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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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The Walking Dead has gone a bit of the boil but tonights episode might well improve it.

Really? I think TWD is as good as it has been since Series 1. It's a different show now, but that's mostly because they've finally stopped trying to copy Darabont and taken it their own way.

I really like it. It's almost unmissable again.

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The Office (UK) Christmas Special - I think it is the best episode (well, two episodes) of British comedy ever! Absolute perfection. 


Can't believe the episode is 11 years old!

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Just finished "Secrets and lies" 6 episode who-dun-nit.  Australian series a bit like Broad church but not as easy to work out.  I got it by episode 3 but well worth a watch if you can.  


Something a but different at least to the usual series I watch.


I would say an easy 9/10,  maybe even a 10 as every episode has something really good in it.  Highly recommended.

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Recently watched the first 3 episodes of the missing, pretty good stuff so far, looking forward to the rest of the series now. James Nesbitt is really good and somehow hasn't aged in the last 15 years!


Also re watched Peep Show recently, awesome show!, and i mean the whole 8 seasons but heres the strange part, i watched the whole thing backwards from the last episode to the first. The only reason i can give is that i was messing around with 4OD on my xbox and decided to watch the last one again for nostalgia and i just kept going backwards!

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How is Newsroom's final series only 6 episodes long. So many storylines going on that its going to be hard to tie them all off in the remaining 4 episodes


Is that for certain, or are they just splitting the final season up? That's what Breaking Bad did, and I know Walking Dead has had a season break before now too. 

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My girlfriend's been revising a lot lately, so we've only managed the first 3 GoT episodes in the past month. As it hasn't hooked us yet, we moved onto The Walking Dead last night and watched 2 in a row (we would have watched the third but my internet was playing up) and I want more! I'm thinking 2 more episodes tonight. Game of Thrones will be revisited, when we have a full Saturday or Sunday free to watch 4 or 5 on the bounce!

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They are doing the same thing with walking dead, final episode before the break is next week, mad men is a strange one, that's not a mid season break, it's 2 short series but they got to advertise both as the "final"

They seem to be doing the same thing with movie trilogies these days dragging the final installments out into two parts. It's really about flogging the brand and milking the cash cow as much as they possibly can.
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Re-acquainted myself with The Walking Dead yesterday after a hiatus. I stopped about half way through Season 3, I was really only watching it for the sake of it aster a while. Anyway, finished that season last night so will crack on with Season 4 tonight and the rest if the week as I'm off work for the week (P.S. off topic but anyone else trying to cram holidays in before the end of the year because they've not been using them?)

Yep! Got best part of a month to take before Christmas! :)

Edit: Back on topic, I've just started the US Office from season 1.

My partner has five weeks to take. We are using some of it to have Christmas together :) We should be in our new house too. Cannot wait!
Still five weeks?? Where does he work?

He is captain of Aston Villa FC, he has now booked the time for Christmas. Happy days!

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