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3 minutes ago, Meath_Villan said:

With the third kid on the way I found myself contemplating the snip, few lads I know had or having it done ..... 





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I've been considering it for a couple of years. Currently child free, I've not wavered once on my view that I'd be a terrible parent and hate every minute of it. I'm going to hold out until I'm 30 and then treat myself, I think, just on the off chance I change my mind.

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4 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

Only fruit I partake in is In the cider form


other than that fruit is just pointless yucky stuff for hippies and vegans

Cue tomato-related pedantry.

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Blackberries have been king for a few weeks but I think we've just finished them off. Mostly, they've been converted in to low calorie icecream. But you're still getting the fruity goodness. Blackberry icecream over a warm home made brownie, **** yeah!

We've got a couple of apple trees and they've started dropping. Too sharp to eat as straight apples, they get turned in to apple sponge cake thing.

We've got a rhubarb plant that's moved house with us three times and that's massive at the moment. Rhubarb crumble is the bomb, eaten outside, with piping hot custard on a chilly September night.




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I hate the heat. I mean it's great during the day, when it isn't being muggy, but at the evening, I currently have to sleep directly under a fan with a frozen hot water bottle next to me. That's to cope with the horror of c. 22 degrees. :( Going to the north of sweden in a few months. minus 20 odd expected. Can't **** wait.  

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36 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

I wish I shared this love of fruit. But I just don't enjoy it. Any of it. 


I love fruit but my partner hates them. She's complained of health issues. which fruit and veg would certainly help, but is so stubborn. I've encouraged her to have one satsuma a day as that's the only one she finds vaguely tolerable. However, even when I suggest it in a light hearted way the stubborness digs in to the point that this satsuma has taken on a martyrdom type status, a metonymy for The Struggle.  I've given up. Now I just smuggle them in to the odd soup now and again. 


She's also not a huge fan of vegetables either. This means on restaurant nights out, where my normal policy of choosing something I wouldn't cook well at home has historically led to lot's of steaks, has more recently led to me ordering the veggie option :o It's an outrage. 


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15 years since September 11 2001.

I can still recall that day exceptionally vividly. It doesn't feel that long ago. Changed the world, for the worse. Left thousands dead in the most horrific manner, and continues to hamper the lives of many involved that day.

I daresay 102 Minutes That Changed America will be on somewhere today, and is certainly recommend watching it if you haven't before. One of the most harrowing things I've ever seen.

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watched a couple of documentaries on it today, usually end up doing so this time each year. So appalling, obviously. Watched one Inside the Two Towers which is just insane, has the miracle escape stories mingled in with the tragedy. I do wonder if it's a bit morbid to always focus on it, but you realise how seismic it was

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Yeah I still remember it as though it was yesterday i doubt I'll live through as crazy a day again 

worked in Canary Wharf at the time and rumours started flying around about planes heading our way , even though they turned out to be false rumours , we were advised to go home , but everyone was just mesmerised by what was playing out on the screens in front of us and we all stayed ...

Even 15 years on those documentaries are shocking , the noise of the jumpers hitting the ground is still harrowing no matter how many times you view it 



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