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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. This probably shows my level of maturity. I burst out laughing. Sound MUST be on.
  2. True. Although the NBA has fans for most teams here in Aus. Perhaps Cleveland being the only team in which I wonder about, if they didn't have LBJ.
  3. If we're talking about the United States of America. Watch the documentary "How To Make Money Selling Drugs". In the event you don't have the time or interest for that, I'll try and nutshell it. There is a culture of planting drugs on people to meet their quotas (is that the right word?). Meet their targets. A police officer who was one of the biggest culprits is the source of this information, after deciding to change his ways and expose the culture. What prompted his change of heart? The guy started smoking the weed he was stealing and planting on people. It''s quite funny whilst being completely scandalous and in need of some ethical conduct, the so called protectors of the people. Can't speak for England, wouldn't have the slightest clue. Have done a fair bit of reading on the subject due to a shocking personal experience with police corruption here in Australia, it's rife. I am guessing you haven't, but I have also been a suspect and interviewed and honesty is not a police policy. Yes, it's a trick they have up their sleave.
  4. This is an excellent post and highlights why a monopoly in football may not breed strong and healthy competition but it doesn't nullify it entirely either. "Where there's a will, there's a way" as they say. The club needs to get in touch with the grassroots .Only a rat can win a rat race. God knows footballs full of them. How about some good sportsmanship. From top to bottom. Football, business, customer service, every facet got to have good sportsmanship. Athletes that love the club and the game as much as they do their paycheck. It's not airy fairy, unattainable or unrealistic, it's called having vision and with every principle there's a promise. As you say it's going to need to be thorough and substance over hype. Another thing you say which is bang on is that the fault is spread between Xia, Wyness and Bruce. Was it not Wyness that spouted the Villa Engine crap. Like we had come up with a formula for our own Southampton model only better, Europe in 5 years! Like we were going to achieve greater feats than arguably the greatest team of all time under the leadership of Rijkaard and then Guardiola. It took Barca longer than 5 years and they were already in a way stronger position than us. Utter shit. Success does not define us, we define the success. Just like it would be better to create a name for yourself than live of someone else. They're just marketing schemes, that'll lead the club to it's own destruction like sparking a fiend. It makes me feel like the biggest mug. I bought in to it.
  5. That random companies have access to my phone number and name, hard to identify numbers and an expectation that they'll be spoken to. *Puts on best bogan Aussie accent* Git Farked moite!
  6. *Swish!* When that ball find the net in basketball.
  7. A'Villan

    Keinan Davis

    This is a teenager playing in a Men's division. It's a rare thing for that opportunity to be given. Even rarer that they rise to the occasion. Did you see the game in which both Davis and COH played, I forget against who, where they had a couple of one-twos and linked up nicely. You could tell they have played together, and what they were bringing to the table was good enough for the championship. You being critical of Davis' decision making is premature. Unless you have seen his development first hand in the youth and under 23 setup and are making a judgement based on that. He's a young man who rose to the occasion my friend, as far as I'm concerned. I think the 'one of our own' comments that acknowledge his potential are of more realistic judgement than you give credit to. If we're talking stats, Davis has the same conversion rate as Torres did for Chelsea. Torres won the Champions League in that time and although far from spectacular played his role. My point here is not to say that Davis will win us the championship, rather that he was a role player in a relatively successful season and there's no reason he can't build on that. Especially given his age. You're the one not practicing realistic judgement should you bin him due to a 1 in 5 goal scoring ratio alone.
  8. I'll credit you the Belgium tip. I had Brazil down for the final. Surprised no mention of England in that prediction. But you go ahead and enjoy that cigar all the same, you''ve earnt it.
  9. Having a good nature, I think it's important to learn to be good to yourself as you would others. Which is going to involve disappointing people at times. I have learnt the hard way from both sides of the coin. I have put people at a disadvantage due to a lack of consideration or ability to make amends, and I have suffered as a consequence of others taking advantage of my generosity. I have a friend, who's homeless. Great guy, can't understand why he's living that way if I'm honest. He came very close to moving in with my Father at a very cheap rate of rent, I have given him money, we get along well. Yet the response I often get when I ask for a spare cigarette is that he's running low, and that, to him, might mean having 30 grams left! I'd pick your battles and only get annoyed with yourself if you knowingly go in to a situation that has an unfavourable outcome.
  10. Partially. There's $200 remaining. His girlfriend and I have been friends for years and has always done the honest thing by me, I think it's her influence that saw something returned. I think I will write off the rest unless this guy decides of his own accord to pay me back, I don't think he's been honest with himself about his ability to pay me, despite having the best of intentions. Know what you mean, can certainly be a source of tension!
  11. He does have fantastic ball control. Not quite at Coutinho's level yet though, understandably, who I was comparing him to, perhaps a little unfairly. I agree with you regarding players carrying the ball, and would be inclined to say that natural ability and poise weighs in heavily on someones ability to do so. Though it can be learned. It was English scouts who exposed the Brazilian methodology for creating players who could do just that. Instead of a systematic approach in the final third, their players are encouraged to make their own decisions and develop chemistry through their own imagination. Not very complex and doesn't seem to be revolutionary on the surface, but it works. Even their back line has decent ability on the ball and have had for some time.
  12. I wish and hope this to be the case. But you have to ask yourself does he actually feel partially responsible? I'd be surprised if he was so uninformed/unaware to what the plans and consequences of them would be. Whatever the case it would be brave of Bruce to take on the responsibility and show the leadership that the club craves for and endeavour to make the most of our season. The easy route of blaming the clubs past and current predicament and those above him or simply saying things didn't work out is there to be walked anytime he feels like it. He's got a big job ahead of him if this is to be his making.
  13. When was the last time Villa had a player that was worth 100million in todays market? That 90% potential is still only just being tapped in to, he has a long way to go to be worth 100million, but I think he's on track. Look at his shots, they're often a threat and either a near miss or forcing a save, his runs and weight of pass are so impressive. There was that volley too. Not too far off Coutinho's highlight reel, except Coutinho is much faster with better ball control. Able to do it on the European stage where Jack has only surmounted the championship. A big distinction at this stage, but Grealish is not yet the finished article. I understand your point about the club being priority though. The club won't get right without a decent football team on the pitch. That's the most fundamental thing there is here, it's players like Jack who attract the crowds which cteates the jobs around the place. You don't have a football club without the football. I'm a bit disillusioned with the club over Grealish's departure, management in general, so maybe I'm a bit moody at the moment.
  14. Much like guilt, shame and even humiliation can serve a purpose. To dissuade someone from repeating a similar course of behaviour. I agree. I don't know how I feel about what constitutes weak, even on a 'primal' or innate level. A male silverback gorilla will aggressively protect and even adopt an abandoned infant from another troop (family/group) if it has been abandoned. Chimpanzee that had been put through hell by human experimenting that was rescued and obviously traumatised, upon meeting another chimp, they just held hands for comfort, while the traumatised one shook/convulsed due to what it had happened to it. There was a lion that was found about to die and rescued by a woman who nursed it back to health and made arrangements with a zoo to give it a new home. Some time later the woman revisits the lion and you should see the affection this lion has toward her, a lion ffs. Google it if you don't believe me, there's video. So I am not of the philosophy that primal is innately harsh by nature. I wonder about where our culture is at, and where it's headed at times. Science is far from absolute and concrete, or the finished article. Done by virtue I only see it raising more questions than answers. Yet we can forget this at times and over indulge in how much we think we know due to a 'superiority' over other life forms. It pains me to see this kind of thinking and the behaviour that ensues. Cohesion stems from compassion, altruism and teamwork. Qualities that can go severely lacking in the business. Speaking of DNA, there's some pretty interesting research and study done revealing that conscious thought can and does change your DNA and genetic makeup. I can link you to a talk if you like.
  15. I wonder, were you conflicted at all about that choice? You seem jovial and easy going, perhaps you weren't. I loaned someone some money recently, they didn't repay it when they said they would, and ignored my calls for a month. In that time I deliberated with myself over it, as I never will lend anything I can't afford to lose, I didn't need the money with any urgency, but I wondered what stance and decision to make. Every principle has a promise and I wasn't going to end the follow up or wipe the debt without speaking to this person first. But I heavily considered just writing it off as it was of little consequence to me, on the other hand though I wondered if that really helped anyone, me being 'nice' and writing it off. I would be without some money and it teaches this person not to be accountable. Different situations I know, just curious to know if yours was an easy decision or not?
  16. Must be a little bit frustrating, if not stressful. Wishing you an open mind and amicable developments in the issues you face with family and partner. Make sure you take some time for yourself, even if it's the bare minimum, your health is essential to healthy and functional relationships. My family is currently fighting over the management of my grandparents well being and their inheritance to be. It's sad. Egos flare up and next thing you know my Grandfather has literally lost his mind as consequence of the stress that comes with seeing his children fight in a manner which is irreparable and highly toxic. He went from being an articulate lover of life perfectly capable of making decisions for himself and showing sound judgement to an irritable, constantly upset man with severe mental deterioration, memory loss and borderline delusion within the space of months, weeks even. All because one family member chose to do things illegally to maximise family profits and another said not with our parents money and titles you're not. Which has become a bitter legal dispute and torn the family apart, last thing my grandparents would have wished for in their final years. Sorry if that's inappropriate for the forum and way OT, I just wanted to convey the message that wealth is in the quality of your relationships.
  17. Just checked out the trailer and will give this one a watch I think. Cheers! Blackthorn (2011) is worth the watch without being spectacular.
  18. That doesn't make it any less disappointing. I am not the most sentimental person when it comes to footballers, even though I believe there should be more incentive for a broader spectrum of clubs that can attract the best talent in the world. Barcelona, Madrid and maybe Bayern having the sort of pull that they have does not raise the standard of the game and culture. England has a more balanced setup and I'm glad that I don't mention any English club as an entity that can pluck any player they want from any team they want, much more often than not, like the Spanish giants do. They've a monopoly on things and while perhaps not a hindrance to the game, doesn't inspire the best competition. So I see it as a practicality for lack of a better expression. I can't help but be a little bit sad about Grealish's departure though, he's such a fine emerging talent. Some of his runs, passes and near misses, on numerous occasion, were world class. Then there was that volley. Make no mistake about it he has the potential to be a game changer at the highest level does he stay on track. I never had such high hopes for Benteke or Young or Delph. Then add to the mix Jack is a Villa boy and the mismanagement surrounding his departure. It's all a bit dull and unfortunate. I'm all for turning a negative to a positive, but the fee he will command is inconsequential to me, I am not an owner or a CEO, I am a supporter and fan, of football, what Jack does, not money.
  19. Good points. Bielsa I think is a lot more intelligent, down to earth and level headed than he is often given credit for. He's not mad as in unstable, he's mad as in that he's different. I don't know how he will fare in England, and I know nothing of the Leeds setup, something I imagine will undergo quite significant change as Bielsa is demanding and rigorous in approach. But although I have studied his past, I have no real idea of how things will go at Leeds next season, I can only say I have confidence in Bielsa as a person as well as a football brain, not exactly the blueprint for how Leeds are going to get themselves promoted!
  20. Out of likes for the day. Well said, a balanced view and the club could do with this sort out mentality from it's fan base. I don't think it's going to happen under Bruce, as that stability and familiarity you mention can also borderline doggedness and complacency in approach, but let's hope that @TRO philosophy comes to fruition and a forced hand combined with sound work and judgement and some dumb luck (it'll be a factor) see us rise up against the odds and defy the conventional thinking that we cannot play a good brand of football or assemble a committed team without a great sum of money. I've said if twice on the forum and I'll say it a third, Bielsa got Bilbao to a Europa League and Copa Del Rey final in a season which 18 of his 25 players were either youth products, free transfers or bought for under 300k. He's an example of how you can take the football world by storm on a pittance with the right approach and stars aligning. Leeds are lucky to have him. In the letter I wrote to Xia earlier this year I asked him to consider his appointment and outlined why I thought he was someone for serious consideration. Not to be, and it's no guarantee he will succeed at Leeds. Bruce is our man for the foreseeable future and despite wanting a change in heads I will get behind him, as Mark points out, it will be integral to any success we might come across in the coming season.
  21. Losing him will be the biggest disappointment I've experienced while I've been a supporter. We've seen some tripe in the last decade or so, nothing has shone quite as bright as Grealish coming of age.
  22. Well spotted. Although with technology as it is it's perfectly possible translators were involved, given the magnitude of our situation, I would be surprised had they not spoken on some level.
  23. Okay, cheers for clarifying. I would say selling Grealish is our biggest setback of the three. That said I don't know what the future under Xia holds, and has been ominous for some time. Bruce, while not ideal, is a seasoned pro at this level and will give us some predictability. Or should I say stability/familiarity? He does give some positive news given all the crap that had been spouted of recent about where our club could be at.
  24. I don't know how to read through the lines of that letter. I honestly don't. If someone could break it down for me that'd be appreciated, because all I really took from it is that he's not looking to sell, he's backing Bruce and we're selling Grealish.
  25. Even during his allocated time off? Just curious, this period would be the little chance he has to unwind from it all for a short while. Now we're back, and we'll know the outcomes shortly.
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