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Paul Lambert


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Sorry but this makes no sense

We played a full strength side and lost to league 2 Bradford 2 - 1

You must have switched off before the end (don't blame you) but I have got bad news for you, we lost 3-1

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If Aston Villa are ever going to get a Mourinho/Ferguson/Wenger we will first need to get a manager with talent who can prove his ability at the club and move things forward. Lambert has had one transfer window and did pretty well in that. Now he has another one. If he can't turn it around in the next three weeks maybe he should go, but I would genuinely be amazed if ANYONE could come in and turn this into a winning squad right now without making some signings.

You said he should have had Bent and Ireland on today. Bent came on, missed our easiest chance and then hurt himself. Ireland would have trotted around as he does, and for all his talent, that isn't what you want against a fired-up team on a cup run.

I'll give you that Bennet shouldn't have been on the pitch. Or near it. Antarctica would have been the best place for him today, but after the Ipswich game it looked like he might be getting his act together, and many of us said so.

I also doubt that he expected Richard Dunne to be out for so long. He has had bad luck with injuries. Does anyone really think he'd be playing Clark and Baker together if he had any choice? And please, please nobody come back with Collins and Cuellar being sold. I'd have kept Cuellar, but at some point Lambert does have to work on the wage bill.

You're bang on as always mate.

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I was really disappointed last night with PL. Not only did he field a selection of clueless players lacking any kind of motivation, confidence or organisation. He sat slumped in his seat with a face like a smacked arse pretty much the whole game. It may have been a bit of "reorgansiing the chairs on the Titanic" but he should have been at the edge of his technical area organising his young inexperienced players.

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Get a grip, he doesn't deserve to go, he needs backing.

That said he got it truly wrong yesterday. We only have 3 players in any kind of 'good' form:




Why was only one of these played in their correct position? (Benteke) and he only ever seems to work well when Weimann is partnering him, not being left stranded out on the right wing, whilst NZogbia - a player who has publicly stated he prefers playing on that right wing - tries to play through the middle. It's not like Ash Young, a player who is best on the wing trying to force being played through the middle. NZogbia knows he's best on the right yet Lambert stuck Weimann out there.

Weimann has scored in every single one of our last 5 games in which we have scored. WHY WAS HE ON THE **** WING?


Gabby off - WHY? We were having luck down the wings, we just needed threats down both sides. I have no doubt we chose the right starting 11 yesterday but the formation choice was ridiculous. Gabby should have been left on. If he really needed to bring Bent on then it should have been Weimann to come off who had been missing until then but Weimann wouldn't have been missing if he wasnt being played as a makeshift winger.

Bennett - how, when we have Stevens and Lichaj on the bench is Bennett not subbed at half time? I dont rate any of our options at left back but it was clearly not working for Bennett and for him to be left on all game was ridiculous, he was at fault for 2 of the 3 corners we scored from and countless more. Weimann tried coming back at one point, gave Bennett the ball with loads of room and tried to coax him forwards, he had absolutely loads of time, Bennett refused and knocked the ball to Delph. He was a bag of nerves, he should of been subbed - for himself if not for the team. Lambert threw him to the wolves by leaving him on.

Ireland - we were being over run in midfield, conceding goals and not keeping possession. Where the **** was he? He should have been on at half time for Bannan or just after half time. To not see him at all was pathetic.

Burke - What!? If we are winning 4-0 by all means throw Burke and Carruthers on. But not when we are clearly struggling.

Pathetic performance from Lambert last night, he just sat there looking completely lost, didnt shout, say anything to the players on the pitch. Just sat there looking bemused and his press conference afterwards was awful 'We always know it's coming with set pieces we never defend them well' Why is he saying stuff like this and not sorting it? The transfer window has been open for 9 days to buy somebody new if he cant coach his current players to defend them... also if he knows Bradford are good at set pieces (they are) and we are bad at them... WHY PLAY GIVEN AND NOT GUZAN??? The only player we have fit capable of dealing with a cross.

Edited by HalfTimePost
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I have lost virtually all faith with PL now. A decent manager would have shored things up after the pummeling at Chelsea, but we followed that with a pasting against Spurs and Wigan and a lucky point at Swansea. The Chelseas result was embarrasing, but would have been soon forgotten if he would have got a reaction from his team over the next few games. The reaction he has got, has been total capitulation. A team with little talent, and no bottle or fight in them. He won't be sacked at the moment, as he deserves a chance to put it right, but my belief is at the lowest it has ever been. I highly doubt there will be any Tranmere style comebacks in the second leg, as this team has about 10% of the talent and fight of that Big Ron team.

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Its one thing struggling in the league, its another being a laughing stock and that is what we are right now.

Agreed, it is pretty embarrasing right now. My Facebook is a nightmare, I can ignore that, I don't live in Birmingham, so I can only think how bad some of you guys must be getting it in the neck from rival supporters. Bad times!

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Lambert is a project that has quickly gone wrong, he shows little in a way of enthusiasm for the job and the club in general. The tactics look inept, there is no desire at the club. I appreciate that he is not the sole reason for the problems AVFC face and yes Randy et al need to put up or ship out pretty quickly also, but Lambert is just a very poor inexperienced manager. The season as a whole has been one disaster after another. We are like drunks looking for a good party on New Years eve, at the start we had a few bad ones but we looked pretty good in our new party clothes but as the evening has progressed we have become more and more disheveled, pissed up falling around and making a complete ass of ourselves. That is Lamberts fault IMO

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Ok I have calmed down a bit now,

Looking at the game now the problems are pretty much we do not have a midfield, the defense try their best but on corners you have to rely on the midfield picking up the players, yet again this did not happen, we bypass the midfield and hoof the ball, looking closely when the defenders head the ball out there is no villa player between the half way line and the attack to pick up the pieces, the players we have got showed up many times by diving in and missing the ball allowing the player to walk round them. they were knocked off the ball way too easily with their hands in the air claiming a foul,

In my opinion PL needs to get a defensive coach in to teach the basics, obviously PL does not have this as the same problems were evident at Norwich.

We need 2 good experienced midfielders, even if we pay £20 mil for the pair it would be worth it as the defense and attack will improve,

It is evident that PL can motivate as you could see the players were fired up after half time, the problem was they did not get a break and the confidence dropped off.

Bannon and Delph should not be played together but along side a leader who can motivate and guide them.

I think the fact Clarke is the captain speaks volumes about the standard of player at the club, he is not experienced enough or tactically astute enough for this role, a captain should be an extension of the manager.

My problem is I believe PL is to stubborn to admit he has got it wrong and will persevere to try and prove he is right.

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How can a manager sign 3 defenders, make us the worst defensive team in the premier league and then still be praised for his signings.

2 be fair to him, 2 of those defenders are good (Vlaar and Lowton)

None of the defenders were good last night, but Lowton was the best of a bad bunch.

As others have said, if Dunne and Vlaar were both fit I'd wager we'd be looking a lot better.

Now I'm not saying Lambert doesn't deserve any blame for not being able to cover that scenario, but I don't think it's as straight forward as saying "he signed 3 defenders and we're still crap". 2 out of 3 of those signings I'd say are pretty good signings, especially in terms of value.

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Changing the manager is absolutely not the right thing to do. The last thing we need, or can afford, is more upheaval . So much inconsistency has been part of the problem, to add to that now would be, IMO, disastrous

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Yeah sacking Lambert now would be stupid. He just needs to buy some experienced players. There's not many managers who would get much out of this squad. It's so so poor. Needs major investment at the back.

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Lets face it

Managers out there have been sacked for achieving more

Lambert is not achieving the bare minimum at the minute and if he does not achieve the bare minimum he should be sacked

the bare minimum his season is staying in the league. That may not be a message that some fans like but that has always been he reality. The bare minimum was not to avoid a giant killing or to win a cup it was staying in the league.

The season is not yet over

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Lambert has turned us into the " at least we're not..." team.

Any fan can look at their teams plight and take comfort in that at least they're not Aston Villa

I have dealt with another way and on Facebook have generally said that we Villa fans wake up every day happy that we weren't born filthly inbred retards and be made to support such nasty little teams such as Small Heath and the stripey boggies

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Changing the manager is absolutely not the right thing to do. The last thing we need, or can afford, is more upheaval . So much inconsistency has been part of the problem, to add to that now would be, IMO, disastrous

Are you still confident he will be backed in this window or do you think Lerner will do what he did with McLeish and reign in the January spending as he thinks it will be money wasted as he will probably be booted in the summer?

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