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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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3 seasons of Arrested Development are great TV, started season 4 and its an absolute huge drop in quality. The characters are not likeable enough to devote an entire show to one character

Yep, I watched about the first 9 episodes of the 4th season and it was probably the biggest decline in a sitcom I've seen. Couldn't be fussed to watch the rest. 


Ive got to 4 and am struggling find motivation for the rest of season but I suppose ill stick with it as a short season

From reading elsewhere, it's not clear whether it's beneficial to binge watch the season or not.

I watched the 8 or 9 I saw back to back. I wanted to see the Gob episode (which is ok, but I would still consider it a poor relation of previous brilliance).

I heard that it all ties in during the final few episodes and the quality improves, but i didn't feel it would be worth it.

Would be curious to hear what you thought of it once you got through it!

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I do think it's ok when you've seen them all, but it is a slog at times which is a shame as the initial 3 seasons are superb. It is cleverly done in S4, but I think from what I recall it was due to having to shoot around cast schedules, although the first time I saw, Michael's sister ( Portia something? ) I was stunned, barely recognisable. If they got them back as an ensemble, the writing is always there to do something good again, but it's like Red Dwarf, sometimes you just got to let go... ( speaking of which 2 more seasons of Red Dwarf still to come! :( - Please stop diluting the memories! )

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"The Last Kingdom" was pretty decent last night.

Anglo-Saxons v the Danes. Think GoT with less nudity, no dragons but more historical context.

Damn, forgot it was on and watched Inside Llewyn Davis instead. Must check out iPlayer for it.

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Watched three episodes of ARROW, last two have been abit pants am thinking of just stopping. Does it get any better or should I start on something else?

First series gets better as it goes along but never gets beyond 'good throwaway fun'. Second series gets very good. Third series is crap bar 3 or 4 good episodes, but has crossovers with the Flash which is a very good fun.

All the series suffer from being too long so have a lot of padding. It's most obvious in the third series, and the first has its baggy sections. Second series gets away with it with a good villain. It's a good 13 episode show spread over 23 basically, because US TV.

Edited by Chindie
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Think GoT with less nudity, no dragons but more historical context.

No thank you, sir.

Yes please, sir.

In other news, despite my indifference to sitcoms, I've been forced to watch Parks and Recreation. It's OK. But I was reading the Wikipedia entry, which said that they had to modify the main character after the first series, as viewers thought she was '"ditsy and unintelligent". Um... surely That's The Joke??? [emoji53]

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My brother loves Parks & recreation. 

I gave it a try and while the cast are very good and it certainly has it's moments, I got a bit tired of those little looks to the camera which occur after someone has said something stupid. 

Those sly glances to suggest "Gee, is it just me? Get a load of this crazy guy!". 

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Those looks don't happen that often, because that would have put me off too, but it didn't.


Also, Mooney, how much have you watched? Because after you've struggled through the first series, it just gets better and better.

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Fair enough, those looks don't occur every time a stupid remark is made, that's an exaggeration on my part. But the episode I saw, it felt like every other scene culminated in one of the characters giving a dead pan look to the camera. Just found it a bit repetitive.



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Those looks don't happen that often, because that would have put me off too, but it didn't.


Also, Mooney, how much have you watched? Because after you've struggled through the first series, it just gets better and better.

It wasn't a struggle, I thought it was quite amusing. But I was only watching because my daughter was. Given a choice I'll always find something I'd rather do than watch a sitcom.

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