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Jean II Makoun


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if you got a job in Spain.. and you went to Spain and started learning the language... then your boss gets sacked and the new one said he doesnt want you and sends you to Greece.. would you still earn Spanish? come on..

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if you got a job in Spain.. and you went to Spain and started learning the language... then your boss gets sacked and the new one said he doesnt want you and sends you to Greece.. would you still earn Spanish? come on..

If I was a modern footballer definitely not, no.

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if you got a job in Spain.. and you went to Spain and started learning the language... then your boss gets sacked and the new one said he doesnt want you and sends you to Greece.. would you still earn Spanish? come on..

If I was a modern footballer definitely not, no.

not just footballers, nobody would.

You'd spend your time learning Greek instead, hoping that your temp job becomes permanent.

Also you have no idea that your new boss is going to get sacked at the end of the year, and so assume that he's never going to want you back at 'head office'.

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I am pretty much under the assumption, as well, that a large part of him not having passed the fairly simple english tests is more so down to Makoun having no desire to play for us or in England.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have an example of the sort of test he would have to pass? Would be fascinated to see what level is required.
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I think he'll struggle in his first few games and possibly a good while after this season. It'll take him time to adjust to the PL with its lack of space in the middle of the park and the rather physical nature of our game. If he doesn't struggle we've bought a real diamond

Agreed. I do think he'll fit in nicely once he gets a feel for the league. Said a couple of times that he's the type of midfielder that comes to the Prem and gets sent off very early on in their career as they make a reckless challenge due to bad timing/positioning/'over exuberance', I won't be surprised to see him do the same before the end of the season.

Once he does settle and get a grasp of our leagues style, he'll be very useful and suit it to the ground.

On the money there!

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Can't see him playing even if he gets his permit sorted.

Why stop the development of herd, gardner, bannan and even delph for a 29 year old struggling to handle the premier league.

Much better idea to just cut our losses and cash in.

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Cut our losses, yes.

Cash in, doubtful.

We'll release him on a free and get him off our wage bill if we're lucky. If we're not lucky he'll still be here on full wage and training with the reserves. I can't see Lambert giving him a shot now, especially without any pre-season behind him.

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I think he can train with the team. Many players from the MLS come train with teams in December and January without having to get a work permit. We had Omar Cummings training with us but he didn't sign due to work permit issues. (would've been a terrible signing anyway; average mls player).

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Pound for pound, has Makoun now taken the illustrious title of Villa's worst ever signing off Balaban? Even though they cost the same (£6million each?), at least Balaban could be selected!

The man only came here to play for Houllier, and clearly doesnt want to play for us any longer. Its time to face up to the facts, he was mostly crap for us and looked out of his depth even against Hereford.

Regardless of whether people think he could do a job in the middle if he as given more time, or whether the fact he played in the Champions League means he must be good, the fact is he has gone AWOL and can't play for us any longer. Which means that for the next two years, we will be paying out £ 40,000 a week to a guy who can't even train.

What a load of bollocks! Houllier must be laughing his arse off right now.

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the fact is he has gone AWOL and can't play for us any longer. Which means that for the next two years, we will be paying out £ 40,000 a week to a guy who can't even train.

If he is AWOL, he won't get paid.

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Surely that couldn't be? Dozens of footballers can't speak English.

Tempting :lol:

True though, park ji sung has played here for 6 years and he can't string a sentence together.

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I reckon we'll be able to offload him back to France, but we'll probably have to take at least a 50% hit on the price.

Shame that he hasn't had the chance to impress the new boss. Partly his own fault, no doubt, but I do think that the club could have managed this better.

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Had high hopes for him and thought he could be a good player for us but seems it's not gonna work out!

Probably best to to try and cash in now and get what we can for him and invest in a player that's worthy of the shirt

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