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The next manager of Aston Villa


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12 minutes ago, blandy said:

This is...I don't know how to put it really.

Whether the fans are "winners" is utterly irrelevant to outcome. People who go to games (or not) with an attitude of "this is a day out, I want to enjoy myself", or if they go to games with an attitude of "we must win" makes no difference to anything. Different outlook, maybe. The healthier one is probably the one who wants to take enjoyment from it, more than just the result on the day.

I don't even know why you've posted what you did, to be honest. @TRO

Anyway, on the manager thing, it is what it is. I don't like it. But having made all these claims about ambition and challenging for Europe and stuff, they need to walk the walk, as they demanded of Deano. You can't go sacking a manager for not progressing in the way you want him to and then make a choice of next manager that also doesn't achieve those stated aims.

If it's just a gamble and throw of the dice, then that's incoherent.

Whoever they get in will have the same problems Deano had - a squad which is weak in some areas  - for a European place challenge the midfield and full back positions are under resourced. "Bring kids through" means the manager (past or future) needs to give room for the youngsters to develop, but "qualify for Europe" means having back ups that are consistent standard for the full back and centre mid positions.

Deano couldn't solve those problems and I'm not sure that whoever's next will either. They might get better effort, organisation, tactics etc. or they might not. But you'd hope (I would, anyway) that the next manager needs to have experience at the top of top league(s) in order to meet this desire for European places while developing players. If he doesn't, then why sack Deano?

because, I speak from the heart, some folk think things and keep them to themselves, ( the wisest move, I Know)my weakness, is I say it.if I feel it.

I say this with respect Pete, I think you are missing a point in all of this....I could write reams of good things about Dean Smith, but just as one example, I see some things in Ron Saunders, that Dean just doesn't have and never will.....does those things manifest themselves in to the team, eventually, I think so....I would guess, Dean has many attributes Ron never had, but that doesn't compensate, from what was missing.....Ron engendered that element of fear, in his persona, I don't think Dean did.....I think many folk will misinterpret that as not being approachable, but that would be misleading. Klopp and Pep would be approachable, but they engender an element of fear too.   I have seen Ron Saunders first hand say yes to a dodgy question posed by a player, but when we walked away, we all went phew!! that was close....thats the fear, I mean, it keeps folk on their toes...its not nasty, but its mot woolly either....it engenders respect, not likeability.

You like many others, set about writing all the good things about Dean and you are not wrong, and neither are they, but it doesn't make up for whats missing, and as time has unfolded imv it has become more and more relevant....Every manager, is a throw of the dice, its just hoping the tools they have will make the most impact, and there again , impact has a shelf life too....a safe pair of hands is a great attribute, but would Abramovich agree, No, because he wants to win and willing to take the gamble...and when he starts slipping changes it.

Its unlikely the next Manager, will be a long stayer, because its the nature of the beast, its an intense business, that requires an intense approach....It's not a close the door go home pipe and slippers and see you Monday, that is not why Elite managers get paid Hollywood Wages...They eat breathe and sleep it. ( I am not aimimg a swipe at Dean, by the way, just trying to add perspective to what we are dealing with)

Football management is a monster, that will consume you, if you haven't got the mental toughness for it......I see some managers around, who have some really good skills, but are they tough and durable enough, I am then not so sure.

Leading a group of highly trained fit young men with attitude, takes attitude as well....There is not many who could do it....I know even with all the football knowledge, I have not got the Character to do it, but I am pretty sure I know a man, when I see one.

It would take a certain kind of blind man, not to see the good Dean Has brought to our club, he has brought, stability, Harmony and a kind of togetherness, we cannot dismiss, its been huge in developing the feel good factor.....but for me I see and ingredient, that is missing and its no criticism of Dean, none of can be blessed with everything....I think we are ready for a different skill set in the manager Head coach, whether the club see it the same, time will tell.


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11 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

Absolute right particularly the Henry bit.

What’s the actual truth on the Henry being offered the job? Howard Hodgson who’s very well connected to the club said we did offer the job and he turned us down. He has no reason to lie. 

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1 minute ago, DaveAV1 said:

Are there any choirboys on the list. The last thing we want is someone who isn’t a lovely, lovely boy. 

Eh making cowardly tackles and getting red cards doesn't make you a hardman

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21 minutes ago, useless said:

I had a look on a Gers forum and most of them seem pretty convinced that he will stay with them, and based on the reasons they give I think that they're probably right.

Afternoon all, I've combined my last two posts to make for easier reading, sorry I should have added the reasons in the first place...

15 minutes ago, useless said:

His loyalty, him wanting to take them into the Champions League, the fact that he stated he was very happy at Rangers barely weeks ago when asked about the Newcastle job, the fact that in his interview after their game at the weekend he was talking about how important the coming games are, and the idea that if he's serious about wanting the Liverpool job then he'd probably be better of staying with them and being a success than coming to us - which maybe sounds counter-intuitive but I think in a strange that they're probably right because to get the Liverpool job based on his performance with us he'd probably have to get us Champions League football.


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37 minutes ago, nick76 said:

Well Gerrard looks like he will become our manager because of his friend and not because of his CV.  So sometimes friends open doors that otherwise shouldn’t be open.

No, that is false....sure it helps if you know intimately, the candidates credentials....I got all my jobs on what I did previously, not on interviews, where I was probably crap.

I think you are misrepresenting our Ceo ( I have no idea if CP is good bad or indifferent) but if he did get it and it turned out well, does it matter, its not the process, its the outcome that matters.

I would suspect having trust and a good working relationship helps.....but it doesn't matter how friendly, they are SG will know only winning will keep him in the seat.....They both know that.

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4 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

I’m struggling to understand how it got so bad in 2021 for Smith after such a great start. It can’t all be down to Grealish surely?  Are our players just shit but over achieved for 2-3 months?

The coaches leaving, Covid disrupting the pre season, maybe a levelling off of his ability and ceiling for improvement. Shakespeare not a fav of the players etc etc 

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7 minutes ago, TRO said:

Ron engendered that element of fear, in his persona, I don't think Dean did.....I think many folk will misinterpret that as not being approachable, but that would be misleading. Klopp and Pep would be approachable, but they engender an element of fear too.   I have seen Ron Saunders first hand say yes to a dodgy question posed by a player, but when we walked away, we all went phew!! that was close....thats the fear, I mean, it keeps folk on their toes...its not nasty, but its mot woolly either....it engenders respect, not likeability.

You like many others, set about writing all the good things about Dean and you are not wrong, and neither are they, but it doesn't make up for whats missing, and as time has unfolded imv it has become more and more relevant....Every manager, is a throw of the dice, its just hoping the tools they have will make the most impact, and there again , impact has a shelf life too....a safe pair of hands is a great attribute, but would Abramovich agree, No, because he wants to win and willing to take the gamble...and when he starts slipping changes it.



20 years ageaybe but I think the days are gone of managers who can rule by fear. Players sit on multi million pound contracts. Man city and Chelsea  are different, they can afford to freeze these players out and not worry about the financial impact . Klopp is unique and although he is strong he leads with encouragement.

If a manager with next to no experience comes in and starts throwing his weight about he will not last 5 minutes in the modern game. The players will freeze him out, they have the power. If an experienced respected  manager comes in then he stands a chance.

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21 minutes ago, Steero113 said:

Because you're still spouting shit about him even after the other 65,000 Rangers fans have lauded him and don't want him to leave. You seem to have contacted the 7 who don't rate him.

I haven’t spouted shit about him. I’ve said I feel there are better options for us out there. Read my posts. So don’t make up crap about me without reading what I’ve wrote. 

Saying I feel there’s better out there for Villa than him isn’t spouting shit about him. And as for my relatives who go there they’ve basically said what most are saying - it could be good it could be bad. But the step up in opposition might be too much for atm to bridge. 

Spouting shit indeed. 

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