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Has anyone seen Following - Christopher Nolan's first film? Sounds kinda similar to that London crime genre. I've been meaning to see it.

I watched that last night funnily enough, very clever film but acted quite poorly.

Well worth the watch and only 70 minutes long if it ends up not being your cup of tea.

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Saw Herzog's new 3D docu 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams' last week. Highly recommended to any fan, epecially those who enjoyed Grizzly Man and Encounters... , it forms something of an unofficial 'nature & philosophy' trilogy with those two. There was a Q&A with him afterwards too, he's a very charming and engaging man. His next is going to be a docu following inmates on death row in their final months, weeks, and (literally) minutes. Fantastic!! He's also going to be lending himself & his voice to The Simpsons for an upcoming episode :D

Also got dragged along to Norwiegan Wood. I enjoyed it as a fan of Japanese drama, hadn't read the book though which is apparently every artsy girls wet dream. It was a very pretty film, but the story was let down simply due to the pacing of it. Not that I thought it was awfully slow, I love the way the Japanese seem to convey so much emotion in those long extended scenes with no dialogue at all. It seems to be a very telling feature in their greatest exports.

I've got a choice of Metropolis, Paprika, or Vampire Hunter D (1+2) for tonight :D

Paprika is superb. One of my favourite animes alongside FLCL and Eva

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Has anyone seen Following - Christopher Nolan's first film? Sounds kinda similar to that London crime genre. I've been meaning to see it.

I watched that last night funnily enough, very clever film but acted quite poorly.

Well worth the watch and only 70 minutes long if it ends up not being your cup of tea.

I think I´ve seen most of Nolan´s films but not this. Have to check it out... Thanks for reminding my of it!

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Just a bloody good and different take on Alien "invasion".

District 9 in a nutshell. Superb movie imo.

well, having seen a bit of chatter about District 9 I then ended up in a 24 hour Asda in Sittingbourne.....

Bought the film, checked in at the hotel, stuck movie in office laptop and watched the first hour.....

then the bloody laptop threw a hissy fit and stopped and won't give me the dvd back!

a) I have to hand laptop in to office tomorrow a.m. and announce I've bust it.

B) It could have been a lot worse!

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Just got back from watching The Lincoln lawyer.

And well, **** me that Matthew McConaughey can actually act. After a career made up in the main of badly performed dross (imo anyway), he's very good in this. Cracking story too, certainly kept me entertained.

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Just a bloody good and different take on Alien "invasion".

District 9 in a nutshell. Superb movie imo.

well, having seen a bit of chatter about District 9 I then ended up in a 24 hour Asda in Sittingbourne.....

Bought the film, checked in at the hotel, stuck movie in office laptop and watched the first hour.....

then the bloody laptop threw a hissy fit and stopped and won't give me the dvd back!

a) I have to hand laptop in to office tomorrow a.m. and announce I've bust it.

B) It could have been a lot worse!

unfurl a paperclip or staple and stick it in the tiny hole on the disc drive should release the spring

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To those who were talking about invictus it is a great film, very good infact.. one of the better films I had enjoyed that year for me imo.. easily in my top 5.

Not factually accurate though. They left out the fact that the AB's were intentionally poisoned before the final.

That isn't just Kiwi sour grapes either as Clint Eastwood said when asked about it. Mandelas head of security was convinced of it and a private detective found a far-eastern betting syndicate had paid a hotel waitress to spike their coffee.

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To those who were talking about invictus it is a great film, very good infact.. one of the better films I had enjoyed that year for me imo.. easily in my top 5.

Not factually accurate though. They left out the fact that the AB's were intentionally poisoned before the final.

That isn't just Kiwi sour grapes either as Clint Eastwood said when asked about it. Mandelas head of security was convinced of it and a private detective found a far-eastern betting syndicate had paid a hotel waitress to spike their coffee.

Are you sure it wasn't lasagne?

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To those who were talking about invictus it is a great film, very good infact.. one of the better films I had enjoyed that year for me imo.. easily in my top 5.

Not factually accurate though. They left out the fact that the AB's were intentionally poisoned before the final.

That isn't just Kiwi sour grapes either as Clint Eastwood said when asked about it. Mandelas head of security was convinced of it and a private detective found a far-eastern betting syndicate had paid a hotel waitress to spike their coffee.

Don't really know whether it is accurate or not.. its just a great film :lol:

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Just got back from watching The Lincoln lawyer.

And well, **** me that Matthew McConaughey can actually act. After a career made up in the main of badly performed dross (imo anyway), he's very good in this. Cracking story too, certainly kept me entertained.

I was surprised by how good he was in it too. I'm also not a huge fan of his usually, but he did a very good job this time out.

I went to see 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams' last night. It was quite interesting and I enjoyed the first half of the film. However, I think it could (and should) have ended there. If you are interested in Archaeology and/or History then you will probably find it quite interesting too. Be prepared for it to drop off quite a lot at the halfway point though if any of you go to see it.

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Excellent film, exceeded my expectations. Can be interpreted in so many ways and had me on the edge of my seat for most of the film. There is stuff you can pick holes at but it is a very enjoyable watch.

Love it. It's like a bad-ass Crystal Maze.

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Matthew McConaughey was decent i A Time To Kill but hasn't done much since, always though he had the ability but hey, if I got a few million for taking my top off I'd take it.

I Love that film. Definately in my top 3.

Easily one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen.

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I just kind of flicked over to it and said "I'll see what happens" :lol: I'll put his name on the banned list. As an aside wrt to my previous recommendation, what did you think of Waltz with Bashir, Desi?

Loved it Bri, thought provoking and stylistically gorgeous.

This is on on More4 at 10pm Tuesday night for anyone who hasn't seen it.

I'll definitely be watching.

Don't forget now.

I actually had forgotten!

I've already set it to record though, so had you not reminded me it wouldn't have been a disaster.

Watched "Waltz with Bashir" last night after V+'ing it on Tuesday.

I thought it was excellent. Pretty harrowing stuff but a very unique film. It's a kind of animation I've never seen before.

Loved it.

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Watched "Waltz with Bashir" last night after V+'ing it on Tuesday.

I thought it was excellent. Pretty harrowing stuff but a very unique film. It's a kind of animation I've never seen before.

Loved it.

Try this one next then:


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