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Everything posted by villa89

  1. Horse racing is dangerous for the horses. If they fall and break a leg then the only humane option is to put them down. If you count up the number of race horses in training, the number of races per year and the number of horses that are actually put down due to injury you'll find that the sport is not overly dangerous at all. Its unfortunate that some horses have to be put down but there are other far more important animal welfares issues to worry about if that's what your into.
  2. Only managed fourth. I thought First lieutenant had a great chance but fair play to Bob's worth, winner alright.
  3. I have doubled these 2:40 - First Lieutenant 3:20 - Sizing Europe I don't think Grand Cruz is the NAP his odds suggest to TBH.
  4. villa89

    Top Gear

    Was there enough space in the footwell for your feet? The right hand drive conversion of Audi's often leaves you bollock all room. Also 3.0 litre? You must be super rich to be able to afford to put fuel into that monster...
  5. ebay.com. Sell your games for a better price than you'll get as a trade in and buy second hand for cheaper than you'll get in the high street shops.
  6. I'd expect Sky to get ~60% of the games and have the option to show all the top of the table clashes. The premier league is their bread and butter so they'll buy as much of it as possible regardless of cost.
  7. This. You'll be buying your PSWiibox in tesco and getting all your content downloaded (or streamed like onlive) to your machine over the interweb. There will be no more Game or HMV or gamestop, Just tesco or currys or argos selling hardware.
  8. The end is nigh, goodbye computer game shops, hello digital distribution.
  9. I'd be surprised if he did move to be honest. He's a good player but doesn't contribute alot to the build up, he's just a finisher really. Realistically its only one of the top 6 sides that could afford him and I can't see any of them making an offer. If he has a really good euro 2012 then maybe someone might come in for him and if they offer what we paid for him or more I'd sell. Spending £24m on him was bizarre really when we knew Downing and Young were both going to be leaving. We would have been better off using that money to rebuild and buy 2 or 3 players rather than spending it all on one player.
  10. Downloaded Alan Wake for PC yesterday so I'm going to play it over the weekend, is it any good? Looks pretty at least...
  11. This. Two has-been fighters trying to stir up publicity so they can both get one final payday for an alledged grudge match, only on pay per view. Too bad the germans actually took it seriously and it backfired. I'd say Frank Warren is already trying to book a venue.
  12. £lli$ ? Are you joking me? Lerner is a 1000 times better than that old word removed. A lot of people on here seem to have it in for lerner because of poor managerial appointments but you can't argue with the money he has put into the club and things like the holte hotel, Holte end mosaic. bodymoor heath etc. He's a great owner and I think is perfectly reasonable that he wants to trim the excessive wage bill that MON left us with. How quickly people forget...
  13. Steep them in coke overnight, rinse with water, dry, clean with WD40, do the missus up the wrong'un, job done. The last step may not be integral to the process of actually cleaning your clubs...
  14. I hate Rangers (and Celtic) with just as much passion as I hate SHA.
  15. Only a 10 point penalty? Hopefully they go bankrupt and cease to exist as a football club.
  16. No. We have 13 games left and need about 10 more points to be safe we'll get that even with him in charge. The relegation battle is between the bottom 5.
  17. Yep. Its unsustainable because we are not big enough or not able to generate enough income to be self sustaining as a top 5 club. That's the harsh reality. That's because its not possible. If you have a group of players who are good enough to get you into the top 6, then guess what they'll want pay packets that are the same as at the other top clubs, otherwise they'll be off. Football's all about money, simple as that. We don't have any so unless we get a shiekh in a la man city then we have to accept that we are going to be a feeder team for the bigger clubs, we can at best finish about 6th in the league and maybe we might get a FA cup or carling cup win sometime. That's it. We are not able to compete for CL or a league title.
  18. He does that all the time. He seems to think he can catch the eye by trying to hit 50+ yard passes and then fails 99% of the time. I thought he was awful yesterday.
  19. 19 goals in 37 starts for a midtable side like ours. The boy's not a bad striker, can't think of many that would get that kind of record here.
  20. :shock: Where are these signs? 45 minutes of decnt football versus QPR?
  21. I'd say it more to do with the fact that we are rubbish. Nike only pay to make the jersey's of the biggest and best clubs in thwe world. Its part of building the brand so that you associate Nike with the best. I can't say I'm surprised they don't want to pay us to make our jerseys anymore.
  22. My heart bleeds for him. He is a shit footballer. He is a terrible defender. The crowd booing or not booing him isn't going to change that.
  23. So we are ideally suited then? Yep. We are a midtable side because we have players like dunne/collins in the side. Simple.
  24. Nice of Mcliesh to come out and blast RVP for an elbow in an attempt to distract attention from his sides capitulation from a 2-0 HT lead and the inevitable blame that would come his way. I guess he must be learning something from Fergie...
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