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Black Ops 2


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Sorry but this is not the game I thought it would be. Zombie levels seem poor, survival levels small. Multiplayer keeps crashing, which is a disgrace on its release weekend. Double xp weekend is pointless if you can't play!

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I seem to lose most 1v1 gun fights. I seem to fire first and hit them alot, but they drop me every time. I can go on MW3, Black ops 1, MW2 and i win pretty much all 1v1 gun fights. I just don't know what's wrong. My 2 other mates are having just as bad of a time as me. Surley i haven't gotten this shit :D

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When you go to find game, there is an option in the bottom right corner callled something like search preferences. Press that then change it from normal to best. It doesn't cut it out altogether but it definitely makes it more smoother and you won't get killed as much in a gun fight if you fire first.

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When you go to find game, there is an option in the bottom right corner callled something like search preferences. Press that then change it from normal to best. It doesn't cut it out altogether but it definitely makes it more smoother and you won't get killed as much in a gun fight if you fire first.

Cheers for that, this has actually helped a lot. That and switching from an assault rifle down to an SMG.
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I think most the problems are due to Lag compensation. It was in MW3, but the toned it down/removed it. It's stupid and game breaking feature for people like me with fast internet connection. I can set me search results to best, but it makes no difference for me. The servers have been stuck on defcon 4 since the game released, which also isn't helping.


Most of my friends who are pretty good at all the other fps's are also struggling. Some had a 2.00kd/r+ on the last COD's, but are now down to under 1.00. I just know it's something with the game and not a me being shit issue. The forums are also littered with the same complaints i've got, but also people saying there is nothing wrong with the game.

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Most of my friends who are pretty good at all the other fps's are also struggling. Some had a 2.00kd/r+ on the last COD's, but are now down to under 1.00. I just know it's something with the game and not a me being shit issue. The forums are also littered with the same complaints i've got, but also people saying there is nothing wrong with the game.

Yeah it's been the same for me, on Black Ops it was 2.65, MW3 and MW2 around 2.40, on this it's about 1.60, and that's only because i get off to an alright start, fallen crazy fast since. I've barely played it since about Friday though, a few games a day I think. I just can't sit there and play it for hours at a time.
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I'm not gonna lie, I had an absolute nightmare on this game earlier on! My worst performance on an FPS game for a long time! I don't know what it is. Yesterday I was doing alright and I was thinking yeah maybe I'm getting used to the maps now but tonight was awful. I wish that you could turn killcams off too because it proper winds me up when you see how you got killed and they are just **** crouching there already aiming down their sights! Sniping is an absolute joke on this game as well. You've got no chance against a sniper! The recoil is unbelievable too! No matter what gun or attachments I use to try to lower the recoil it's just not working for me. I don't know, maybe I just had an off night or something but I'm really annoyed with this game at the moment!

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The MSMC ? with rapid fire and grip is rather handy and is decent for lack of recoil . I actually love the multiplayer because the smaller maps and crazy B flags suit my kamikaze style .

Maybe it's because I have hardly touched MW3 this year but it actually feels like a new game again but I can understand people not liking it . It's so easy to spawn trap especially on that bloody boat map ! At the moment it seems the weapons are all balanced due to them being rather samey but I dont mind that as I find a gun I like and stick with it . I won't be prestiging as It took me hours to get a decent loadout and I think as my map knowledge is at its peak I will do a bit better .

I will be on a bit this week if anyone fancies a bit of VT clannage.

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MW3 was the worst cod in history.

Its like the developers didn't even put any effort into making it.

You do know what happened at Infinity Ward between MW2 and MW3 being released, dont you? In a lot of ways, it's amazing that MW3 even came out.

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