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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. Argentina was where I am thinking. It's without doubt some of the most beautiful landscape I have seen. Sounds like you had quite the adventure, I will look in to the specifics of your journey, thanks for posting. I love that you rode horses, that's actually on my bucket list as an activity I want to do at least annually. Don't get me started on Germany, the Red House Report and the Fourth Reich. Some elite Nazi scientists were employed by the U.S and involved in MK-Ultra. I have a tendency to take the conversation quite seriously, as some seemingly far-fetched realities are actually verified, yet often overlooked and not common knowledge or accepted. It's funny you mention it though, possibly the last thing related to South America that I expected to read on VT, Hitler's great escape!
  2. While there's truth to what you're saying, I think it a little on the harsh side, and not because it might potentially offend someone, rather that supporters do have a loose idea of events, certainly enough to know if something is succeeding or not. So even though the speculation and two cents can be touted with a little more conviction than it warrants, I wouldn't say it's beyond supporters to judge whether or not someone has fared well at the club. Am I a CEO? No. Have I read about what the roles and responsibilities are of a CEO, specific to football? I have. Do I know what transpired behind closed doors? Absolutely not. I think this would be applicable to the average supporter. They have some clue as to what's gone on, then the rest is left to the imagination.
  3. I remember seeing a few youth matches where I could see why people were talking about him. Seen absolutely nothing in the men's divisions to suggest he is going to find his feet.
  4. I thought this guy was meant to be a promising youngster. He only featured 7 times in the Scottish campaign? For some reason I was under the impression he was one of the championships better prospects?
  5. LBJ to LA then, not that I'm even remotely interested. I am a Chicago fan from the Jordan era, basketball has been a huge part of my life. My interest in watching the NBA is minimal right now, I watch one or two games per season. I spend more time researching player routines. I would be interested to watch Detail with Kobe. A breakdown analysis from one of the greats would be invaluable.
  6. Nothing set in stone but I will travel to NZ for a snowboarding trip in September if other commitments allow for it. It won't be in 2018, but I simply have to see Patagonia,.
  7. Bruce and players would be familiar with routines to be able to move forward with some degree of competency. Agree though not ideal. Preparation for the coming season, and a good start to it begin with the work we put in now. @theboyangel I'd imagine everyone to be back by now, unless I'm mistaken? Does anybody know if the games will be streamed on AVTV?
  8. Propaganda to suggest to the fans that plans were in place to get our act together and the club functioning as a proper football entity. The reality seemingly being that the extent of the planning in regard to the Villa Engine, was the most basic research in what supporters desire there club to be modeled on. I think it's pretty clear that the actions and words of Xia and Wyness were contradictory to their actions. I'd go as far to say that there was nothing implemented in the mould of what was spouted in this Villa Engine, only the opposite.
  9. That is a great idea. Run properly though could achieve exactly what you say. However no one is going to challenge the pedigree of the NBA for some time, if ever.
  10. Hey, now! You never should make fun of a woman's appearance! They are far from rubbish, but Spain did sweet f all to break down Russia. It was very tame. The idea that Russia would fumble an opening was a bit hopeful with the efforts given by Spain. Silva was of no consequence in the match and Isco was the only player to occasionally drive at a defender, until their substitute striker came on.
  11. Didn't catch the England v Colombia game. Saw France v Argentina, Spain v Russia, Brazil v Mexico and possibly forgetting one or two. Thoughts: For all their possession, Spain were dire and quite boring, Isco being the only player on the field to try and penetrate Russia, until their substitute striker was introduced. Mexico put up a decent showing vs a Brazil side that I wouldn't be surprised to see win the competition. Neymar, Willian and to a lesser extent Coutinho had too much for them. France were probably a bit fortunate to enjoy the 4-2 lead for the time that they did. Mbappe was class. And for all the criticism he gets, Pogba was good too.
  12. For some years I've enjoyed motivational speakers, not all of them, some are trash. Same goes for philosophy. The right motivational talker can really help me focus that discipline required to actualise my pursuits, especially creative. Then I am going to say any form of artistic endeavour of merit (and by that I mean basically, anything done well). Any showing of compassion, little or large. I'll come back to this thread for sure, great idea.
  13. If being in that position in itself is not motivation for players, I don't know how they've made it to be pro thus far. You need more than motivation to achieve success in the top tiers of sport. As I've said throughout the forum, I think it was a lack of planning and tactics that saw us fall short. I suppose you could say he failed to motivate the players in this regard. We agree that he failed when it mattered most. While I am not pleased or even content with what I have seen under Bruce for the most part, I do believe he had some minor victories as manager.
  14. I would love to think that it is. I think that's one thing the U.S.A does so well, sport. Basketball over there obviously being the pinnacle for any aspiring pro. No idea about baseball, but basketball is huge. We have a lot of kids who end up in the U.S playing college ball, but the commitments are huge and competition is amazing, as you might be aware only a half dozen or so have cracked in to the NBA meaningfully (talking about current players), but I would say that may increase in time. The money over here pales in comparison though. Our top earners might get $200,000 annually if they are lucky.
  15. "You don't say good luck, you say, don't give up" Congratulations, I hope it is a worthwhile endeavour for you. One of my basketball teammates was offered a $300,000 contract last year, I'm hoping that'll be me in the next few years. At 28 I don't have too many seasons left in me, but said teammate had never seen anything near that sort of money and is now 33, that's fairly significant money for Aussie basketball too. I'd need to put in work to get to his level, more than I'm on track for, but it's not beyond me. I have also recently been appointed to a mental health advisory board, in which I am part of the process of developing policy, addressing client complaints, interviewing potential psychiatrists and psychologists, reviewing and implementing systems, among other things. It's a role I'm really pleased to take on and hoping I can make some meaningful contribution to what is an integral part of the support delivered to people with mental health vulnerabilities. After roughly 8 years, I worked my last day in construction a fortnight ago. While it amazes me what can be achieved through the labour and thinking that goes in to building, it's not for me. Especially not being a semi pro athlete as well, too physically demanding. I am also a volunteer youth mentor for at risk youth in one suburbs commission housing project and a volunteer with the Salvation Army.
  16. I'm not. I think his tactics and how we set up were what was lacking. Especially come the POF where Fulham ran the first half. To me, it seemed like he had the players on side and playing for him. It was preparation, planning and organisation that let us down. Grealish says he loves playing under Bruce, why? It can't be for his adept tactical nous and knowledge. I'd guess it's because he gives Grealish confidence and motivation to play his game. Whilst I know we had the strongest squad, a team doesn't finish fourth in a professional division based purely on the cogs in the wheel, something about it's assembly has to be correct. For me one thing Bruce did succeed in was creating a professional and functional team environment, which requires motivation. Not to mention the fact that he chose to continue with the biggest job of his career after the death of his parents, I'm not excusing his failure in saying that, just acknowledging some courage and motivation shown by Bruce. Credit where it's due.
  17. Have been writing some lyrics recently. Pretty happy with one verse and have a few songs worth of material that I'll build on and probably rearrange. Thankfully it's hip hop as I have a terrible singing voice. A local artist who has toured with Ill Bill, Non Phixion and Ice Cube has offered me free recording time at his studio.
  18. I was at a friends place the other night and there was a group of us that hadn't met before and the discussion of football came up. "Who do you follow?" "Arsenal" "Liverpool" "United" "Aston Villa" Liverpool fan screws up his face and says disapprovingly, "Aston Villa, that's random". While I fully grasp the concept of what you've said @OutByEaster? I don't understand it. It reminds me of the lyrics, "The military ain't there for the people's protection, they're just there to protect an investment" As you say FFP is a measure taken to ensure TPTB keep their agenda running to schedule. My opinion is that it's often a detriment to the culture and spirit of the sport, or country in a military setting.
  19. I enjoy talking about the footy and reading other supporters feedback and input. So VT is where I frequent most. I will visit whichever thread is appropriate to my thoughts at the time. Recently discovered off topic which seems to have a few threads of interest and true to form given the opportunity and platform to express oneself makes for some engaging reading! Yes I check notifications. Yet to be irked by anything on the site. I will leave the site anytime I feel like meaningful discussion has run its course and will miss large parts of what's contributed at times. You asked!
  20. Might be old news here but the BM has reported an attempt at a 30% purchase as being declined as well as a different consortium making an offer for 51% ownership, also declined.
  21. A'Villan

    Do you read?

    I think I'll give this one a read. Thanks for the post. Blue Rage, Black Redemption is a worthwhile read. About Stan 'Tookie' Williams, the founder of the Crips gang. A moving story and whilst not an innocent man in a general sense, possibly innocent of the crime he was ultimately put to death for. A sad indictment of the U.S.A really. Shows the mentality and decisions a lot of young men make in order to get through the challenges of their environment, that is the Blue Rage of the Crips I guess. Then the beauty of what I believe to be a more innate quality of human nature and that is faith and good will, and for Tookie that would be Black Redemption. Ultimately Arnold Schwarzennegger decided that Williams was not sincere in his efforts of reform, citing that Williams still acknowledged people on the wrong side of the law at the time of the appeals for his death penalty to be overturned, and Williams was put to death. Whether he was completely innocent in the crime that took place is not my place to say, though someone more involved in the case would be one victims Mother, who campaigned to have Williams released from prison. Make of that what you will. I have, and I would recommend anyone to, read up on Fred Hampton. Shows how truly messed up the U.S.A is and how difficult it can be for POC to live. Assassinated at age 21, Hampton organised support for the homeless, community education, rallied for equality (not just for POC) and was a public speaker, among other positive endeavours. A part of the Black Panther Party, Hampton was seen to be a threat to 'American culture' and was therefore assassinated by the very people responsible for the upkeep of security, the FBI. I would try and source reading focused on the good work that Hampton was doing and his political persuasion than I would the corruption surrounding his death. The Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi. Often referred to as the worlds greatest Samurai, this is a book on strategy. Highly recommend, especially if you are interested in self discipline or martial arts. The Psychopath Inside. Not finished this one yet but an interesting read. A renowned psychiatrist who specialises in psychopathy one day takes a brain scan of a psychopath that turns out to be himself! I am pretty confident the remainder of the book takes a scientific as well as a more personalised reasoning as to why psychopaths are not the monsters we make them out to be and can be brought up in loving, law abiding homes and provide just the same. I personally have had a psychopath in my life and they are quite different, so it has been interesting to take a scientific tour, as for me I am always looking to overcome prejudice but I had little reason to from my personal experience. It was a timely reminder that people with all sorts of brain structure, from the common to the psychopath to the schizophrenic are capable of destroying lives and we all need assistance in learning to live as a community.
  22. If my mood surrounding Villa was a little more upbeat and lighthearted this would make me chuckle.
  23. From what I gather he's had issues with being unprofessional, so yeah. If you're not at training you won't know the plans or develop the chemistry. If you cost 12million and want to continue as one of the divisions better performers, you find a way to training.
  24. I'm inclined to trust your judgement of the situation a bit more than my own. I have a tendency toward optimism, and in this case, the hopes that Bruce will pull his socks up and not only get to work, but prove my doubts about his abilities wrong. We currently have a squad whereby even if halved, we would retain some of the divisions elite performers in recent years. So unless my understanding of our situation is flawed, which it probably is, I don''t see why any manager who's at our club can't at least have the faith in their ability as a coach to have this team challenging the top half. I don't have the best understanding of the division, last season was my first watching it, Wolves and Fulham were the only teams to impress me, but it seems achievable to me. Sure, we've criminally overpaid the people we've brought in, and as a consequence they are redundant as potential financial assets, they are a burden in that regard, however many are still in their prime and I don't see why Bruce or any coach should turn their nose up at the chance to build something from what we have.
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