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Everything posted by villa89

  1. Indeed. I wouldn't go that far.
  2. God the boss battles in this are shocking. Its a good game otherwise though but like above I don't think I'd replay it.
  3. Could be very close to being less than the 30k barrier, I'll go for 29,201.
  4. They can keep the $7 I had in my bankroll. Feel sorry for the people who had alot more though. Full tilt should have been a sucessfull profitable company but I guess the directors got greedy and lined their own pockets.
  5. Yeah but by who? Even if they had a decent ground they still aren't overly attractive, certainly no more attractive than villa. They might have been taken over by someone like Mike Ashley or the ellis guy who bought sunderland. Someone who would run them as business rather than a multi-billionaire ready to spunk millions on players/wages.
  6. How many oil barons are there that are willing to spend about half a billion on a football team, especially a club like Villa? Its the same thing everton fans say that the club needs to be sold to get investment but you cant sell something nobody wants. Football is fundamentally broken and we are just going to have to accept the fact that we cannot compete with the top clubs under the current system. There is no mystery multi-billionaire that going to buy our club and make us the new chelsea or man city, that's not randy's fault.
  7. You might be able to get your new drivers Here
  8. villa89

    GTA 5

    I thought it was by far the worst GTA although I was playing it on PC. It had lost the fun...
  9. Its all natural In other news : $100m for Vick!
  10. Interesting stuff. Training a million times better eh? Just confirms my suspicion that Ged was/is a clueless buffoon.
  11. Put about an hour and a half into this so far. It looks good and something a bit different which is always nice.
  12. This. Its just another decent indie game IMO. Not in the same league as world of goo or super meat boy. Note to self, play world of goo again.
  13. Its far too early to be saying he's playing well IMO. We've played fulham away and Blackburn and wolves at home. That's about as easy a fixture list as you could hope. Wait until he comes against suarez, augero, rooney, etc. and then we'll see if hes playing well.
  14. I think this could be one of the easiest games we'll have all year (if any are easy for us). Blackburn are awful and have injuries at the back. Nothing less than a comfortable win is acceptable.
  15. Yeah it will have to be bought. Looks very good.
  16. It was shcoking how many people on here wanted us to get foster. He's hopeless and always has been. It makes you wonder if people actually watch players play and form their own opinions or just believe the media hype.
  17. This. Inida look very poorly prepared and their bowling "attack" is dire.
  18. How are you getting on with it? I recently acquired* Rosetta Stone french levels 1-3 and have started using it. Its strangely addictive. *This does not constitute an emission of guilt on my part in anyway. Any software downloaded to my PC may, or may not, have been done so intentionally or done by a rogue trojan horse than has since mysteriously disappeared.
  19. I don't understand this bit TBH. Why would fans care about preseason? Of course its just about fitness and training. Who gives a shit if we lose every game 9-0, they are just warm up matches. They have no bearing on how you are going to do in the league. Fans moaning about our performance vs. chelsea at the weekend are just bored IMO. I couldn't give a toss if we won any preseason cup. The peace cup we won last year was nice cos we got some money out of winning it but in general pre-season is meaningless.
  20. There's that many? I hope they go bust and cease to exist as a football club. They won't though, they are like a bad smell you just can't get rid of.
  21. I was glad to see Andy miss out on winning. Serves him right for being too busy looking over his shoulder to attack in the pyrenees. He's the best mountain climber out there so any mountain finish should see him attacking especially when he's going to lose a truck load of time in the TT.
  22. Looks like contador is struggling this year. I think its very hard for someone to race in the giro and then in the tour in the same year. Makes me think that Contador has been doping for years and since he got caught in last years tour has had to stop and its catching up with him now as he cant recover as well as he used to.
  23. Very strange to give him a five year deal. I hope there is a clause to reduce his wages if he's not in the first team. I suspect its something to do with him having to take a pay cut from his man city wages
  24. Good signing for pool and a good move by us to sell him this summer rather than wait until next year and lose him for alot less money. Big 'Eck really needs to buy well if we are to get top half next season. As for being a feeder club, we are one get over it. Its the same for clubs like spurs, everton etc. If your not in the champions league your a feeder club or a relegation battler or both.
  25. Yeah its essential TV alright. If you don't want to wait for season 2 just read the book!
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