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Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA


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Just watching it back and they really are a disgrace as a team. Just got to the part where one of their players is down and we played on and win a corner. Larsson and Johnson go up to Downing and have a go, as if he's going to kick the ball out when he's in a crossing position.

Joe Hart comes over and pushes the pair of tossers away, gives Johnson a dirty look and pats Downing on the back. You can tell he aint a proper sha player.

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Just watching it back and they really are a disgrace as a team. Just got to the part where one of their players is down and we played on and win a corner. Larsson and Johnson go up to Downing and have a go, as if he's going to kick the ball out when he's in a crossing position.

Joe Hart comes over and pushes the pair of tossers away, gives Johnson a dirty look and pats Downing on the back. You can tell he aint a proper sha player.

Was that the one where he was down on the half way line, rolling around wanting us to put the ball out, then when we play on leapt up and sprinted to try and win the ball back? Absolutely pathetic. Not sure who it was that was down, seem to remember it being over near the doug-outs.

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My missus made a great observation during the game. She commented at the gulf in class of the individuals on show and not in the obvious footballing ability. They were constantly snarling, whinging and being aggressive towards Villa and the officials and then Carr topped it off with his gesture. She said how you'd never see Villa players doing these kind of things.

Quite right.

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And BTW, I'm becoming quite a fan of Hart, he is well on his way to being a top keeper. He also has a great attitude and even better ..... can take a cracking penalty.

Hope he doesn't waste any more of his career at that hole.

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Just read the piece by Tattum crying about the injustice, but on a sidenote, if anyone gets chance have a look at some of the pictures used, seriously it is like a scene out of WWE, Ridgwell desperately trying to gauge Carew's eye, 2 of them flying into Milner and then the muppets challenging the referee to a 4 on 1. MON was absolutely spot on, that team needed to keep their discipline as he knew what was coming and the FA charge proves this.

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Just read the piece by Tattum crying about the injustice, but on a sidenote, if anyone gets chance have a look at some of the pictures used, seriously it is like a scene out of WWE, Ridgwell desperately trying to gauge Carew's eye, 2 of them flying into Milner and then the muppets challenging the referee to a 4 on 1. MON was absolutely spot on, that team needed to keep their discipline as he knew what was coming and the FA charge proves this.

Yeah I noticed those pics, its as if whoever added them wanted to make Twattum look an even bigger tool than he already is :-)

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i just saw mcclesih say this

As for his own beef on the pitch with the referee, McLeish shrugged.

“What can you say? From the dug out I couldn’t tell it was a penalty. But I knew from Roger’s reaction that he had got the ball. There was no way he would fight his corner like that if he hadn’t touched the ball.

“And from that second onwards we knew the referee had made the wrong decision.”

so he admits he didnt know if it was a penalty so why the big-ho-ha at the end then you loser?

so because your player gets angry that means it isnt a penalty? that make logical sense doesnt it! if every player objected then taht would mean no-one would get a penalty!! :lol: at mc-loser

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Just watching it back and they really are a disgrace as a team. Just got to the part where one of their players is down and we played on and win a corner. Larsson and Johnson go up to Downing and have a go, as if he's going to kick the ball out when he's in a crossing position.

Joe Hart comes over and pushes the pair of tossers away, gives Johnson a dirty look and pats Downing on the back. You can tell he aint a proper sha player.

Was that the one where he was down on the half way line, rolling around wanting us to put the ball out, then when we play on leapt up and sprinted to try and win the ball back? Absolutely pathetic. Not sure who it was that was down, seem to remember it being over near the doug-outs.

To be fair actually the player laying down signalled he was ok.

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Just watching it back and they really are a disgrace as a team. Just got to the part where one of their players is down and we played on and win a corner. Larsson and Johnson go up to Downing and have a go, as if he's going to kick the ball out when he's in a crossing position.

Joe Hart comes over and pushes the pair of tossers away, gives Johnson a dirty look and pats Downing on the back. You can tell he aint a proper sha player.

Was that the one where he was down on the half way line, rolling around wanting us to put the ball out, then when we play on leapt up and sprinted to try and win the ball back? Absolutely pathetic. Not sure who it was that was down, seem to remember it being over near the doug-outs.

That was Vignal.

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i just saw mcclesih say this

As for his own beef on the pitch with the referee, McLeish shrugged.

“What can you say? From the dug out I couldn’t tell it was a penalty. But I knew from Roger’s reaction that he had got the ball. There was no way he would fight his corner like that if he hadn’t touched the ball.

“And from that second onwards we knew the referee had made the wrong decision.”

so he admits he didnt know if it was a penalty so why the big-ho-ha at the end then you loser?

so because your player gets angry that means it isnt a penalty? that make logical sense doesnt it! if every player objected then taht would mean no-one would get a penalty!! :lol: at mc-loser

:lol: How embarassing, so he's accusing the ref of not being sure and then saying he wasn't sure himself! Made himself look a right tit by charging on at the ref after the game.

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I hope the fixture *cough* computer *cough* (does anyone actually think the fixtures are random any more?) gives us them at home first next season. The next game is going to be a heated afair and its location will be important, if its at our place I can see one or two of their lot earning themselves a red card.

It would be delightful to extend the run to 7 straight wins, I think I'd have to dig those 7 up images out that them knuckledraggers were sending around after the Chelsea result. :D

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Stephen Carr

Does anyone else genuinely think this guy might actually be imbalanced, I don't mean this as a joke but as a serious point.

I've thought this for a while now but Sunday just confirmed it for me, not even really his gesturing toward us in the Lower North but his all round demeanour, he's got the mannerisms and body language of a psycho, someone with way too much nervous energy, the type who might just go a little too far one day and set fire to the nearest large object, just for funnies.

The gesturing on Sunday was the icing on the cake but the guys a loon and probably shouldn't be allowed out in public let alone playing professional football.

I really would love to know if he's ever been evaluated and what the outcome of the evaluation was, my thoughts would be a danger to himself and others.

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I hope the fixture *cough* computer *cough* (does anyone actually think the fixtures are random any more?)

I think they're as random as they can be aren't they? My understanding of it is that they randomly generate a set of fixtures then liaise with local authorities and police etc to determine any changes to the fixtures to help with motorway and street traffic congestion, not to mention of course the obvious examples where Spurs and Arsenal, Villa and Blose, Liverplop and Everton etc cannot be at home on the same day.

It's quite a deep process though when you think about it, they have to ensure for example that Villa and Blose don't both play away in London on the same day, all kinds of shit, pretty complex little project I'd imagine each summer.

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The amount of "Grandlsam Sundays" they end up having (although to be fair that doesn't seem to have happened much this season) has made me doubt the randomness of the computer.

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Its not hard to devise some software to generate fixtures and put in the various permeatations (eg Villa/Blues not in same city same day, unless playing eachother of course!)

I'd reckon they run off a few fixture lists that meet Police requirements, then sit down with Sky and ESPN to confirm which one they want to take.

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