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Everything posted by pas5898

  1. Schools can't close yet. In fact closing the schools will only make the situation worse. Generally speaking: Schools close > Parents go to work > Grandparents look after the diseased little ones. Generally Speaking: Schools Close > Nurses have no one to look after their kids > We are down on critical NHS staff If / when the schools close, our in-laws will need to look after them (both 60s) because neither me or my partner can afford to live off sick pay. If you are in the fortunate position able to stay at home with the kids or both WFH then the government should advise that, and actively encourage those able to take the kids out of school.
  2. We are a young family 28, 32 with a 6 and 2 year old - therefore (according to the government) highly unlikely to be very ill with the virus. My mom is self isolating herself, with me just dropping shopping off and not coming indoors. The in-laws are in Lithuania. Are we to live our lives as normal? If we catch it then contributing towards the herd immunity. This strategy surely works on many "fit people" catching it. Or do we self isolate as much as possible? Minimising contact with the outside world. That said if everyone self isolates there won't be herd immunity. I wish those in charge (the CMO, not the government) would come out and be blunt. An example of my Bi-polar nature to this conundrum was this weekend. Saturday we went to Sealife center, Sunday we battened down the hatches and didn't leave the house. What am I supposed to do!
  3. My wife returned from a 2 - day trip to Lithuania a couple of days ago. Delayed getting off the plane by 45 minutes because a passenger said they had a fever, felt unwell and had "the virus". Ambulance arrived and escorted them off the plane. The rest of the passengers exited with absolutely no checks, advice etc. Just went home as usual. I understand there's hypochondriacs, but regardless everything should have been investigated.
  4. With this regime at least we have sellable assets to balance against the losses. Compare to the previous regime we had spend our entire FFP "budget" and were left with Whelan, Jedinak, Hogan (I know), Adomah, Elphick, Gardner, McCormack and countless others who were worth negative equity once their wages were balanced out. From NSWE's perspective, even though they have put in affect 100m+ into the club the assets of Mings, Grealish, Mcginn, Luiz, Targett, Konsa etc FAR out weigh that.
  5. Thanks Both. I'll be sure the try that! I'll aim for £30
  6. The figure of confirmed cases is likely to be substantially higher, maybe even by a factor of 2/3/4x, especially as 80% of people on have "mild symptoms" and it doesn't appears to hit children hard at all. My children are basically walking diseases anyway. They always have coughs, colds etc.
  7. Bump on this thread! I'm going to give notice to leave Virgin Media. I have the whole whack with Sky Sports, BT Sports, VIP TV and decent internet (costs a ridiculous amount). Kids only watch Youtube or Netflix and never watch "normal TV". Thinking of just getting a Broadband package and BT Sport (I access another Sky Sports if necessary). Any recommendations?
  8. Southampton at home will be a pivotal moment for West Ham. In a tough run of fixtures it's a "winnable" game at home. Bit like us with Watford at home, it's a must win for them. For me, if they win they are huge favourites to stay up, baring in mind they have "winnable" fixtures at the end of the season.
  9. Whoever the new Labour leader is, and their agenda will be a huge pivotal moment in UK politics. Rudderless Labour, appear to be moving further over to the left (go woke - go broke), whereas a more centrist view is the only way for Labour to have a hope in the ballot box. The woke police (see Dawn Butler) appear to have infiltrated the labour party, and to be blunt the majority of normal, hard working straight forward people can't be bothered with it. Whether you are blue, red or undecided its vital to have a credible opposition.
  10. I'm going to defend the City fans a bit, they don't have the thousands and thousands of tourist fans like Liverpool and United or the pull of being in London. As a club for how they've done things they are unlikeable. With a fairly "normal" fanbase albeit slightly inflated by success, its hard to afford the extra travel on a school night, trip to wembley then the extra £60-£70 for the Madrid game at home. I struggle to afford Villa as it is, having the extra cup final match has put a dent in this months finances. If I had a champions league game as well (most likely £200+ for 3 tickets) i'd probably have to miss a game or two.
  11. West Ham have a very "easy" end to the season with 5/6 games against relegation rivals. Newcastle, Burnley, Norwich, Watford, United and Us. They will be confident of winning at least 3 of those, bringing it to the last game of the season against us. For me, Saturday is a must win.
  12. Villa Trust AGM, held last night. Purslow did a quick Q&A. There's a podcast with most of the conversation here:
  13. The more he scores, the more he's worth at the end of the season. I'd be delighted if he scored loads and we got 10m for a player we couldn't even loan out at some stage.
  14. Set up to win 4/5 of the last 6 games to stay up, annoyingly.
  15. I live in Leicester. Drive to all games home and away if anyone wants to share a lift!
  16. On The Barca Richarlison topic. Barca and Madrid are the master of unsettling players, therefore getting them for slightly less than their market value. They bid for Richarlison this Jan, knowing Everton would never part with him in the winter without the possibility of a high quality replacement. He will now be unsettled, hand in a transfer request in the spring and move to Barca in the summer. Happens with pretty much all high profile signings from the PL to La Liga.
  17. Bruce had a club with Tuanzebe, Mcginn, Hourihane, Grealish, El Ghazi, Bolasie and Tammy Abraham down around 14-16th in the championship. Smith promoted us. Let's not compare them as managers.
  18. Jim White mentioned the Sturridge link on Talksport this morning. Jim said he text his contact within Villa and received this response. ""I've literally never heard his name mentioned at our club". It doesn't make sense at all for us to be in for him. He's old, on high wages and injury prone. It's lazy journalism, we need a striker, he's on loan, from Birmingham and Purslow had him at Liverpool.
  19. Always supported Kodjia, however at the end of that game - the amount of times that Grealish ran PAST Kodjia to chase down a defender was a joke. He was fresh and only sprinted once. He knows he is off, he doesn't care. Deano knew that which is why he hasn't played him. With the exception of Fulham i'm pretty sure thats the last we have seen of him in a Villa shirt (providing Keenan is fit).
  20. pas5898


    Got absolute pelters on twitter for saying the 40m bid for Zaha was an insult and they should double it. Their fans are absolutely deluded. We are being quoted 25-30m for championship players! Zaha is probably the 2nd best player in his position in the league.
  21. Its 15million pound investment. A medical will be required for insurance purposes, and to ensure he's not likely to retire after we spend 15m on him! I don't check a car out when i rent one on holiday. I check every single damn thing when i buy one for keeps!
  22. Im a 31 year old man, actually considering adding the PL badges to the kit next season. Does that make me pathetic?
  23. Noticed in one of the warm ups at Rotheram away., rather than going through the usual motions of warming the keeper up he was still coaching Steer. He megged Steer on a 1 on 1, then spent the next ten minutes teaching him to bend his knee inwards when "spreading" himself to block a shot. He even pulled over Sarkic (I think) and did the same with him. It shows, that he is always looking to improve a keeper, rather than just "going through the motions", even when warming up for a vital match
  24. People have short memories in football. 17/18 he outperformed Terry and was a rock for us. I can see him coming in at CB in the premier league. He at least deserves a chance, depending on if he can recover enough,
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