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Christian Benteke


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End of the day he is gone, more annoying than that is, he is going to spurs, which is the cherry on top of the shit cake we've had to eat for the past 3 yrs. We will probably get a decent wedge but it won't be what we deserve, he'll score against us, they'll finish well above us and he'll be proved right. The media will lap it up and it will all be about spurs and AVB who made him, and his time at villa will be a distant memory. I know this how? Because I'm a villa fan and this is the premier league, we've seen it happen countless times for over two decades.

Lambert will spend the money well, but I'd be very surprised if he found another benteke.

He has not gone and Spuds have not bid!!!!!!!

Jesus, some people ought to get a job with the red tops.

Yep I've thought the same since the news broke, but come on we all know how this ends. I'd love to be wrong.

Three words why we don't KNOW how this ends. Barry to Liverpool.

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This was always going to get messy. And when he doesn't turn up for training tomorrow, the fun will really start to unfold.

Footballers. lol.


or even Thursday when he's supposed to

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It's going to end in tears as I think PL isn't about to be messed about particularly after putting his neck on the block with the Darren Bent saga.Will he show that famed Glaswegian Grit?....here's hoping!!


Don't get me wrong here; "Who's going to end up in tears? Villa or Benteke."   I Can't see it being Villa.



Unless his replacement is no good and we're in another relegation battle next season.



It's obvious you have no faith! "I can see the positives in this deal (if we get the cash, althought i would take £15M + Walker for Benteke) otherwise I would trust Villa to slug it out and get the best deal possible and have 100% faith that Lambert has already got a striker in mind or maybe we already brought one.

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Maybe Tottenham were never interested in buying him.


Could this be a blue-nose network conspiracy to remove Benteke from the first team so Villa don't challenge at the top of the table this season?

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It's obvious you have no faith! "I can see the positives in this deal (if we get the cash, althought i would take £15M + Walker for Benteke) otherwise I would trust Villa to slug it out and get the best deal possible and have 100% faith that Lambert has already got a striker in mind or maybe we already brought one.


Walker? of course!

RB was our weak point last season :detect: damn that Lowton guy

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If the club play hard ball, they will gain further respect from myself. With the model we are adopting we need to be strong on this one, not set a future precedent for repeat behaviour. I actually think much of the football world will be behind us on this one, Benteke and his agent are truly acting disgracefully.

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It's going to end in tears as I think PL isn't about to be messed about particularly after putting his neck on the block with the Darren Bent saga.Will he show that famed Glaswegian Grit?....here's hoping!!


Don't get me wrong here; "Who's going to end up in tears? Villa or Benteke."   I Can't see it being Villa.



I suggest you look harder then.  Worse case scenario for Benteke - he doesn't cut it at spurs and becomes a fringe player on treble the salary.  If Benteke leaves were in for another very tough season - unfair as that is - thats how I see it unfolding.

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If Benteke is really determined to leave, he’ll do everything he can to make Villa want to sell. This includes going on strike. This puts Villa in a very precarious position and makes this situation different to those experienced in the past with the likes of Barry and Milner. It happened to us with Berbatov, who in the end simply refused to play.



For Villa, the threat of him refusing to play is more significant than is being acknowledged in this thread. Each time it’s mentioned, it’s also pointed out that’s is WC year, so he wont do this. But that suggests you’d be happy to let him strike for the whole season, which is very unlikely to be the case. Even Man City, with all their money, relented and brought Tevez back into the fold with the hope he’s re-ignite their title challenge. If you are in a relegation fight, which most would predict without Benteke you will be, he’d be back in the team in no time. No matter how much pride is at stake, it simply isn’t worth getting relegated over, which would be catastrophic for the club.


If you look at the fixture list, Benteke might simply have to refuse to kick a ball until October and by then it might all ready be too late. He and his agent know that either his goals or quality additions to the squad are going to be key to your survival. Lambert knows it, Lerner knows it, all fans know it and Benteke/his agent certainly know it.


So come the start of the season, if Benteke is on strike refusing to play and there is a £20 million bid in the offing, don’t you honestly think Lambert will be urging Lerner to accept and Lerner will probably be pleased that his manager is doing this? If Benteke is adamant he wont play, then there does come a point when it’s simply foolish to refuse a half decent offer. Hence Benteke and his agent are in a very powerful situation.


However, everyone involved knows this, but it isn’t just Villa who have something to lose by letting this go to the wire. For buying clubs there is s significant advantage in having Benteke in their squad asap. So the buying club have a reason to pay a premium to get the deal done. This is where Villa do have some power, but not to the extent most on here seem to think and why I believe, it’s being leaked by Midlands journalists that a deal can be done at £25 million, rather than figures of £30 million+ being banded around.


If Benteke really wants to go, a deal at a lower price will almost certainly be available in the last week of the window. People can say things like “you don’t know Lerner” etc, but the reality is Lerner hasn’t been in a position like this before, so no one knows how he’ll react. In the past he’s always done what it best for Villa and is a business man after all, so in this case, the chances are very high that he and Lambert will conclude to sell is the best for Villa. They simply can’t afford to not have either their star striker of decent replacements, as the threat of relegation is too real. This simply wasn’t the case with Barry. I know most of you will reject that, but I think it’s very likely and am sure the vast majority of non Villa fans would agree.


So, if he had somewhere lined up, I think Benteke can and will leave if he really wants to. However, I doubt many clubs would want to buy him that way, as it puts them at a disadvantage concerning their own planning. I doubt Benteke wants to do it that way. I also doubt Villa want to do it that way. So something in between will most likely happen, which is why I believe this £25 million price tag is being leaked. 






If Benteke point blank refuses to play Aston Villa - to force his move to spurs - think about what you're getting - sure he's a great player, plenty of goals, in that respect he will do well for you. that's so long as everything is going his way. 


What goes around comes around, He's a great player, with the developing spurs team - he's gotta be worth £25m - easily. I don't know the state of spurs finances - but I wouldn't think that size of fee is beyond you. You may think you wait for Benteke to go on strike, and hope its gets messy, to force the price down. Equally another may match the asking price, Bentekes agent tells him that spurs aren't coming up with the cash - and bang youve lost him - and possibly your chance of cracking the top 4....


We all love a bargain - but equally sometimes you have to pay the asking price - for the greater good.




I'm not sure i like how you quoted this Smetrov, you quoted my post but nothing that i said, and it makes me look like the Sours fan.


Just for the record I am not.



Confused ? - the only quotes were from myself and joey ?

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It's obvious you have no faith! "I can see the positives in this deal (if we get the cash, althought i would take £15M + Walker for Benteke) otherwise I would trust Villa to slug it out and get the best deal possible and have 100% faith that Lambert has already got a striker in mind or maybe we already brought one.


Walker? of course!

RB was our weak point last season :detect: damn that Lowton guy



then we can spend 7 million of the 15 on Draxler. happy days  :P

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It's going to end in tears as I think PL isn't about to be messed about particularly after putting his neck on the block with the Darren Bent saga.Will he show that famed Glaswegian Grit?....here's hoping!!


Don't get me wrong here; "Who's going to end up in tears? Villa or Benteke."   I Can't see it being Villa.



I suggest you look harder then.  Worse case scenario for Benteke - he doesn't cut it at spurs and becomes a fringe player on treble the salary.  If Benteke leaves were in for another very tough season - unfair as that is - thats how I see it unfolding.


I see us having a good season with or without Benteke.  

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It's going to end in tears as I think PL isn't about to be messed about particularly after putting his neck on the block with the Darren Bent saga.Will he show that famed Glaswegian Grit?....here's hoping!!


Don't get me wrong here; "Who's going to end up in tears? Villa or Benteke."   I Can't see it being Villa.



I suggest you look harder then.  Worse case scenario for Benteke - he doesn't cut it at spurs and becomes a fringe player on treble the salary.  If Benteke leaves were in for another very tough season - unfair as that is - thats how I see it unfolding.


Not just unfair but also premature - how on Earth can you make a judgement on how our season will turn out when the transfer window hasn't closed yet?

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I really do not see how we will struggle if only the Bentarse leaves.


We have a team that has grown in experience and unity, we have strengthened our defense and we have a midfield three who are now playing as a unit. Gabby's new found form, and Weimann's contract extension could actually be more important than the Bentarse to us next season, as they will create chances for Helenius or the replacement for the thick one. We've seen that Helenius can finish.


So not all is lost. I predict a much better season than last year.

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