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Everything posted by Nicho

  1. Needed a new laptop for a few months and whenever this happens I to to put it off until it can't turn on. Unfortunately Football manager is always in the way and I will use the release as a reason to buy a new one. Might even quit my job.
  2. Has anyone actually suggested that racism doesn't exist in football? Yes. Read between the lines...."If they were good enough....". So that's a no then. Does positive discrimination count
  3. With talk of Vardy from Leicester being called up to England, surely Berahino should be considered, always looks dangerous to me.
  4. People will be enticed to shop at Iceland because of Peter Andre
  5. Re-watching the whole series, currently on season 2 episode 4. As much as I know about what Walt becomes and I can see now that Skylar was the only one all along that could see he was lying. I still think she's a massive dick.
  6. Its not the same with out James Milner
  7. Nicho

    Doctor Who

    Other than the first episode i think the Capaldi era has had a really poor start. i get the impression that Capaldi wants to do things differently but is being restricted or made to do it in a way he is not comfortable with. I just feel that he is not living up to expectations right now and I can't blame him for that. On saying that the episode yesterday wasn't too bad I dont religiously watch but I some times tune in to pass the time. His script & mannerisms seemed so forced, they would fit the previous two doctors. Need to adapt to Capaldi.
  8. Me too, please pick me
  9. Imagine this team, defence might as well not bother
  10. Yeah you're missing quite a lot. A lot indeed, I thought he was great today, moved well with the ball, he's got that ability to shape his movement when with the ball that let's him ghost past players and if he dosnt opens up the gaps to pass into. He will be so dangerous when someone like Benteke is dragging a defence all over the place. On a few occasions I thought I bet Arsene has taken notice of that. By no means a finished article or even someone who has influenced or won a game yet but at 18 he has shown some quality of a top footballer that I havnt seen in any of the others we have brought through.
  11. With all the talk of Grealish potential and maybe playing for Ireland it got me thinking on top Irish players in the last 20 years. Cant think of many, Roy Keane, Paul Mcgath then below them Robbie Keane, Shay Given, Steve Staunton. Surely some Im missing. Only got a population of 4 million, but should they produce more top players than they do?
  12. Something like this, or only poor performance will get you dropped. Sounds ridiculously common sense, I want to see every player fighting for every minute like their lives depend on it.
  13. 6th! You pessimist
  14. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p9MMJgFKv24 Not really Saturday night music Edit, I've got no idea why it won't embed the video, sorry mods. It's been doing it automatically from my Ipad how do you actually do it???
  15. I think Sepp Blatter would step in and just make the league continue to play until we lost form and dropped out of the champions league spots.
  16. I'm glad to see he has that side to his game, I want us to show our dark side, teams need to fear us
  17. You're putting 2+2 and getting 37 to be fair. Don't you mean 21
  18. Quarter of the points we wanted at the start of the season with 34 games to go, see when we get to 40 and go from there. Well done Lambo great start and your beard is glorious. I liked the way he grabbed and thanked every player he subbed today, got a great team spirit going.
  19. If you type in RAWK into google it gives you auto fill option of RAWK meltdown
  20. We won and Im delighted, the tactics we used worked and Baker deserved MOTM. However we had them on the ropes with the formation and tactics we started with, who knows what would have happened but id have liked us continue to play like that. Hi im a Villan fan and Im never happy. But today I actually am.
  21. He defended well today, even passed it few times before we turned to defend and hoof setting after about 30 mins. Hes a big guy who can tackle, there is a future for him in the Premier League In my opinion. Whether that is with us and whether that be in 3/4 years time when hes matured is a different matter.
  22. I'd have liked to see Redknapp and sky say how well Villa are defending but no chance of that. I wish we lived in a world where Senderos would get called stupid for his kicks but actually be recognised as winding up the opposition "acting like a Sunday league" player in that circumstance I think is great, It's good to see villa players act dirty and do anything for the win.
  23. I was just typing that I'd thought Wilshere has had a good game, still over plays, but has looked strong in the challenge, he's been dirty him self and now a goal and an assist. Well played you little shit.
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