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1 minute ago, Meath_Villan said:

Yer man cj from eggheads .... completely off the scale ... arrested for murder ? :detect:

Yep I just stuck it in News Story of the Day thread.  That's mental :D 

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On 22 September 2016 at 11:36, Meath_Villan said:

Yer man cj from eggheads .... completely off the scale ... arrested for murder ? :detect:

For someone apparently so clever...utter **** idiot, he's writing an autobiography, I'm guessing no one gives a shit so he's tried to say something clever and put that he once punched a druggie and threw him in a canal, actually said something like I'm pretty sure he's dead

its 1 level down from a Darwin Award 

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I received this email today.


I have just completed the [course] which I found enjoyable and informative. I’d like, however, to draw your attention to a point I noticed.

Page 4 of the course displays three examples where it is implied that we wouldn’t like personal information to be used without our permission. The first example is a picture of a sat nav and the legend is:
‘Consider how you’d feel if….
…your sat nav allowed police to track your speed?’

This is unpleasant, stating as it does that:
1. The people who produced the course believe it is perfectly alright to break the laws of the land and take measures to avoid detection
2. The people who reviewed/selected this for [company] also believe that it is perfectly alright to break the laws of the land and take measures to avoid detection
3. [company] recognises this (by using the course) and by implication condones these illegal activities by its employees

and offensive by implying that:
4. all [company]’s employees believe that it is perfectly alright to break the laws of the land

Is this the image the [company] wishes to display?

I assume that the entry on page 4 has been made in a humorous vein, however, I don’t think it’s appropriate anywhere, but particularly in a training course the purpose of which is to make people aware of a set of laws and the necessity of themselves and others abiding by them.

Could you please pass this on to the appropriate person.

Really? I need to get off helpdesk fast.

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A guy I went to school with 14 years, lived 1 minute from me my whole childhood died yesterday. We weren't mates or anything, but I thought I'd be older than 24 before I started hearing of people I grew up with passing away. Feels really surreal.


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17 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

A guy I went to school with 14 years, lived 1 minute from me my whole childhood died yesterday. We weren't mates or anything, but I thought I'd be older than 24 before I started hearing of people I grew up with passing away. Feels really surreal.


That sucks. It's really weird hearing about the decline of people you know from school. As far as I know two people I went to school with have died, and another is in prison for armed robbery. I suppose statistically speaking, it's not unusual, but it's still a shock when you first hear. The older you get, the more common it will become too unfortunately. 

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Just now, dAVe80 said:

That sucks. It's really weird hearing about the decline of people you know from school. As far as I know two people I went to school with have died, and another is in prison for armed robbery. I suppose statistically speaking, it's not unusual, but it's still a shock when you first hear. The older you get, the more common it will become too unfortunately. 

Yeah that's how my friend approached it. It's just weird though. He was always there, I know all of his family. Just awful for them.

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56 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

sounds like birmingham are going to bid for the 2026 commonwealth games, the bid doesnt have to be formally announced for ages yet, likely to be up against liverpool, edmonton and some place in papa new guinea 


I'm sure the government will put all their support behind Liverpool.  No chance for Brum.

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Yep that's what I'd expect too as well as brum putting together a half hearted bid rrather than an all singing all dancing one

At a guess it'll be a copy and paste job from the failed national stadium bid, problem could be who will want a big stadium out there, we wouldn't, don't think blues will either 

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for those with a little time to read, an article about journalism in 

The Independent


Before news channels existed, if a scheduled programme was interrupted to go to the newsroom, you knew it was a matter of importance. It made you catch your breath.

Now the big, bold strap-line “breaking news” can cover a multitude of ordinary fare, from light plane crashes in the United States to the latest Olympic gold medal to a small hurricane in North London which knocked over some sign posts. That happened on my watch.

The currency, if not debased, is different. Now of course this is not in itself a bad thing: it reflects our ability to cover more news, more speedily.

But it does not mean we are covering the news more deeply or more analytically. We may be generating heat. But are we really delivering light?


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