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Tyrone Mings


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43 minutes ago, Risso said:

No way is Emery going to write the season off or let the players mope around. We've got two winnable league games coming up, plus the European ties in which we can work on life without Tyrone. During that time hopefully the recruitment team led by Monchi can also bring in 2-3 new recruits.  We've got Everton, Burnley, Liverpool and Palace up next. 9 points from that would give us 9 points from 5 games, which should be enough to keep us around the top 6. We then shouldn't be too far from Ramsey and Moreno coming back. Yesterday and this week have been a kick in the goolies, but let's not give up.*

*Until we lose to Everton. THEN you can give up.

Thank you, we must be careful not to overreact so quickly and so soon…

Unai’s not just going to give up, he’s going to face every challenge before him.

We need to support the team more than ever and push them on!

The season has barely just begun, loooooong road ahead and there is simply no reason to be extra downbeat or extra negative…

This is a test of our strength and mettle… let’s support the club in overcoming it…

What does Rocky say? “But it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.

Edited by Jas10
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41 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

Yeah we may as well get the Torres Carlos partnership going. It's the only one we've got so we need to just throw them in deep end and hopefully they click quickly

We've Everton, Hearts, Burnley, Hearts. Let's go with those two as CBs for all 4 games 

At absolutely no stage do we play Hearts.

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4 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

I already see enough of that Bollox in the Daily Mail comments section, please don't torment me with it here as well ffs 😂

The obvious question here would be why are you lowering yourself to the Daily Mail (comments section)?

(I could have ended that question before the brackets)

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29 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

That was new manager bounce and the fact we had an Elite coach replacing a poor one. We will have been analysed by other clubs for this season plus we had a good slice of luck last year on that run to 7th.

This time we've no new manager bounce and we've a rut we need to get over ourselves. The morale is shattered for sure. 

Reading that I was waiting for the ‘ironic’ emoji at the end! I normally agree with a lot of your posts CV but find this view very over-reactionary, imo. Each to their own obvs……but I in no way believe we are in a rut and that last seasons success was mainly due to new manager bounce and luck. 
UE will have experienced major setbacks in his career and will ensure that yesterday’s events are quickly dealt with and lines drawn under them etc. I have a feeling that out of adversity, new strength will emerge 👍

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9 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

I already see enough of that Bollox in the Daily Mail comments section, please don't torment me with it here as well ffs 😂

but how else do you explain these sudden injuries to otherwise healthy people? ;)

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Really quite concerned with how we proceed and react to something we havent had to deal with since we returned to the Prem - a lengthy absence of Tyrone Mings. He’s our organiser and voice at the back and generally sets the tone and leads brilliantly. 2 long term injuries and a 5-1 will completely throw anyones plans for a season back to the drawing board but look, Emery has his man, Pau, a LCB waiting in the wings so he’ll have to get that backline back functioning by hook or by crook because yesterday was embarrassing to concede so many, so easily.

Thankfully we have an elite manager who probably couldn’t sleep last night and just wants to work it all out. Massive game next week, it wouldnt be Villa to be as optimistic as we were to have things cruelly turned upside down in record time like this week has done for us. Nightmare day, but we have to try remain positive and move past yesterday. Best of luck in Tyrone’s rehab now, really sad he wont taste Europe after all his graft over the years. 

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2 hours ago, weedman said:

Tbf if we'd beaten them 5-1 and they kept talking about their player getting injured in the 1st half when we were already winning how would you feel about that? 

We're everyone's dark horses this year and Newcastle just pulled off a hugely impressive win, of course that's what they're talking about 

They would talk about it, “Newcastle were shell shocked after an injury to a key player and didn’t get their heads up again” would be the line.

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