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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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THAT Andrea Leadsom, who wants to be prime minister, sounds like a total pain in the arse, it has been agreed.

In an interview with the leading Sunday newspaper for elderly xenophobes, Mrs Leadsom reveals that not only does she think she is the ‘new Thatcher’, but that she is also a ‘very committed Christian’.

Professor Henry Brubaker, from the Institute for Studies, said: “And she made a fortune working in the City. So she’s a greedy, sociopathic god-botherer. What an absolute **** beezer of a combination.”

He added: “On behalf of the country, I just want to thank the Conservative Party for offering such a dazzling array of candidates.

“Two half-baked Thatcher clones, an evil woodland troll, a Welsh Christian homophobe with an untrustworthy beard and the creepiest man in politics since Norman Tebbit.

“The Conservative Party hates Britain. If you can’t see that you shouldn’t be allowed to use a knife and fork.”


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Jeremy Hunt to impose new contract on junior doctors

Health secretary says introduction of contract will go ahead in October, after doctors rejected it in ballot.

Jeremy Hunt has said he will impose a new contract on the 54,000 junior doctors in the NHS in England, after they rejected it in a ballot.

The health secretary said the phased introduction of the contract would go ahead as planned from October in order to move on from the uncertainty created by an impasse between himself and the British Medical Association – “a no man’s land that, if it continues, can only damage the NHS”, he said.

He rejected holding any further talks with the BMA, the doctors’ union, pointing out that three years of talks on new terms and conditions for junior doctors had failed to produce a final agreement.

Junior doctors accused Hunt of deliberately choosing the day of the Chilcot report’s publication to confirm that he was pushing ahead with a contract that is deeply unpopular with doctors. One leading junior doctor, who did not want to be named, said Hunt had selected “a good time to bury imposition”.



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Ahh, Leadsom, the 'most human' candidate for Tory leader. A fresh face, who so far this morning has confirmed she's still against gay marriage, and wants to hold a vote on legalising fox hunting again.

**** hell.

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On 6 July 2016 at 10:23, blandy said:

That excerpt was hilarious :crylaugh:

I've just wiped the tears away - that last paragraph, I struggled to get passed 'Woodland Troll' 


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1 hour ago, Davkaus said:

Ahh, Leadsom, the 'most human' candidate for Tory leader. A fresh face, who so far this morning has confirmed she's still against gay marriage, and wants to hold a vote on legalising fox hunting again.

**** hell.

The fact that these issues are even in any Tories heads at any time ever kind of shows why the Leaves won in the Referendum. 

She probably believes in god as well.

The 3 or 4 things together are borderline personality disorder material.

I was going to say she could spend her time finding out why the majority currently hate the establishment with a passion but I think she did that herself with the comments above. 

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Sent this list about Leadsom to my friend at work today.


  • "'Above all we have to focus on deregulation.” She continued: “No minimum wage; no unfair dismissal; no maternity or paternity rights; no national insurance or employer pension contributions; a flat rate of tax; no red tape.”' 
  • She thinks all websites should be approved by BBFC before going live
  • She's deeply religious
  • anti gay marriage, anti abortion
  • Anti sex before marriage
  • she blamed pre-marital sex for Baby P

She's terrifyingly mental.

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19 minutes ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

The fact that these issues are even in any Tories heads at any time ever kind of shows why the Leaves won in the Referendum. 

She probably believes in god as well.

The 3 or 4 things together are borderline personality disorder material.

I was going to say she could spend her time finding out why the majority currently hate the establishment with a passion but I think she did that herself with the comments above. 


Not even that keen on Leadsom by the way.

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35 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Sent this list about Leadsom to my friend at work today.


  • "'Above all we have to focus on deregulation.” She continued: “No minimum wage; no unfair dismissal; no maternity or paternity rights; no national insurance or employer pension contributions; a flat rate of tax; no red tape.”' 

I was terrified by this bit, but in fairness she's been misquoted on that, she was specifically talking about companies with 3 or fewer employees in an interview about methods of encouraging start ups. Still questionable, but not as batshit mental as the quote suggests.

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It's reassuring to see that, in the week when the Chilcott report has been published and Blair's back to bullshit his way through the airwaves, the Tories have picked as their two candidates for PM a couple of people who appear to be no strangers to telling whoppers.


You couldn't make it up. :)

Edited by snowychap
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4 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

I got excited when the Sky breaking news banner said 'MICHAEL GOVE ELIMINATED' but then realised it was just about the leadership contest.

If I have any regrets it's that I only have one like to give.

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