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Paddy's "Things that cheer you up"


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Uruguay's president.





He grows almost angry about those who still favour fighting the drug trade through prohibition. “The problem is that, alongside drug trafficking, giant systems have been built to fight it. The state has a number of pathologies, and one of them is that whoever is performing a task starts thinking that that task is the centre of the world. Everyone wants to look in the mirror and think that their job is socially essential,” he almost explodes. “Instead of repression, I need doctors to deal with this filth!”


How does Mujica get along with his fellow leaders, who do not share his frugal tastes? Does it create friction? “If majorities are supposed to decide in a democracy, as I see it rulers must tend to live like the majority of their people, not like the minority. When the presidency becomes a royal court, then I am offending the republican sense; I’m engaging in a feudal or monarchical contraband. Leave that for the wigs of monarchs.”



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Love how the Spotify app lets me alternate what's playing between my phone and laptop fairly seamlessly. 


Means I can stick the kettle on or go for a shit without breaking musical stride.


Spotify is great, been a premium member for years. Can't remember the last time I purchased music.

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Love how the Spotify app lets me alternate what's playing between my phone and laptop fairly seamlessly. 


Means I can stick the kettle on or go for a shit without breaking musical stride.


Spotify is great, been a premium member for years. Can't remember the last time I purchased music.



Not many people with an internet connection can.

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Tomorrow is the 17th November (well done me!). I started my first job on 17th November 1997 and I'm lucky enough to have been in full time employment since. I guess it cheers me up as I've never had to suffer being unemployed and worrying about where my next wage slip is coming from. 

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Surely if you're a Spotify premium user you are purchasing music? Or at least renting it.


Spent last night writing out a list of CD's I want for crimble.


Along with an explanatory note that I don't want a download, I don't want a voucher for i-tunes and the CD's I've named cost substantially less in an actual shop than on amazon.

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