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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. I once made a joke amongst friends - I'd heard it earlier that day and I will be honest made me burst out laughing: "What goes 'mark, mark !!" "A dog with a hare lip !" Silence.....til one of my friends said that his daughter has a hare lip. He was coolish about it but I learned my lesson about edgy jokes.
  2. Haha ! Nah, as a spritely 56 yr old i recall it well, good ol Griff R.J. Long live Toxteth O'Grady and his record breaking bogie
  3. Surely people aren't that thick not to believe the publicity and outrage such a video would receive. Surely not ? Then again....
  4. Erdo Pete on about referee conspiracy theories with decisions that gooo against the blooze. Mate.
  5. Archer, possibly. Davis, very doubtful.
  6. Not fussed on maccers but will admit I have a weakness for BK bacon double cheeseburger XL....along with their fries....I always ask for a diet drink just cos the full sugar ones are too sweet. The irony is not lost on me.
  7. mottaloo


    Sorry to be "that guy"....but all I could hear in my head when reading your post was :
  8. You're in sales and you drive a burbling audi ? I see a flaw in your statement there
  9. In my previous job, I dealt with more than the occasional male victim of DV....one in particular, where a 19 stone, 6'4" builder was being physically and mentally abused by his 8st, 5'3" girlfriend. She totally f*cked with his mind and gaslighted the hell out of him. Hard to believe but as choffer implies, the media narrative is often wrong. There is no shame or stigma attached to this, nor should there be.
  10. In America (and in the movies at least) when cars pull up, stop and the car is put in to "park" mode, is it me or does the car roll forward a little after all that ?
  11. Ireland looked pretty useful today. Big test in Paris next week
  12. Jeez, sheff utd are as bad as sha. Awful game.
  13. Probably gonna write one of his amazing songs about bruceball.....or one about his jealousy and bitterness towards us. Again.
  14. Stans gunna be rockin' tonight mate, full of proppa blooze mate, protesting with whistles and faceless masks mate, on nashnul telly. Probably will be rockin' - more to do with the crumbling foundations ! Mate.
  15. I'm no roy Keane fan especially after he walked out on his country at Japan World Cup, but he is right. Agbonlahor will probably surround himself with other wastemen hangers on, massaging his ego and therefore think he's not making a clearing in the woods of himself.
  16. Have checked their Wikipedia page and we are listed as a customer from next season, even though I know anyone can edit these pages to say whatever.
  17. Castore been confirmed as new kit supplier then ? Their stuff ain't cheap, even their regular sports apparel is pricey.
  18. Another ringtone of mine. Class tune.
  19. Micky Quinn, Jamie O'Hara, Gobby Savage, Danny Murphy....does that answer your question ?
  20. Kind of know what you mean. It was bloody lovely and the red lion deffo know their grills but I did feel I was getting a smaller portion of meat (kw gif) for my money. That said, my memory probably played tricks with me. Some places do take out but I agree with you; there's nothing better than a group of mates, a few beers, good craic and tasty grub. Hope you can rally the troops soon !
  21. As long as Snoddy doesn't end up at sha as a free agent, I'll be happy !
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