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Are there more people now that expect something for nothing than there was 30 years ago, if so, why? I feel like my generation don't believe in working for something unlike my parents generation.

I've worked my balls off for everything I have and someone I know recently called me 'lucky'. Lucky to train myself up from nothing into a good job, lucky to fund my own part time college education to further my career, lucky to pay my own debts off, lucky to overcome crippling shyness to develop a strong confidence and belief in all I do, lucky to take the risk on redundancy three times in 15 years and not spend a day out of work, lucky to overpay on my mortgage every month. I don't mind welfare, I believe in helping people out, but I see so many capable of my age and background rotting away in front of the telly moaning about their lives, it makes me sad I'm not gonna lie. /soapbox

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I dunno, I feel like at least in the past you had something to show for the work you did. Hell, twenty years ago my parents had a house (not a great house, but a house) by my age and could go on holidays etc, in fact they moved into a nicer house by their late twenties. Neither went to college, neither had a great upbringing (that Troubles carry on saw to that), yet they at least had something. Now, someone at 30 could be working their balls off all week and have nothing to show for it. I don't think people expect something for nothing, they do expect something for the work they put in. I think the system is broke and doesn't reward people fairly.


Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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I dunno, I feel like at least in the past you had something to show for the work you did. Hell, twenty years ago my parents had a house (not a great house, but a house) by my age and could go on holidays etc, in fact they moved into a nicer house by their late twenties. Neither went to college, neither had a great upbringing (that Troubles carry on saw to that), yet they at least had something. Now, someone at 30 could be working their balls off all week and have nothing to show for it. I don't think people expect something for nothing, they do expect something for the work they put in. I think the system is broke and doesn't reward people fairly.


I disagree, I understand sometimes people need help, but I see people choosing not to help themselves and asking for it. I know a girl who whinges about her job, her flat, her lack of money, her weight gain, her whole life pretty much, yet she hasn't researched training opportunities or qualifications to better her job, she hasn't started saving money for a deposit to buy a better flat, she spends all her money on takeaways because she feels she 'deserves a treat', she's made no change to anything in ten years. I know this is the most extreme case of the point I'm trying to make but it blows my mind. I know things are more difficult for us than generations gone past but I consider most of my peers to be lazy and lacking desire to progress in life.

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Bemoaning the lack of national vigour - it's not a great look in my opinion. It reminds of this hoax letter sent to Boris Johnsons many years ago:

Britain is flabby, Johnsons. Sadistically run military institutions are needed, to whip the flabby shamblers into shape. Why has Britain declined? Junk food and not enough press-ups, that is why. Youth with testicles of steel are what we must create. Blood-thirsty killers who aren't afraid to do fifty mile route marches in the freezing drizzle with nothing to chew but string. England is crying out for such men. 

I'm starting a new political party, and that is why I am writing. We could use a guy like you. We are looking to attract people disillusioned with the Tories. The modern Conservative Party is an old man wanking into a sock. You have to admit that. And look at Howard. A husk of a man, despised by all, prematurely bald from self-abuse. Is this what we fought the Falklands for? If we love our country, he must hang. 

The vision we are trying to establish is a new kind of democracy, a democracy based on press-ups. We rise at five and breakfast frugally on oats while our opponents are still slumbering like hogs. Our answer to inflation, youth unemployment and the pension crisis is the same: press-ups. England expects that every man shall do his press-ups. The innocent have nothing to fear. 

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You see, I feared some kind of satirical tory comment, because that is certainly what I'm not, I just see, and maybe it's the company I keep more than anything, a group of people that could be doing so much better yet their aspirations are so little they destroy their brain and their bodies doing the opposite

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You see, I feared some kind of satirical tory comment, because that is certainly what I'm not, I just see, and maybe it's the company I keep more than anything, a group of people that could be doing so much better yet their aspirations are so little they destroy their brain and their bodies doing the opposite

I notice the same at work. There are a minority of people who will complain about how much they hate the job, hate the managers, hate everything. And yet they don't ever do anything to change the things that they say they hate.

So perhaps it's hyperbolic venting. But there things I hate, I don't tolerate unless I have no choice.

I don't think they expect something for nothing. But they do seem incapable of taking an objective view of their lives and taking steps make things better. Either that or they are so downtrodden they lack the confidence to try something different for fear of failure.

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Homeowners... excuse my naivety but let's say I sold a house for what I bought it for (100k example) then after 2 years then decided to move back in with parents, rent or go travelling. How much money roughly do I get back at the sale and how does the mortgage work? Does the bank have their remaining loan back or am I expected to carry on paying? 

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You pay back what you still owe on the mortgage and pocket any profit on the sale.

Do I get back what I've already put down? (Deposit and 2 years worth for example)

A mortgage is just a big loan. You pay back whats left on the mortgage after you sell the house and you pocket the rest (minus the usual fees etc)

I would assume you will sell it for more than you have paid for it?

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I'm sure I saw one in the window of the Disney Store in Merry Hill yesterday, but I couldn't actually see it in the shop available to buy, which was odd.


I looked the other day, and they're around $150 in America, so I'm guessing they'll just be over a hundred pounds here. My girlfriend said she wants one for Christmas. I suppose that avoids the faff of looking for jewellery etc.

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What was the deal with "Force Friday" yesterday? One of the guys I work with (sort of) took a day off work so he could go round the shops (some at midnight) buying a load of star wars toys.



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