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Blowing in the wind: why do so many cities have poor east ends?


The question is so obvious that you could easily forget to ask it: why do cities so often have a poor east side? To be clear, the mystery is not why every city has its leafy and its grubby sections – it costs money to live in nice places and to avoid nasty ones, which tends to group people into them by wealth. The mystery is why the poor groups always end up in the east.


One theory is that it’s all about air pollution. In the middle latitudes where most of the world’s cities can be found, the prevailing winds are westerlies, which means they blow to the east. Crudely, it has long been thought that they might take smoke and odours with them, and now a new study by Stephan Heblich, Alex Trew and Yanos Zylberberg for the Spatial Economics Research Centre suggests this theory might be right.


“This anecdotal discussion about pollution in the centre of cities and smoke drifting to the east is something that we have been documenting very precisely,” Zylberberg tells me. “Basically what we’ve been seeing in the past, because of pollution and wind patterns, is rich people escaping the eastern parts of town, because they were very polluted.”


“Past pollution explains up to 20% of the observed neighbourhood segregation whether captured by the shares of blue collar workers and employees, house prices or official deprivation indices,” the paper says.

It concluded that no British cities have wind patterns which ought to create a polluted west. 


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6 hours ago, sidcow said:

Yeah, North and East tend to be more working class = more football clubs than South and West which tended to be more middle class. 

Why? The prevailing wind in the UK moves from West to East / slightly diagonally North so smells and chimney smoke tend to drift those ways, therefore richer people tended to live South and West where the air was fresher. 

Where is the tennis club and Cricket ground? South West mate. 




Explains a lot about Yorkshire and Northumberland. 

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9 minutes ago, Xela said:

Honestly, when I set out, I never thought I would find a picture of an upside down Stegosaurus. 

God bless the internet. 

I thought that. 

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20 minutes ago, sidcow said:

Why do Walkers include Cheese and Onion in their "meaty" selection of crisps, but not Beef? 

If only there was a Toblerone eater on this forum that may or may not have business connects with a certain crisp manufacturer

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10 hours ago, sidcow said:

Why do Walkers include Cheese and Onion in their "meaty" selection of crisps, but not Beef? 

To be honest I don’t know but if I was to take a guess , It’s the most popular flavour so they might add it to the multipack to boost sales   

fairly sure they discontinued Beef flavour so probably why they aren’t included .


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9 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

To be honest I don’t know but if I was to take a guess , It’s the most popular flavour so they might add it to the multipack to boost sales   

fairly sure they discontinued Beef flavour so probably why they aren’t included .


Wow, they do seem to have discontinued them.  You could buy them recently, what a travesty. 

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2 hours ago, fightoffyour said:

Got this shoe brush thingy. No toothpaste (I do have my own toothpaste).


Look more like a clothes brush to me. 

I assume it's not yours to keep so they don't need to replace one for each guest? 

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4 hours ago, fightoffyour said:

Why do hotels provide shower gel etc but never toothpaste?

I’ve got a “shoe sponge” here but no toothpaste. What’s that about?

I stayed in a hotel that had mint flavour shower gel and citrus flavour toothpaste which seemed bizarre to me.

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