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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. Just started the 3rd series of After Life and I might get some pelters for this, so I've put it in a spoiler :
  2. Got to be honest, I love a good geezer film....ever since I saw lock stock & two smokin barrels. I know it doesn't take the acting ability of a Larry Olivier to shout "you caaan' !" or give some slaaag a slap but, like the wiseguy films starring De Niro, Pesci, Pacino et al, I just think they're pure entertainment, even if the likes of Craig Fairbrass or Frank Harper couldn't lace those americans' shoes for ability.
  3. Yeah, I've that Jason bloke before, trying to be everyone's mate. A bit cringeworthy to say the least but he's preferable to that motormouth Alan, yeah ? Yeah ?
  4. In my opinion I really don't think there is such a thing as banter between the two sets of fans now. I am of an age to remember the 80s derbies whilst a bit naughty, I always felt safe enough going to them. Now it's so toxic I dread the fixture, not cos we're expected to win and would never hear the last of it if we lost.....no, it's the sinister underbelly, the moody feeling especially at their place when we're in town (mate). They have eff all going for them, that one idiot thought it was a good idea to run on the pitch and bitch slap our captain and now he is lauded by some at the sty for it. Perhaps I'm just getting old but I really can't think of the last time I had harmless leg pulling craic with a bloser.
  5. Yeah, done that myself. Too knackered to bother with train or bus....just walk out of the terminal and there they are, all lined up outside. Even as I walk across to the rank, half of my brain is saying I won't get change out of £40 whilst the other half shouts STFU and get in !
  6. Whenever I see those pics all I can think of is how much effort making and transporting the coffin to that away game, never mind the time and money wasted doing it. Also, what were the home fans thinking, seeing grown men - not kids - prancing around outside their ground with this joke of a display ? The mind boggles at the degree of their obsession with us !
  7. Skudder is just another bitter bloser. Nothing to see here folks...
  8. I think we've all faced that situation
  9. FFS....don't give VAR more options to use against us in future
  10. I think it's a desperate attempt to have a distraction from the monotonous crap they go through daily. "We may have been knocked out by a lower division team but at least da vile got screwed over by VAR !!"...cue more hawkeye bitterness.....hoping our loan signing from Barcelona breaks his leg in training....how is Minge in the England team.....at least we drink in town mate.....and so on. Now bacon face and greasy fanny have left they are struggling to pinpoint their vitriol. They are pure shit...the club and it's administration are a joke, the ground is falling down....yet they take some perverse pride in being shite somehow, cos they break yer heart Tom
  11. I met a woman off a dating site who lived in Solihull and we arranged to meet up at the Olton tavern. Jeez......talk about the land that time forgot ! When I went to the bar there were a few JLR hardcore shouting across to each other if they were goooin down Stans on Saturday. It was all I could do not to make a smart arse comment. As for the date, fit as fck but a proper bunny boiler so sacked her off. Mate.
  12. True - I'd not long woke up from my night shift (not at JLR by the way, mate)
  13. I have it on good authority (but I'm not saying who !) that Erdo Pete has formed a consortium with Martin O'Connor, Jasper Carrott, mascot Beau Brummie, the chief shop steward at JLR and Polly to buy the club that proudly promotes the city's name wherever they go. Called "Proppa Blooze Mate ltd" it has gathered momentum at an alarming pace with key points in their manifesto being: - Expand Stans to 75,000 to accommodate all the JLR night shift - OR....relocate in the centre of town to allow easier access to proppa brummies from their favourite watering holes. - Compulsory knowledge assessment for all fans concerning de Vile, with only those who get a pass mark of 90% or above declared as proppa blooze. Mate. - End of season shirt retirement ballot on which blooze player gets over £1,000 in transfer fees to the club when they leave. - Canvassing for keep right on to become the new national anthem. - Total ban on anything chinese, including that takeaway after a night's drinking in town. ...and so on. Mate.
  14. Oh yeah I agree it'll never happen but i mentioned it only just for the shit and giggles it's whipped up on their forum Mate.
  15. What a surprise. Said no opposition fan at man ure. Ever
  16. This.....THIS is really the game I want to win more than any other this season. Our home league record against them is truly awful and little else would give me pleasure than sending those glory hunting man ure fans back to Tamworth after we dick their team. Please let it be so.
  17. Any kind of sourdough bread toasted with lashings of that fancy m&s seasalt crystal butter on it is the bomb !!!
  18. SHA forum thread on the possible post Commonwealth games move to alex stadium is pure gold ! Like shooting fish in a barrel !
  19. Glenda Jackson...when she was acting and not being a politician. Another shout for Felicity Kendal too
  20. Feyenoord or small heath.....? Eff me, that's a tough choice Amad
  21. My mate works with "our jude's" mum and says she is sound as. Bad parenting though, letting them go to the sty
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