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Everything posted by A'Villan

  1. A'Villan


    Yes. To try and make my post more extensive than one word, it is like comparing Ritalin to Methamphetamine, which would have more in common than THC and LSD.
  2. Working class. Mothers parents moved here in '59 and '57. Greek background. Not sure if people are aware but Australia might be multicultural but doesn't necessarily mean it's good to all cultures. Brought up in a single parent home, we often struggled to makes ends meet, and fortunately ended up in commission housing. Quotes which I think are apt to the thread: 'Corporate Media: The rich telling the middle class to blame the poor.' 'Class warfare kept out of the news, replaced by a corporations political views' 'Ain't no Uzis made in Harlem, not one of us in here, owns a poppy field'
  3. What are peoples thoughts of Aaron Russo, in particular his interview with Alex Jones claiming an approach and invitation by a Rockefeller to join the ranks? I am not a fan of Alex Jones, not in the slightest. Russo on the other hand, I'm not sure about. As the saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction", I am open to the idea he was telling the truth. There are shorter versions available, I trust that you can navigate your own way through YouTube.
  4. I only just noticed there was one. I'll take it there given that I have found little evidence to corroborate with Russo's claims.
  5. We are in total agreement over previous administrations and Clinton.
  6. On a completely different topic, what are peoples thoughts of Aaron Russo, in particular his interview with Alex Jones claiming an approach and invitation by a Rockefeller to join the ranks? I am not a fan of Alex Jones, not in the slightest. Russo on the other hand, I'm not sure about. As the saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction", I am open to the idea he was telling the truth.
  7. Good question. I would point to his dealings with North Korea and Israel, his plans to enhance U.S nuclear and missile capabilities, the removal of the U.S from U.N plans to overcome global migration issues, his repeal of climate initiatives, all to be examples where his actions have not only been of little benefit, but detrimental to the world. Then there are the concerns over his dealings with the same Deutsche Bank that was fined 630 million over Russian money laundering, his lender at the bank being the son of former Supreme Court Justice of the United States, Kennedy. As @TheAuthority points out, Kavanaugh was the clerk for Kennedy. Not to mention the 109 million in purchases of Trump property made in cash by Russians, an indicator of money laundering. Suspicious to say the least and only adds fuel to the fire regarding allegations over Trump's collusion with Russia in 2016. Which would be treasonous if found to be accurate. I'm sure there's more, but I think you get the picture, my opinion is that he is an unethical businessmen and a power hungry individual, the last thing we need is more of the same.
  8. Is it wrong that people want to prevent him from damaging not only the country they live in, but the world at large, just because they are the minority? I mean it's yet to be proven but there are claims he was not a fairly elected president, and if they are found to be correct, then that might go a step further and show his actions to be treasonous. It's not because Trump has been elected but more to do with the way politics operates in general, that I can see why Socrates took issue with democracy. No, you're right, his voters would each have their own reason for voting on Trump. As we have seen though, a large portion of those people are not educated on policy or making informed decisions when casting their vote."Space Force" video was a good case in point. Trump speaks with conviction and is unapologetic, this appeals to some people as qualities of a good leader, they would rather have someone who backs themselves in a fight, regardless of moral merit, than someone with noble cause who lacks confidence and conviction when presenting. "Cause if you go platinum it's got nothing to do with luck, it just means that a million people are stupid as *uck."
  9. Apparently Kylie Jenner is worth more than a billion.
  10. @Straggler You might find this article worth the read, and if you give it any credibility, in line with your fears about Trump. @bickster Now, this would dive in to conspiracy territory. " From 2003 to 2017, people from the former USSR made 86 all-cash purchases — a red flag of potential money laundering — of Trump properties, totaling $109 million. In 2010, the private-wealth division of Deutsche Bank also loaned him hundreds of millions of dollars during the same period it was laundering billions in Russian money. " http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/07/trump-putin-russia-collusion.html
  11. I've got my opinion on which it is, though I wonder and still deliberate over, whether consciousness is merely a product of the human mind, and has no soul or afterlife like a generator creates electricity and ceases to when it stops working or is broken. Or, if consciousness' relationship is more like the T.V signal to the T.V set, where when the T.V stops working or is broken the signal remains, and there is a soul and an afterlife.
  12. It was the 2014 WC. Saved two of five. Can't remember why exactly LVG made the switch, I think it was because Krul had two inches on Cillessen. He was excellent at times for Newcastle, won player of the year for them.
  13. @mottaloo That is strange to me, I've never come across it. Then again, I've never had an office job.
  14. At least Belgium vs England is on straight afterwards, in the event we are miserable in this, it might be a welcome distraction.
  15. It's possible. Certainly not nailed on for him to be as good as we think he will, he's 23 in a month or so and it's yet to be seen how influential he can be at the top level. I think he'll be world class but he'll need to improve exponentially for that to happen in the next few years. Right now, Jack is probably on track to be a decent Spurs player, rather than a Palace or Real Madrid player. Speaking of Palace, not a terrible place to end up in recent years. They have: Zaha, who didn't cut it at United, is apparently now worth 70 million. Got his move to United at Jack's age. Townsend, who's Spurs career didn't last, still a solid top tier player. Enjoyed his first season as a regular for Spurs at Jack's age. Benteke, we know his quality, despite not quite making the grade at Liverpool. Had his breakout season at Jack's age. Cabaye, who started in a world class PSG side, just left. Was already a nailed on starter for Lille at Jack's age. I think he could end up at Real Madrid, so let's have a look at two former Spurs who did just that: Gareth Bale, while he was a Spurs regular earlier, Bale arguably had his breakout season at Jack's age, one year later he would bang in over 20 goals for the season. Luka Modric, scored 17 goals in a season for Dinamo Zagreb and sealed his move to Spurs at Jack's age.
  16. My mistake, wikipedia has him as a current international but his last match of any significance was that match in 2014 at the WC, he's played once back in 2015 since.
  17. One that I would take a gamble on, though would we be able to afford his wages? He's still an international so I'm guessing he's going to command a wage that reflects that.
  18. That's great to know. Think this season is too early for a shot at the first team?
  19. Have a look at the careers of Coutinho and Silva, where they were at when they were his age, look at his highlight reel from last season (albeit in the Championship). Come back and tell me you don't have a potentially world class player on your hands, and I'll punch you in the face, as I'll still be as devastated then as I am now.
  20. It's not a very realistic list, but I would say only half or thereabouts are too old or not good enough. The others probably just wouldn't want to come, unfortunately, though might be an improvement on what we'll have available. I am very aware that apart from the two I have put an emoji next to, no supporter at Villa would be jumping with joy about the rest.
  21. Ronaldo has had some pretty spectacular teammates at United, and good at Portugal. United in Ronaldo's 2007-08 season: Tevez, Rooney, Nani, Ferdinand, Evra, Vidic, van der Sar, Giggs, Scholes, Pique. I can't really argue that Messi has not been surrounded by talent at Argentina though, certainly a better team than Portugal in recent years.
  22. A'Villan


    Not so sure, they've managed to win the Champions League and Premier League in recent years. I suppose it's a miracle no one got offed in their rise to supremacy, being owned by Abramovich and all.
  23. Didn't have it in me to get up for another 4am KO on a weekday, so missed the England vs Croatia game. Belgium vs France was excellent viewing. France were brilliant at times, truly. Every 2nd pass was a back-foot flick-on, not so truly, but still. I think Pogba deserves a special mention this tournament. He's been slated left, right and center for his club performances and has shown the world that he is in fact a player capable of the top level. I had never seen Mbappe play before the tournament, my word, does he have some career ahead of him.
  24. So does Ronaldo when he's rolling around on the floor wincing when nothing's happened to him. It's not a defining quality of their career, Messi has been brilliant for Argentina. I say that being of the opinion that Messi is the better player. Even though he is obviously enhanced by the Barca system, Ronaldo is enhanced by the quality that surrounds him at Madrid.
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