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My mate heard a rumour that toure was upset because he knew Roberto Carlos was given a Bugatti for a birthday and he felt he deserved something of that ilk... If true just shows how much toss pots footballer are!

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There is a video going around on Twitter of Yaya getting a birthday cake, so it is probably just The Sun making bollocks up.


In the Beeb article the agent acknowledges the cake, but wants to know why the owners did shake his hand, and congratulate him.


The agent also mentions that Carlos got a Bugatti, but then says 'we're not asking for that kind of present, but some respect was due' (somethign to that effect). If you're client isn't after such a present why mention it. He's on 250k a week, isn't that enough respect. Grow up. Clearly he is petullent, and ungrateful.


Clearly angling for a new deal. Did anyone see the statement he put out last ear after signing yet another improved deal, following similar antics. It was the most embarrassing statement ever. Going on for about 5 mins on how he loves the club, the fans, his teamates etc.

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I think it's an absolute disgrace. As mentioned he's one of the highest paid footballers in the world what does he expect the owners to do ? Give him a hug and tell him how wonderful he has been this season just because it's his birthday. At least he's shown the world what kind of person he is.

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It must be terrible for  Toure. I feel so sorry for him. People dying and without homes in the Balkans and he's upset about that he didn't get more attention on his birthday.... Shows how detached from really life these footballers are. 

Edited by PaulC
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Seriously folks come on, I think a lot of people are being a little harsh here.


Poor little YaYa obviously thought he was going to get a cake, a party and the latest Power Ranger toy that he has had his eye on all season. It must have been quite a blow to just get his normal few hundred grad pay that week and a league winners medal.


I've not felt so sorry for a professional footballer since poor old Bendtner revealed the scandal that is the restrictions on his skiing.


Justice for footballers!!!

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Seluk is adamant he is not looking to negotiate an improved contract for Toure, saying: "No. Money is not important. He has enough money. The most important thing is a human relationship and maybe this is his opportunity for Yaya to find that.


At last we can offer a world class player terms he'd be happy with. Randy could just love him and shake his hand a lot. Ahh,.. Crap! Why do we have to have an invisible owner! :P

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It's almost as if spending all day every day surrounded by people telling you that you are brilliant for 10+ years inflates your ego beyond control, isn't it?

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I City should sell him, he sounds like he doesn't want to be there gets his overrated salary of the books and could probably go buy a cheaper younger version like Pogba or Vidal. Lets be honest he disappeared in the vital games for City last season no matter what his goals record was he didn't do much vs Barcelona or Chelsea and didn't look great at Anfield before his injury

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At least you know Toure won't let his friends have a bad birthday because he knows what it's like, a pretty tough way to learn though. Maybe he's better off in Paris?

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What an egotist.. Aww did poor old yaya get upset because big bad city didn't shake his hand and kiss his ring piece when it was his 31st birthday (a totally meaningless age). God footballers need to get to reality..

That "a piece" Adrian Durham reckons there are rumours of him going to utd (he didn't say didn't say it was happening)

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I know how Toure feels...  I was at work when I turned 30, All my colleagues had got me presents, cards etc, bunting on my desk and I was even made to wear a big badge saying '30 today'. My boss came over, talked to me for about 5 mins about a deal I was working on, then walked off. No handshake. All I wanted was to be loved  :(


Seriously, Toure has come across like a huge bellend (again). He's obviously angling for a move to PSG. They're about the only club who can afford to match the wages... plus the agent will line his pockets too. I'd like to say I feel sorry for Man City, but I don't. You build a team full of mercenaries then act surprised when they act like it, 

Edited by Xela
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