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If you could go back in time, when and where would you go?

Marka Ragnos

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Well, if I could go anywhere, absolutely anywhere at all in time, I think I'd probably choose to go back to a week last Tuesday.  I did all the laundry, and then we watched TV.  Wow, we won't see the like of those sorts of days again.

Beat me to it you bastard! :mrgreen:

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Money making schemes aside, I'd probably just go back to anytime between 1900 and 1960 and have a wander all around the midlands, I'd absolutely love that.


Is that a boring answer?

Edited by Paddywhack
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I'd go back to December 28th 1983, Marina Del Rey, California, and tell Dennis Wilson to stop **** about in the water and finish that second album

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Does it alter your timeline, though (the 'butterfly effect ')?

There was a woman in January 1976 that I blew it with, and with what I know now I'd fancy another try. But I quite like where I am now, so I wouldn't want to risk buggering that up.

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You can't go back in space-time so I've corrected the thread title :)


(It's like using light years as a measure of time or saying degrees Celsius in place of just Celsius.)

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You can't go back in space-time so I've corrected the thread title :)

(It's like using light years as a measure of time or saying degrees Celsius in place of just Celsius.)

Surely, if you are walking from Birmingham to London in 2015, and you suddenly find yourself in Birmingham in 1995, you have gone 'back' in both space and time?
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The faster you go through space the slower you go through time, until you get to the speed of light, at which point your don't actually move through time at all (I think, lol).

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I'd go back in time to when I originally created this same thread on Villatalk and then copy my answer as I can't remember what it was....

But I'd guess I said ancient Eqypt as that's an era I've always found fascinating ....

One thing I've often wondered , say you could go back to that time and give them something like flight , where would we be now in regards to that technology .... Or would humans evolve technology too fast in a time when they weren't civilised enough and have Wiped ourselves off the planet

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