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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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13 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

The whole 'project fear' thing is stupid.

 if it's good enough to title threads about baby eating Tories whilst labelling all tories selfish evil bastards etc etc then excuse me while I refer to it as Project Fear and annoy some lefty guardian readers :)


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21 minutes ago, villakram said:

but nobody predicted that oil would go from ~$20 to >$100 and stay there for a number of years. Hence, their oil went from being a rainy day fund to the worlds largest hedge fund. 

Also, the simply amazing transformation in societies ability to be interconnected was foreseen be very very few.

In light of this, I'd suggest that jumping up and down and saying "nananana, we were right", is a little on the hubristic side of things. 

It would only be hubristic had the EU offered protection to the Norwegian economy in the case of a collapse in oil prices and their non-membership lost them that protection.

Does the EU offer such protection?

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33 minutes ago, CarewsEyebrowDesigner said:

Trust in the establishment has reached a dangerously low level

It has, but it's entirely the fault of the "establishment"

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Facts can easily be disproved using the internet now though, that's why they should stop twisting any truths and just give us the totalitarian facts.

I can tell you now that 80% of jobs are not going to johnny foreigners, so I won't even watch it. 

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23 hours ago, Xann said:


If this is here already? Have a reminder.

"A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything...


... it could even be a boat!"

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Ukip unveiled a new poster today. Apologies for an uncensored photo of the demonic pug they call their leader.


Someone spotted something about that image. Not Farage.


I didn't know Goebbels was still working.

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Not sure anyone has pointed this out yet, but no matter which way we the people vote, it's only advisory and not binding, parliament can totally ignore the result and do the opposite. Anyone who sends more than a fleeting glance parliaments way, especially under the latest bunch of words removed to be in control will know they are not particularly interested in actually representing the people, as they are supposed to.

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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