken introduction is far better for everyone.

Agreed, extremely dumb, just have new starter drinks, don't make them get up and look like an asshole. I detest the PPT culture that is the hallmark of modern workplace communications, the last thing anyone needs is another powerpoint deck. 

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11 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

Am I the only one who doesn't care either way? 

No, I don't particularly care either way either, I was just surprised at how **** miserable people were being about it!

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I also don't care. I tried suggesting he was amazingly boring or a transvestite. then I stopped. Everyone seems to agree it's weird and/or stupid. Genuinely, where's the misery?

changed seriously to genuinely
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3 hours ago, blandy said:

We had one last week, where a bloke was asked in his video a number of questions, and one was "what would you tell a 20 year old you, if you could go back in time?" - the answer was genuinely kind of sad - this director looked full of regret about his life and career choice and basically was sort of saying "I wish I'd travelled and had fun instead of working hard".

Has your office installed suicide nets yet? :P 

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If they're a manager there's a good chance that they're a bully, totally incompetent, a megalomaniac or all three.

Like my boss. I remember the PowerPoint they made when they started, it's just given me additional reasons to despise them.


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3 hours ago, sheepyvillian said:

People with bad breath, tbh ,it should be made a crime  .

We're all guilty of end of day staleness, or early morning garlic breath...I can put up with that, but rank bad breath is disgusting. 

In some cases it actually smells like s**t. How???

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27 minutes ago, Phumfeinz said:

Literally just brush your tongue, it's amazing what a difference it makes.

I used to work with a bloke who openly admitted he hadn't brushed his teeth for years!!  Amazingly he didn't have bad breath!! 

Some people just dont think it's a good idea :(

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7 minutes ago, RimmyJimmer said:

I used to work with a bloke who openly admitted he hadn't brushed his teeth for years!!  Amazingly he didn't have bad breath!! 

Some people just dont think it's a good idea :(

Did he have any teeth? 

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