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Tony Xia (no longer involved with AVFC)


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2 hours ago, BOF said:

I worry that he's not ready for twitter.  He seems almost too honest and thin-skinned for what he's going to deal with.  He can't be reacting to every negative article because the more he reacts, the more negative articles there will be, and the more he will give them to write about.  He either needs to stay on point re- Villa goings on, or stop altogether.

I get the impression that he will learn from his mistakes, so he will become inactivate on twitter and/or delete his account within a few years :). Seriously, I think he has been quite fair given the unsubstantiated stuff levelled at him - he is essentially being judged on the wrongdoings of Carson Yeung (and others from the far east). If he was really sensitive - he would not have opened a twitter account or invited journalists (who have been overly critical) to his office/home to explain his plans. 

I have no issues with him responding to unfair criticism on twitter, but I am sure he will temper his usage of twitter as time goes on.

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My main point was that it's redundant asking a  "well would you say the same if Lerner did that last year" type question as Xia essentially has a clean slate and will naturally be given more leeway at the moment while Lerner obviously wouldn't last year due to his own faults.

I do agree though, I'm unsure of Xia being on twitter in both the short and long term. If he is I'd rather there be some sort of filter process. But it'll give us something to talk about I guess :)

It's literally one or the other with us! We either have an owner who's seen as often as Halley's comet or an owner who wants to take on the twitter trolls one by one to the death!

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Maybe this is slightly OT but it's also relevant, but...

Did Randy ever do any kind of press conferences in America when he bought us? At the time the US was still a relatively new market to "soccer" and we could have surely exploited and marketed ourselves better out there. I find it interested that one of Xia's first moves as chairman is to hold a press conference in China which apparently hit the front pages of newspapers. He obviously has an actual plan for the club, which is refreshing...

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There are various things that have been embarrassing at out club, Tony's tweets are way way down the list.  He has big ambitions to develop the villa brand in China and isn't afraid to say it- so what?  I think it is refreshing. 

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8 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

When our owner wishes Jimmy Saville happy birthday?


So when someone plays a practical joke on you, are you embarrassing? or embarrassed?

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32 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

When our owner wishes Jimmy Saville happy birthday?


Our owner didn't though. Did Tony wish someone's uncle happy birthday and not realise the photo was of Saville, or did he actually wish happy birthday to a dead sexual predator? There's a big difference! Chinese culture is one of the few areas that Saville hasn't touched (!), so why should Tony be expected to know who Saville was or what he looked like? Even if you think Tony should have someone filtering his social media, why were you embarrassed? Only two people should be embarrassed by it. One of them is dead and the other has closed his Twitter account.

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52 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

When our owner wishes Jimmy Saville happy birthday?


This shit could have happened to any foreign owner. Xia thought he was doing something nice and some word removed set him up. I think it is a breath of fresh air that our owner is one of us chatting all sorts of bollocks on social media. Yes he may put his foot in it from time to time, but **** it I personally don't care as we have one hell of a down to earth owner and it's great. 

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8 hours ago, Pilchard said:

Just playing devil's advocate for a minute. Would you have reacted in a similar way had Randy Lerner replied to your concerns in a similar manner last year?

Interesting question, but the circumstances are completely different aren't they? Have you read that guys tweets too? They're not concerns, they're slanderous. 

For all the things we did do and say I don't think we ever slandered Mr Lerner. We didn't need to, the evidence against him was all too apparent. Tony on the other hand has been here 5 minutes and so far has spent £13m of his own money. 

Would I react in the same way if Tony had reacted like that to my concerns? Well no, because I'd not have written tweets comparing him to Carson Yeung. Because I'm not a clearing in the woods. 

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This episode reminds me a bit of when a couple of up and coming tv-host played a practical joke on a girl from a Swedish reality tv-show back in 2002.

They fooled the girl (known to not be the sharpest knife in the drawer) that they were filming a music show called Treblinka (roughly translates to "3 blink" in Swedish) fooled her to wear a t-shirt with "Treblinka class of 45" on it. And then went on to make loads of references to the nazis. The girl was totally oblivious. And it was kinda funny in a evil way.

The show was cancelled after 4 episodes after 3 of those episodes was reported to the review board. 

Fun fact: The 2 guys leading the show Filip & Fredrik are now probably the biggest names in Swedish telly.

Fun fact 2: The girl (Emma) is now happily married to one of Sweden's biggest ice hockey stars living the cozy life as an NHL wife, and no one ever thought she actually condoned any of the nazi war crimes.

Likewise no one actually think Dr X is pro pedophiles.



Edited by sne
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I suppose we did compare Randy Lerner to Kim Jong Il, but let's be fair this was after stewards had literally wrestled a Lerner Out banner from supporters in the North Stand.

You can't do and say stuff like that without being able to back up your reasoning behind the message you're trying to convey. You can't just mandomly attack people and not expect them to bite back. As it is if Randy Lerner had reacted to that I'd have been delighted, we'd have had the bastards attention. Instead we got his infamous 'romantically nourished' letter. 

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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I just don't see the need for him to tweet. I'm happy with what he's done so far but his tweets are cringeworthy and people will take advantage. 

I stand by it being embarrassing. Imagine if the new owner of blues tweeted happy birthday to Jimmy Saville... I'm sure we'd find that embarrassing.

Stay off Twitter, Tony.

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16 minutes ago, Delphinho123 said:

I stand by it being embarrassing. Imagine if the new owner of blues tweeted happy birthday to Jimmy Saville... I'm sure we'd find that embarrassing.


If their owner was British and really should have recognised Saville from the photo, then it would be embarrassing for them, not for me.

As Tony isn't expected to recognise infamous British sex predators, it's not embarrassing, it's just a poor taste practical joke.

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