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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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4 hours ago, darrenm said:

You'd like to think people are seeing through all this but..

Please sir can I have some more?



A bit better

The incessant ‘Lifelong Sir Keir fan, 20 point’ jokes in response to every poll are wearing very thin though.

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The Savanta poll, it’s really not clear how many people were polled or how they were selected.

That Redfield poll, they’ve omitted the party that came 4th but shown the party that came 5th


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9 minutes ago, Xann said:

It's not been like this before.

No Tory I know wants to talk about politics or Brexit now.

You can see it in this thread.

Beware the quiet man.

He probably stays quiet because he knows he’s a word removed.

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11 minutes ago, Xann said:


Lot of wages and school dinners there


But in ten years time, people in specific areas of Birmingham will get to London 15 minutes quicker rather than needing the hassle of zoom meetings.

Swings and roundabouts.

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I've looked at a lot of social media of the Tories who won their seats in the Red Wall North East seats, and they all pretty much follow the same pattern of, Labour brought this bill in for political gain, virtue signalling, Tories doing more than any other government ever, can claim Universal Credit, parents should take responsibility, the nasty lady called us scum. They even use the same graphic. Not one of these word removeds has an independent thought in their heads. They parrot what they're told by Tory HQ, and worship at the church of Boris. I am heartened to see they're being called out for it though now. My local MP in particular has been absolutely rinsed, to the point he took his post about it down, and later claimed it was done by accident, when trying to delete abusive comments. However if he wanted to stop the criticism, he'd have needed to shut his page down, as every other post on his page was hijacked. 

Edited by dAVe80
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I'm not sure HS2 is the most efficient use of funds, but after all these years, I thought this nonsense about "shaving x minutes from Birmingham to London" would have its day. the benefit is capacity gains, not just the new trains themselves, but the ability to take slower inter-city trains off the legacy rails to free up room for improved regional and freight services.

If you don't agree with it, argue against HS2 all you like, but at least do so based on the actual perceived benefits not "tens of billions for 15 minutes saved". It's a strawman. 

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9 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I'm not sure HS2 is the most efficient use of funds, but after all these years, I thought this nonsense about "shaving x minutes from Birmingham to London" would have its day. the benefit is capacity gains, not just the new trains themselves, but the ability to take slower inter-city trains off the legacy rails to free up room for improved regional and freight services.

If you don't agree with it, argue against HS2 all you like, but at least do so based on the actual perceived benefits not "tens of billions for 15 minutes saved". It's a strawman. 


Next time I get the 4 hour,  22 stops train to Manchester, I’ll curse my nonsense argument against HS2 and praise the new extra regional capacity all around me.

One hundred billion pounds.


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7 hours ago, Xann said:

It's not been like this before.

No Tory I know wants to talk about politics or Brexit now.

You can see it in this thread.

If you look over even just this page you will see Tories being called racist, ignorant, thick as pigsh*t, words removed and evil words removed!

Whereas no doubt I’ve just set up somebody for a ‘yeah exactly, right on’ response...it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that people don’t want to engage. 

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1 hour ago, WhatAboutTheFinish said:

If you look over even just this page you will see Tories being called racist, ignorant, thick as pigsh*t, words removed and evil words removed!

Whereas no doubt I’ve just set up somebody for a ‘yeah exactly, right on’ response...it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that people don’t want to engage. 

Really? They, tory voters have been called that because they voted tory in this thread?

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