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Jhon Durán


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For pity’s sake. First I have to spend yesterday evening reading about how we are going to sell Ollie Watkins and this evening I learn Duran is leaving because he liked a tweet about Chelsea. 

I’m not convinced VT is going to be my daily visiting place for discussion of Villa issues this summer.

Edited by briny_ear
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1 hour ago, briny_ear said:

Wow. Page 213 this thread suddenly turns.

Just like that, he is off to Chelsea and it’s a good thing because it’s clear  he doesn’t fit in the squad and McGinn and Emery don’t rate him 

Where did that come from? Because he liked a post on X or whatever stupid name it has these days and (not a native English speaker) used the word final rather than end of season?

That is really quite scary.

You do realise his future is actually controlled by the giant lizards who run the world, don’t you?

Briny if there’s anything in those social media posts I don’t know, nor do you and nor do I care. Majority of crap on those sites is just fairytale fluff anyway.

but it’s clear as day that there is a character issue here. I love the bloke and hope he stays and can build his future at our club but to think that there’s no character issue with the lad then you’re being naive. 


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Last I looked we were on page 212 or something. Jheez louise, it's been poppin off here!

The smoke/breadcrumb trail suggest he might be  a) a massive Chelsea fan  b) has been tapped up or  c) is a massive tool. Either way, I'll reserve judgement until something more concrete materialises but this has been a hugely positive week so I'm not going to let a bit part player ruin that.

If he really does want out then he can go keep Carney company in the Cobham medical room after we get that dodgy £75m hotel money from Chelsea

..then we bring back Tammy!


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Super talented but starting to show signs that he thinks he is a bit bigger than whats going on at Villa and will be a difficult character to manage. 

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8 hours ago, Jas10 said:

Said exactly that… quite surprising.

At the time I thought… come on John, no need to speak on the lad so much and negatively… but, it suggests there are difficulties with him.

“He can be a nightmare”, was pretty strong too… 😬

Agreed. Even though he's captain, he's never called out any other player in public, at least that I can remember.

Maybe Unai can't get through to him and he asked McGinn to say something?


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9 hours ago, CVByrne said:

I don't know why people care what he does on social media. He is under contract here and we've qualified for the Champions League. If Emery wants him here next season he'll be staying. Nobody really cares what his dream club is or where he wants to go tbh. 

It's really as simple as that. If he's useful for us and the manager wants to keep him, I wouldn't want him to leave because he hurt my feelings by liking some stuff on Twitter in March.

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If anyone is trying to find a pattern or logic in anything Jhon Duran does they’re going to be disappointed, the man is chaos on the field and off the field 😂 

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7 hours ago, CroVillan said:

Briny if there’s anything in those social media posts I don’t know, nor do you and nor do I care. Majority of crap on those sites is just fairytale fluff anyway.

but it’s clear as day that there is a character issue here. I love the bloke and hope he stays and can build his future at our club but to think that there’s no character issue with the lad then you’re being naive. 


No there isn't. His behaviour on game days shows he's one of the nicest lads around. You guys are just being **** weird. 

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3 hours ago, TomC said:

Agreed. Even though he's captain, he's never called out any other player in public, at least that I can remember.

Maybe Unai can't get through to him and he asked McGinn to say something?


Exactly he's never said anything which means he pretty clearly doesn't mean it the way you guys are taking it. The club doesn't air dirty laundry, if he was an issue mcginn wouldn't have said anything. 

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I like Duran and he played his part this season. But I wouldn’t be that bothered if we sold him either.  He has a lot of ability but I’m just not seeing this star potential others are seeing.

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7 hours ago, _AA_786 said:

a) a massive Chelsea fan 

same as chuk, I think some people struggle with the reality that for a whole generation out there Chelsea are the biggest and most successful English club

there's every danger he does like Chelsea

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If we do have an in contract player who wants to move to Chelsea, and whose stock has grown during his time here… then rinse the bastards and sell for as big of a profit as possible. That’s exactly how we are set up now. 

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Wow, it's going to be a loooooong summer. I spose the negative Nancies are going to have to find stuff to worry about seeing as our season didn't implode, wasn't over in January etc etc.

Still though inventing entire soap opera worlds based on two comments in a post match interview is up there with anti-vax, chem trails, moon landing denial and the flat earth.

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There is only going to be so long Duran is going to be happy playing behind Watkins. Same problem Spurs had, when Kane was fit he plays every game and that's the case with Watkins.

Duran is getting to the stage where he needs to be playing week in week out so I wouldn't be surprised if he leaves this summer. I wouldn't have thought Chelsea is the right club for him to go but if the club can negotiate a good fee for him from any club which can be reinvested into getting a striker Emery trusts to cover Watkins and play alongside him then I wouldn't complain.  

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Jfc I hope some of you never see the things your other half likes on socials, they'd come home to find four walls covered in pins and string.

He's a 20 year-old multi-millionaire who kicks a ball between two sticks for a living. I was skint at 20 and if you analyised 1% of what I did you'd probably have said I was destined for a life in prison. And I was one of the better behaved ones.

I know there's a temptation to put 100% weight on what's public, but keep in mind it's 0.000001% of his time that you're actually seeing.

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I don't think Duran leaving can be completely ruled out :excl: a lot of journalists, some of them the more reliable ones have made noises to that end, and if we really needed to raise some serious dough then he would be one of the more likely options as isn't a regular but would still command big fee because of massive potential and what he's already shown at young age in limited time

But of course him liking a bunch of posts doesn't mean anything, maybe he's genuinely a fan of Chelsea, it is allowed, doesn't mean that Chelsea want him or that he's trying to get a move to them, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work anyway, if it was that easy we could get some of our unwanted players to like a bunch of Chelsea posts and get them sold. Also Balotelli comparisons are little extreme man, Balotelli was doing things like setting fireworks off indoors and throwing darts at youth players, Duran might be wild hearted but he's not a trouble maker

We're in a most excellent position with him, if he stays we've got one of the best young strikers in the world, if he leaves we get a massive sum of of money, I hope he stays, his potential is big

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If we did have to make a big sale, realistically you're looking at Luiz ~ £80m, JJ ~ £50m, or Duran ~ £40m.

Who are we selling there? I reckon 90% go for Duran, and that's regardless of this Chelsea stuff.

There's little sentimental attachment and he hasn't played a lot for us (because luckily he hasn't been needed or he's not trusted enough yet). His potential is massive on the pitch, but there's clearly also potential to cause chaos off it and he's just as likely to pick up yellow cards as goals.

I love the mad bastard so far, and his cameo against Liverpool started the positive upturn that continued into Tuesday night, but if we have to sell or we want to sell to spend more then unfortunately it's probably got to be big Jhon unless we can great deals for all of the players we don't actually want at all.

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I trust Unai and the club will be aware if there is anything going on, and if Duran does want to leave then we will just turn a nice profit in the process. Equally it could all be a load of cobblers so I am not going to turn on a young lad for something that could be nothing. This is the business of football, and players come and go so I don't get too attached to those that have only been here a few minutes. If Chelsea are after him, then bidding starts somewhere beteen £40-£50m and that could save us having to sell one of our more important players to buy in higher value targets.

I like Duran, and he looks to have a lot of potential, but equally we have seen so many players with high potential not make it for whatever reason. For now, until something concrete happens I am just going to chill, and enjoy the fact we are Champions League bound, and we will no doubt be buying some quality players over the summer to strengthen us. 

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