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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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4 minutes ago, TRO said:

Jack is too quiet.....He is one of us, and always will be, he is a Villa Fan and is sweating on the news breaking....The England thing has turned his head, imv as is always the case, he has been mixing with the big boys at big clubs, and they will be in his ear.

However, I am not convinced it will be all doom and gloom for us, but we need to recruit wisely.....I think we can plug some of the gaps and bring consistency to the team, wingers are great, but they don't provide consistency.

I am equally not so convinced, that all will work out at Man City to his liking apart from the wages, just intuition....it might start well, but will it end well?


ye, if it happens it happens.

Most important thing is, as u say....reinvest it wisely.

If he does go for 100m ish, i would expect to see us spend that 100m on players, plus whatever we intended to spend this summer (ie: 80m+?), if he does go we need to show we arent just banking the money like last time we started to lose our assets, we need to make a point of going out and spending 180m (est.) on 3-5 top players, to show we arent going backwards.

If we do sell Grealish for 100m ish, and only spend 80m total etc, that will be a clear sign to me that we arent intending to push on like we "claim".

The proof will be in the pudding i suppose, and i think come 31st August, we will have a very good feeling for how serious the owners actually are about pushing for the top 6.

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It appears guys are panicking about absolutely nothing. No new information, no admission by club, player or agent, Nothing

Just re-hashed stories from Manchester based journo's to attract viewers from City supporters. I firmly believe he will stay

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1 minute ago, Rodders said:

He's a young lad, is he supposed to get every statement he makes correct regardless of future decisions over the course of his future? He'll always be a villan at heart. If he leaves I wouldn't be surprised to see him come back either. 

football fans get so tribal sometimes. 


It's not about being tribal, but it's a bit of a twatty thing to do 10 months after giving it the barry, signing a new 5 year contract and committing your career to "my city, my club".

It's no deeper than that really.

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10 minutes ago, pintpotvilla said:

Whatever has or has not been agreed privately Villa would have to agree a fee unless there is a buy out clause. They have always said there isn't one.

If it turns out there is one NSWE would look a little stupid so I'll guess there indeed isn't one in place. NSWE have said he's not for sale and hopefully

that's where it ends

Seems to be a clause after all according to a lot of itk including percy 

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1 minute ago, pintpotvilla said:

It appears guys are panicking about absolutely nothing. No new information, no admission by club, player or agent, Nothing

Just re-hashed stories from Manchester based journo's to attract viewers from City supporters. I firmly believe he will stay

Yep. His article had so many holes in that he had to admit his earlier article had more information and nothing had changed. 

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26 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

All Sam Lee is really saying is that as far as he is concerned, everything is sorted and unless Grealish u-turns the deal will go ahead. I don't know why he has felt the need to say this 50 million times and embarrass himself so publically in the way he has done, but as I understand it he is correct.

Sadly, I now believe there is a release clause after all, City have activated it, Grealish (or his agent) has agreed terms IF he is to move and his family have basically packed their bags. 

I have already moved on. If he does u-turn, then bonus. Otherwise good riddanceIf you don't wanna be here, laters. 

Completely agree. Gareth Barry gave us more appearances/goals/assists and loyalty than Jack has - and look at how he was treated on his return to VP.

Also Barry didn't pedal us with the "my club" rhetoric nearly as much either. For all of Jack's so-called 'loyalty' he's now pushed for moves to Tottenham, United and City in 3 of the last 4 summers...  

I want him to stay (obviously), but if he does go I won't hold him in any great affection - just another good player who's won nothing here. I'll wish him an injury free career (hopefully) rotting on Man City's bench scrabbling for minutes. Sadly, I think that's unlikely and I bet he'll take the league by storm.

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1 minute ago, StanBalaban said:

Given the fact we're no longer run by amateurs, I'm surprised the club sanctioned such a video if they thought he could go. It's just asking for trouble, and totally unnecessary in order to launch the kit.

So am I, but they recorded it in May. 

Genuinely hope some of you think I'm a bull artist in a few days time. Praying for it. But either way, que sera. 

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1 minute ago, Wainy316 said:

A hairdresser is not an agent, they are directly doing the job for you.  A lawyer or mortgage broker are offering expert knowledge that you can choose or not choose to utilise.

An agent is somebody who positions themselves between a transaction of two other parties and makes money from it.  So yeah, a leach.

most footballers would earn about a quarter of what they actually earn if they had no agents. the amount the agents 'leach' off them is still far less than the money they make for the player. most people understand this

yes a player could say "i want 100k a week" to the club. but what about the image rights? the sponsorships? the VIP tickets for the boxing? the private jets to marbs? the swanky restaurants? agents are basically PAs for them, not just an agent

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1 minute ago, tomav84 said:

most footballers would earn about a quarter of what they actually earn if they had no agents. the amount the agents 'leach' off them is still far less than the money they make for the player. most people understand this

yes a player could say "i want 100k a week" to the club. but what about the image rights? the sponsorships? the VIP tickets for the boxing? the private jets to marbs? the swanky restaurants? agents are basically PAs for them, not just an agent

I'd imagine he was on the phone to his agent as soon as the driving/lockdown incident occurred too to dig him out of the hole.

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It wouldn't really come as a shock to me if he did leave. He's our best player by a country mile and could easily slot in at Man City. If he is leaving then I find his social media post yesterday being a little ill-advised. But whatever, footballers aren't really the smartest.  

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1 minute ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

So am I, but they recorded it in May. 

Genuinely hope some of you think I'm a bull artist in a few days time. Praying for it. But either way, que sera. 

when was it edited? it could have been re edited, re recorded, and they chose to release it. if he leaves, there will be definite backlash towards the club admins

imagine how many grealish shirts were sold upon release of the video, to the point that they may need to offer refunds to placate people

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10 months is a long time in football. If we'd managed to sustain our top 6 push longer it might have persuaded him to stay, but as it is, whilst our future is and remains bright, it's not the guaranteed chance of CL and cups which City offer right now. If our owners had come in a season or two earlier, maybe we'd be close enough to him sticking around forever ( and let's not yet rule that option out! ). 


He's a fan and a professional. I'm a villa fan, if I was a professional player and had the kind of dilemma available, I'd consider the professional opportunities very seriously. As for the deal, that was his agent etc being smart, got him a good pay deal, and security, and if we'd managed to finish in a euopean spot, I think he'd be definitely staying on. He's going to maximise his chances whilst he can. 


Saying he's not a villa fan if he goes, is very petty really, I mean I guess / hope a lot of it will be hot air and frustration rather than genuine anatagonism towards him, but I don't have much faith in football fans these days to have a sense of perspective

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1 minute ago, Wainy316 said:

A hairdresser is not an agent, they are directly doing the job for you.  A lawyer or mortgage broker are offering expert knowledge that you can choose or not choose to utilise.

An agent is somebody who positions themselves between a transaction of two other parties and makes money from it.  So yeah, a leach.

An agent is doing a job for you.

They are offering expert knowledge into football contracting and have an excellent network of people in footballing world. Most transfers in the world happen because an agent knows someone in a club and they can discuss their players services at that point. Do you really think Grealish spent his holiday in Greece calling the Manchester Sheikh's seeing if they can fit him into the team next season?

An agent is doing a job that the player:

a) does not have time to do
b) can not do as well and would end up with a worse outcome

Just like a hairdresser or a lawyer or a mortgage broker, or a chef at a restaurant or a taxi driver.

They are simply offering a service to the players that the football clubs pay for. It's a win win for everyone involved. 

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2 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

So am I, but they recorded it in May. 

Genuinely hope some of you think I'm a bull artist in a few days time. Praying for it. But either way, que sera. 

Not doubting your sincerity at all, just hoping your source has got it wrong.

I would still like to think that the video, irrespective of it being recorded in May, would only have been sanctioned for a routine kit launch if the club thought they held all the cards (i.e. no release clause and not for sale). I'm still hoping that's the case and Jack signs a new contract.

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1 minute ago, PaulMcGrath_5 said:

I'd imagine he was on the phone to his agent as soon as the driving/lockdown incident occurred too to dig him out of the hole.

i guarantee that's exactly who his first call was to

read a few books around it, they're basically their mum. footballers don't lift a finger once they turn pro, their agents do everything for them including picking up their dirty washing and getting it cleaned for them (obviously not actually the agent, they'll get someone else to do crap like that)

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